My life is so incredibly blessed – the blessings abound. Abound is, again, the perfect word. Abound, a verb: exist in large numbers or amounts. Used in a sentence: Rumors of a further scandal abound. A similar definition: abound in/with) have in large numbers or amounts: Used in a sentence: Bahrain abounds with wildlife. I shall now surround you with synonyms: overflow with, teem with, be packed with, be crowded with, be thronged with, be jammed with; be alive with, be overrun with, swarm with, bristle with, be bristling with, be infested with, be thick with; be crawling with, be lousy with, be stuffed with, be jam-packed with, be chockablock with, be chock-full of.
However, habitually, first there in the hardship before the blessing. . The tale of New Year’s Eve 2023 is one brimming with both hardships and blessings – one could say, in equal numbers. We shall begin with the hardships. I am a woman alone, without a husband without family, without a bevy of girlfriends. A bevy is a a large group of people or things of a particular kind. There is a bevy of synonyms: gang, troupe, band, body, crowd, pack, army, herd, flock, drove, horde, covey; bunch, gaggle, posse. The thought of having a posse, a gaggle, a horde or a troupe of girlfriends is not particularly appealing. Well, to me anyway. One could have a herd, a horde a covey of men surrounding you but that would be rather, shall we say, inconvenient.
So here I am at the stellar Bahrain Ritz Carlton with a bunch of New Year’s Eve events and venues – but ones not exactly beneficial to an old lady alone. The large and glittery celebration featured a band, the Lost Souls, which I had met. They were from Wales – we briefly discussed the possibility of me becoming, for the first time in my life, a groupie.
A groupie is a person, especially a young woman, who regularly follows a pop music group or other celebrity in the hope of meeting or getting to know them. Except for the young part, it seemed a rather good idea, the band members most affable. But the event was terribly expensive. It was 90 Bahrain dollars. Now 90 does not sound very expensive. Alas the currency exchange rate on the Bahrain dollar has to seen to be believed. It is the second strongest currency in the whole world; Kuwait is worse (or better if you are from Kuwait). Looking for a weak currency? Go to Iran, it is the weakest. MY hard earned US dollars = .38 Bahrain dollar. Pound sterling: is .47995. Surprisingly, the Canadian dollar does a bit better, not much but a little: 3.5146.3
Well, this has been a bit depressing. But onward, upward and backward to New Year’s Eve. Met a couple checking into the hotel – she is Muslim, he from Scotland. We laughingly spoke of the likelihood of all of that. Spoke, very seriously. of having dinner together at Trader Vics. She was going to contact me through Instagram. She never did. How terribly rude and inchoate.
Did she think I was interested in her husband? The answer is no. Whatever. I was immeasurably thankful, and shall remain so for her Inchoateness because I had the very best New Year’s Eve ever. Connected with so many people from my past and my present. It was an embarrassment of riches. Connections through instagram and WhatsApp. I felt thoroughly treasured, valued, remembered and loved. Shall mention a few. Two were met very recently at this hotel, funny warm compassionate Muslims – both married (not to each other), a man and woman. Both very attractive – both in their thirties. Feel like I have known both of them my whole life, perhaps in another life even. They live nearby, just over the causeway, that links Bahrain to Saudi Arabia. Saudis come here to relax without all of the rules. It is a luxury, not the airfare (of course) but the exchange rate. 9.93 Saudi Riyal to 1 Bahraini buck. Yikes.
She: I am sure we were put in each other’s life for a reason.
Me: I agree!! The odds of us even meeting, catching the same elevator, at the same time. It is mind boggling.
We had serious conversations about serious things.
She: But were you always wild, crazy and fun? Or did you become that way when you got older.
Me: No, not always this way at all. I was abused as a child, so very obedient.
She was so absolutely shocked, so sad for me, She wanted, understandably, to know the details.
Me: I do not mind you asking but I never speak of the details. It was scientifically proven to take place. But too awful for words. I have found peace with it over the years, Rehashing the morbid details helps no one. It is stupid to look back.
On a lighter note:
She: I said to my cousin I hope and wish I am like you at your age. I wonder how you were at 42.
Me: Well I was funny but I get funnier when I am happy and I am happier all the time
She: I think we would have been best of friends.
Me: I agree, We would be laughing like fools.
She has a great husband and two young daughters. We plan to meet in a couple of weeks, I am so looking forward to it!!!
Then an exchange with a man, I have never met. He had written: Palestine is not content. Palestinians are are more than images and videos. Social media is neither your friend nor mine. This platform should not deceive you into believing that your activism ends after you have viewed and shared the daily show. This is real life, both horrific and atrocious. The devastation in Gaza cannot be fully captured by any hone screen or carrier. Instagram ad tech companies cannot fool you into believing that activism relies on algorithms. It doesn’t.Our activism, support, and desire for the dignity of Palestinian lives depend on our intentions, knowledge and right action. .
Me: That is so wise and so true Knowledge must lead to involvement not the other way around. Involvement without knowledge is cheap and superficial.
He: Exactly.
Me: I love it when we agree. Great minds think alike, Fools seldom differ. Hahaha
He: I appreciate you Alexis! I appreciate your presence and your input always
Me: We are a mutual admiration society. Your writing inspires me. I am writing of our interchange on my blog.
Two days ago I met two Saudi men in the lounge. We began talking, they asked me to join them (and later paid for my French onion soup.) We laughed and joked together. They were in pain due to partying and feeling down and out. I cheered them up considerably. They said I was just what they needed. We exchanged our Instagram contacts.
Me: Had the best time with you guys yesterday. It was just what I needed as well.
He: It was our pleasure. walla thank you (several emoji)
Me: Hope your wife did not see this message. She might get the wrong idea. Hahahaha All we did is hug. Honest.
He; Hahahaha she would love u I am sure.
Me: Helps that I am 80 Hahahaha
He: Huge laughing emoji.
He then Instagrammed a photo of him on the couch wrapped in a blanket saying that was him on New Year’s Eve.
Me: Wish I were there.
He: That is my wife’s place only.
Me: Sorry. What if I bring a date. Met a guy at breakfast. More handsome than you if that be possible. Hahaha Date as in guy. Not date as in fruit Stupid.
He: Hahaha
Me: So happy to make you laugh. Allah loves those who make Muslims happy. So He loves me a great deal. I am going to open a Comedy Club in Jannah. You better get there so you can come and laugh.
He: Inshallah haha Take care and stay safe.
Also corresponded with a young woman from India met at the Abu Dhabi Premier Inn She was on her way to nursing school in Burnaby. Taught me, by example, when I was feeling helpless and lost. She was on a stop over, she taught me that all I needed to do is cross the street to tha airport, jump on an Ethiad Air jet and I could be home in Canada. Well, after several arduous hours. Giving myself time to recover from Ramadan 2002 I escaped to Canada. She had Instagrammed that she was visiting Victoria B.C. for her birthday. We discussed, the feasibility of my returning to Canada, living in Victoria. But thought better of it – Canadian taxes and lousy medical care.
Texting my Canadian, (similarly aged) cousin told her of the gifts I constantly receive from other Muslims.
She: What do you do with all of the gifts?
Me: Well, right now I am wearing six of them.
Had the means, method and opportunity to reach out to those faraway because I did not join in any festivities. The background story will impress you with the fine treatment I receive at this Ritzy place. The sanctity of my seventh floor view room was disturbed by booming, deafening ‘music’ – actually just a base droning on in a deafening manner. Classical music from my Apple earphones did nothing to ease the pain. Threw on my abaya, went down to reception to complain. The Islamic Faith gives me greater power, authority and most importantly, better results. I am more patient, less prone to anger, more positive. Another way to put it, I abandon my lawyer aggressiveness. A charming wonderful woman and I spoke.
Me: We need to find a solution. Turn down the so-called music perhaps, comp me for room charges – something. I do not have the peace and quiet enjoyment of my room.
She: I can not do either but I can let you sleep on the other side of the hotel, away from the noise.
Me: What a brilliant solution.
She: It will be a smaller bed. I can get someone to help move you.
Me: That would be perfect – I do not care about the single bed because I sleep alone these days. Because of the faith.
It was blessed, the room quiet. Did some writing, fell asleep. Woke to my phone alerting me to a message. Then I heard a cacophonous sound , thought for a terrifying moment that I was in Gaza. But NO – it was the witching hour of midnight. The message was AK, he set his alarm so he could wish me Happy New Year.
Now you shall see proof of all of this. And you shall hopefully laugh. I recorded short reels during the moments of sheer despair at the noise. Are you not happy with the happy ending? You will also see AK wave.
The Happy New Year message sent in a tardy fashion from FAME, received the following response.
Me: A little too little and a little to late but great hearing from you.
Sometimes I feel sorry for the poor man, but only sometimes. Hahaha