Faithful readers found me contemplating venting with possible gains relating to an extremely, one would say, trivial matter. Did not want to be viewing CNN from the breakfast buffet. There wee two televisions. I ascertained by asking the men at a nearby table.
Me: Are you watching CNN on the television
They: No we are not.
Me: So you will not mind if I ask if it be changed to another channel.
They: Not at all.
I found NAN, putting forth my request for a change of channels.
She: Of course on the one television, in the room you are in.
Me: That is perfect, That is all I am asking.
I requested a children’s program but none were available. There was a movie, with bare chested men and the promise of sex.
Me: My goodness. Perhaps sex on television! This is not Saudi Arabia
She: No it is not. It is Bahrain.
That is Saudi Arabia. Goodness knows one should not be watching anything remotely resembling sex on television or anywhere, with its sex segregation. What happens when you severely limit contact between men and women during their formative years? Homosexuality occurs because of raging hormones and not place to put it.. Look no further than the public school system among the aristocratic Brits. It is the same thing in these parts. More about that later. In the Middle East is particularly affects Royalty because they are forced to marry their cousins and usually they are not ever viewed as sexual objects.
Well, there was no sex on television. But male bare chests – most appealing, particularly hairy ones. Hairy chests are preferable to CNN news about Trumps trial. I would rather be looking at a hairy chest than Trump’s bizarre hair and hair color any day.
I look back on my life and see that I have been successful in almost all areas of my life except three. The three exceptions are as follows. !) I can not sing, 2) I cannot do math and 3) Men of all shapes, sizes, nationalities, common men and Royalty. Thank goodness my relationships with them fall apart – blissfully quicker than usual. No more 18 year old marriages to an alcoholic man for me, thinking somehow I could change him. I am so blessed to be of the Islamic Faith. I am going to wait until Jannah – the date selection will be much improved. Both the edible variety and the other. I have to die first but I shall impatiently wait until them. Hahaha. No more mere mortal men for me. That could be the title of a book – then reveal in detail what losers they turned out to be. Derek Englander is the prime example. He was/is a physician, worked with husband number one. After the divorce I ‘saw’ Derek intermitently over the years. He ended up super rich, living just up the street from the Metropolitan Museum in a building he owned. It is an hilarious story. He was an Irish Jew. We had the following conversation.
Me: An Irish Jew? There must not be many Jews in Ireland.
He: Two. Me and my cousin.
We are now going to get extremely serious. Wipe the smiles off your face. Now to more Instagram positivity. Unbelievable inspiring positivity.
Another Instagram post by the brilliant Shahid Bolton: Rallying Behind Israel. I responded to his brilliance by saying:
Me: Everything you say is absolutely true about the absolute immortality of the USA. I am a recent blessed revert at the age of 77. Beat u by a Marin County police department forced to leave after being a respected citizen for 50 years. So I fled. Now a refugee with retirement income from my County employment. Alhamdulillah.
I have received 1 Likes to this Response, so far, less than 24 hours since my Response appeared. Responses and SO many blessed comments. Alahumma Brak habibty. Another: Sending you lots of love. Another: Mashallah sister. May Allah grant you blessings and mercy. Another: Mashallah Sister. Congratulations. May Allah protect you. I respond to the people, thanking them, responding that I am truly blessed and always adding Allhamduillah
Here is the link to the post from this brilliant man.
This another post, which comes, by the way from the auspices of themuslimreaders. So informative their posts, so inspiring. They have thousands of viewers which explains the numbers of Likes to my Responses.
“When empires inevitably collapse it is rarely due to their loss of economic or military power. It is not the loss of ‘strategic position’ or control over resources. Rather their internal institutions simply crumble beneath the weight of moral depravity.” I responded: Me: And we are definitely seeing that in the US and other Western powers aligning themselves with Israel. Their moral depravity has come into light, into focus.
This response has received 55 likes and two replies: Reply 1: As a US citizen I say your statement is absolutely TRUE Me: I too am an American citizen. Blessedly now living in Saudi Arabia. Reply 2: The end is near and inevitable. The question is will it be in our lifetime. Me: Maybe not mine in mine because I am 80.
My personal life is in total and absolute disarray
At the moment my personal life is in total and absolute disarray for many reasons, most relating to the actions of ‘Praiseworthy’ who takes no responsibility at all for his actions. Oh well, he will someday, that I know for sure. I will not complain to you, gentle readers as there is absolutely not a thing you can do to help. Thanks anyway. I am putting in huge amounts of effort with the able assistance of NAN, who is a Christian, by the way.
This is what I did yesterday. In the midst of great worry I, expecting a call from my credit card company who has inexplicably put a hold on my credit card. Chase promised to call back I was spending a fortune on long distance charges from the hotel. They never did call back.
However, there I was armed with my phone and also left messages with my hotel as I gave them both numbers I went to Crossroads for their mushroom risotto for lunch. It was amazing as you shall see. There was a special place. I ate my delicious risotto surrounded by books with amazing titles. I could not believe my good fortune. I borrowed a book by Phillippa Gregory. I knew her name, she had an historical novel: The Other Boleyn Girl. Gregory is an amazing scholar, holds a PhD in eighteenth century literature from University of Edinburgh. The borrowed book: Fallen Skies begins with a quote which shall be pictured, along with the book.This is what it says: “Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins. We start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard word; There is now no smooth road into the future, but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We’ve got to live no matter how many skies have fallen.The quote is from D.H. Lawrence. Look to see the book. No way that book could be read in Saudi Arabia, that is for sure. The book written in 1928 was banned. You will see.
So photos of the books at CrossRoads, the quote from the book and the encouraging message from my Muslim Little Sister. Alhamduillah
But this is just in. I responded to another brilliant reel b by
But onto other examples of my positivity, some were revealed on Instagram.
I point with pride to the positive effect that I have on people’s lives. Very recently I received a message from a woman I met briefly during my Vancouver Canada days. This is how it began.
She: Fellow May 29th baby, I’m sixty this year. JFK’s birthday. I was four months in utero when he was shot. Wishing you a happy day in the life of Alexis this day. Thanks for checking in.