It is now Thursday December 21, 2023. In two days I shall hop on a plane to Bahrain and then, goodness, knows what will happen to me. I am being, unfortunately, deadly serious about that. Last evening was a shot in the arm so to speak. It did provide a plan for the January, well the skeleton of a plan. Details need to be assembled, that is certain. Relying on good old AK has proven a bit tenuous. However, in Saudi Arabia one needs a man to negotiate for a woman. No matter how loved I might be (which indeed I am). I lack any authority whatsoever to navigate these rocky shoals.
Shoal, is a perfect word, come to think of it. It is an area of shallow water, especially as a navigational hazard. Navigating the Middle Ease, or actually the world in general, is a navigational hazard. Wikipedia tells us that the word can be used in other contexts: The term shoal is also used in a number of ways that can be either similar to, or quite different from, how it is used in geologic, geomorphic, and oceanographic literature. But it does refer to other literature as well. We all have heard of those Sirens who lulled ships and sailors to their demise,
They are creatures from Greek mythology: women or winged creatures whose singing lured unwary sailors on to rocks. in Ancient Greece, the Sirens symbolized the dangers that sailors faced at sea. Later, in the Middle Ages, the Sirens came to be associated with lust and the danger of temptation. The association with Sirens and lust has continued into the modern imagination. How was it possible to overcome the temptation of sirens. Remember Odysseus, in The Odyssey of Homer? He had his crew plug their ears and then tie him to the mast, so that he could hear the Siren song but not be destroyed by it.
In the present-day world, the sirens are almost always men, luring poor women with promises of stability and caring. But it comes at considerable cost. I do not have to have my ears plugged or tied to a mast, I am somewhat immune to the temptations of mere mortal men.
Alter Ego: What makes you immune and safe through these treacherous waters?
Me: My defined benefit retirement plan which provides financial security. My email contained a study on such programs. Years and years ago when such plans were being threatened I took an active stand, becoming informed and spreading the word. My defined benefit program remained strong and true. I remain on the mailing list of the National Institute for Retirement Security. This the news release:
“A new report tracks the experience of five states that shifted new employees away from defined benefit (DB) pensions to defined contribution (DC) or cash balance plans. Among states that switched to a DC plan, costs rose, negative cash flow grew, and employee turnover increased. Additionally, the retirement security of plan participants in DC plans was negatively impacted because of a high degree of “leakage” of retirement assets from the DC accounts that replaced pension plans. These findings are detailed in a new report from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), No Quick Fix: Closing a Public Pension Plan Leads to Unexpected Challenges. This report examines the experience in five states: Alaska, Kentucky, Michigan, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. The report is authored by Dan Doonan, NIRS executive director, Tyler Bond, NIRS research director, and Celia Ringland, NIRS research associate.”
As I was writing something totally unbelievable, yet again, happened. Something caught my attention. There was a bird on the windowsill – how it got there I shall never know. I took a photograph, you shall see what I mean. The view makes it appear that I am in a jail as there are Saudi windows, open allowing for air to circulate, but screened, so one can not see in. Hurriedly I took a photo, retreating to my writing. The bird became frantic, flapping its wings in utter frustration. I empathetically examined its plight, but realized there was nothing I could possibly do ‘to save him”. If I let him into the room I would be stuck with him – probably would defecate all over the bed, my clothes and me. Putting aside my empathy, which is difficult, if not impossible, I let the reality of the situation emerge.
Alter Ego: What did you do?
Me: I said. He got himself into this situation, he can get himself out.
Alter Ego: Then what did you do?
Me: I prepared to go for breakfast, going to the bathroom putting on my makeup. Removing and protecting myself from the suffering.
Alter Ego: And?
Me: When I emerged the bird was gone.
Alter Ego: Wow!
Me: Or as we say in Arabic – Mashalla. Mashalla is most often said to express admiration, appreciation, or thankfulness when something incredibly great or prosperous happens. You might also say it if you hear or see something unbelievable. So it means Wow, but with religious meanings. I shall always say Mashalla and try to live my life full of Mashallas. Inshallah
This comes from Wikipedia: nshallah (/ɪnˈʃɑːlə/; Arabic: إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: ʾIn shāʾ Allāh Arabic pronunciation: [ʔin ʃaː.ʔa‿ɫ.ɫaːh]), also spelled In shaa Allah, In sha Allah, Insya Allah and İn şa Allah is an Arabic-language expression meaning “if God wills” or “God willing”.[1] It was mentioned in the Quran[2] which required the use of it when speaking on future events.[3][4] In an Islamic context, it expresses the belief that nothing happens unless God wills it, and that his will supersedes all human will.
I have discovered that perhaps I do not need to learn Arabic. I can get by with three words:
Inshallah, Mashalla and Alhamdullah which means Praise to God. Here are a few m
- Dhikr – remembrance of God
- Tasbih – form of dhikr
- Tahlil – form of dhikr
- Shahada – Islamic statement of faith
- Takbir – Arabic phrase ʾAllāhu ʾakbaru meaning “God is the greatest”
This blog is coming together, in an interesting way. As the day has progressed AK has come to the rescue. He has secured a very good rate in a very Bahrain ritzy hotel that shall remain unnamed. He is presently arranging transportation from the airport to the hotel. Sheikha Fatimah shall arrive in style. This our correspondence (somewhat edited)
He: I found this deal. Would you like to take it.
Me: Yes (Big-to-Be Brother) Sounds Fab.
(An aside. He, was demoted for bad behavior. He went from Big Brother all the way down to First cousin-twice-removed. Good behavior elevated him to first cousin. He happily then He was entrusted with more tasks.
Me: I need hotel reservations in Bahrain. Then Bahrain to Jeddah for a few days as I should go to the US consulate. Then come back here I guess but one day at a time.
Some preliminary work and jokes followed.
Me: Thank you little brother. More promotions and smarts to come. Ned flight to Jeddah and accommodations there until January 1. If you get all of that done by 5 there will be another promotion. Sent him a GIF (which shall be included on the blog) Proud of You if you do it.
He: Promotion opportunities for meeeeee, I shall work hard.
Me: You are almost there Keep it up!
The reservations multiplied. More conversations about his promotion his standing rising in comparison for those vying for my attention
Me: Mashallah who needs the Royal Family
He: Noooobody
Me: I shall blog about it all. I shall mock the Royal Gamily and two Medina Saudi men. Family not Gamily, but perfect as the Sheikha was playing games. More reservations, with
He: Shall I book? Whose credit card?
Me: Proceed with haste my dear. My credit card as I need frequent flier miles for the Australian Ramadan trip. None for those reservations as yet though.
My flight from Bahrain to Jeddah leaving at the end of the day.
Me: Perfect. I am sure I can get late check out with my charm and all.
He: I am sure you can.
Me: Things moving along so well. It brings me joy.
He: I know!
Me: The Executive Chef said that he worked at that hotel for four years and It is on the water. He said the hotel excellent. Mashallah.
He: Wow.
Me: The Saudi guy who was asking permission from his wife said he was only joking. He would not leave his son even for a few days. I coldly told him he was just playing with me and what did he expect me to do with no reservations waiting for him to get permission to go with me. I just walked off.
He: That’s a good action on your part.
Me. Men/!?!?! Oops you are one.
He: Hahahaha
The final reservation confirmed.
He: Already not even 5 and everything is completed. Completed and done. Such team work.
He spoke of our relationship, the actions that led to his demotion to first-cousin-twice-removed.
He: No brother is afraid of his sister. They disagree sometimes but that is normal.
Me: It is better than normal. It means that they are paying attention to each other while allowing for individual differences and respecting that. Speaking out when differences arise. Most people are not capable of that. Welcome back Big Brother. I have peace of mind. Gotta go finish up the blog. Took a great picture. I will send it.
I did, you shall see it soon.
He: Wow fabulous.
The two Saudi Muslim Medina men’s offers seem amusing at this time. The conversation took place in the office of one of the men. The first said he would go with me on three conditions.
!. He got permission from his wife. 2. I would pay for his airfare, accommodation at the Westin, and his food for the three days. After he got permission from his wife he would ask Mr. Ali to make hotel and air reservations.
The second man said that he did not need permission from his wife, that he would pay his own way but as pointed out by the first man, he would not travel outside the country.
Told Big Brother of the offers.
He: That is ridiculously funny. Needs permission from the wife and the other guy has travel restrictions.
I will discuss the so-called offer, made in person with witnesses, of a Sheikha of the Royal Family of Bahrain which was to include picking me up at the airport and providing tours and transportation during the visit. The sister, whom I had met, was to contact me. The date of arrival was confirmed, again in the presence of witnesses. No contact was every made, the sister did not respond to a message I sent. This is typical behavior on the part of Middle East Royal Families. I have had prior experiences with members of the Royal Family of Qatar. Oh well, never trust a Royal is my motto. They will always let you down.
I will end this speaking of yesterday’s most exquisite experience. Several staff members were returning to the hotel after Asr prayer. I was in the lobby outside the Tea Room. Waved at the General Manager, the Big Boss as I call him.
He: We are blessed to have you in this hotel!
Me: I am blessed to be a guest in this hotel
Attached shall be the GIF sent to Big Brother and the photograph taken from FAME’s office window. It is stunning, taken at sunset.