Futile Undertaking; Rome Was Not Built in a Day; Feeling of Futility Arising From Gaza Genocide; Futility Defined: Link to a Powerful and Inspiring Video: Introjection of Humor; I am Not Going to L; The Arrival of Sheikha Fatimah: LongFellow Poem; Emails Sent to Canadian Leaders; This is the Starting Point: Photos of July 20, 2023  

Futile was one of the words that came to me during Fajr prayer. I have established a new habit Immediately after prayer I write down the words, phrases and ideas that have come to me during that time.  

Alter Ego: Why do you do that?

Me: It is because I once forgot a word and it has not, as yet, returned to conscious thinking. 

Alter Ego: Sounds like a good plan. 

Me: Thank you. I try to learn from my mistakes, and establish different habits. Rather than just beating myself up for not remembering something that is important. 

Alter Ego: Sounds like a good plan. 

Me: Thanks yet again. Hahaha 

Futile, is the perfect word for what, it seems I am facing. A futile undertaking has no chance of success, which may or may not be recognized by the person embarking on it: You see, I am embarking on an undertaking, actually more than one, which may never reach fruition. 

This expression is its corollary. Rome was not built in a day. It is said to mean that it takes a long time to do a job or task properly, and you should not rush it or expect to do it quickly.This amusing sentence was used to illustrate the concept. ” I know Rome wasn’t built in a day but I don’t want to wait 200 years.” So it is a proverb which means It takes a lot of time to achieve something important.

This is an insight achieved during prayer that has been confirmed by further reading.No matter the complexity or size of something, it is absolutely essential that there be a starting point. The success of this must be a process over time, perhaps in small incremental  steps. There are, o doubt, going to a lot of struggles in the process to achieve this, the very best. But it absolutely MUST be done. 

Faithful readers may have established a small amount of clairvoyance and have ascertained the massive task that I am taking on. But I am not telling you as yet as there is a massive amount of futility in the world at this moment, affecting not only the readers of the blog but all humane and empathetic people the world over. You shall not be surprised to hear that it is Palestine – the Gaza Genocide. 

First let us examine futility. Do not each and every one of us with a drop of humanity, do we not have a sense of the following feeling? Looking at the killing, the death, the impotence of most of the world leaders. The carelessness and laziness of others, the absolute evil of the leaders of Israel and the United States and the cowardly inept other leaders that blindly march to their drummer – it is impossible NOT to feel: pointless; useless  ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious, to no effect, of no use, in vain, to no avail, thwarted; unproductive, barren, impotent, hollow, empty, forlorn, hopeless, doomed, lost. 

What can we, as individuals do, to overcome our feelings of uselessness, our feelings that this no hope for this world, that we are doomed and lost?  I shall speak of some things I have done and share with you a hopeful links sent to me. 

The first was a link sent by FAME. By the way, I shared, for the first time this morning, his nickname and the meaning behind the initials. He did, of course, look pleased and proud. But then I simply had to tease him. 

Me: That is what the initials mean when I am happy with you. When displeased the initials mean something else. 

He: What are their meanings then? 

Me: You probably do not want to know. Fat Awful Man Erratic. 

He: You are right, I did not want to know that. Do you ever think about me that way?

Me: Occasionally. But it is usually because of our vast cultural differences and the fact that you are a man and I am a woman. 

He: Well that is good to know.

Me: What? That you are a man and I am a woman? 

He: (laughingly) You are horrible sometimes. 

Me: Hahaha. True. When she was good, she was very good indeed,But when she was bad she was horrid. 

I did (as usual) Google when writing this.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: 

There Was a Little Girl. There was a little girl Who had a little curl,Right in the middle of her forehead When she was good, She was very good indeed But when she was bad she was horrid.

That is me, well except for the little curl in the middle of my forehead. I have white straight hair which is, at this moment in time, invisible to the world as I ‘cover”. I have just remembered something very silly. Most silly. You are poet and you did not know it. Your feet show it, they are Longfellow’s. 

As you can clearly see (if you are looking) that it is my sense humor that rescues me from almost anything that may befall me. Do admit that it gets me in trouble sometimes, rarely. 

I cannot seem to be able to stop spreading cheer with news of the day. Got in the elevator, was talking to myself. 

Me: L (for lobby) I am going to L 

Then I became suddenly aware of what I had just said out loud to myself. So said. 

Me: I am not going to L; I am going to Jannah 

 I got out of the elevator on the Lobby floor and told everyone I could find of my great joke. 

This absolutely unbelievable thing happened next. FAME was called to a meeting, I walked with him to the elevator. He was told that he must come and see the new carpet. He invited me to join him. I did. He will forever regret that, I am sure. Hahahaha. The carpet was purple and most Royal. It is to be used to welcome Royalty to the Hotel – as there is a Royal Suite. I cannot believe this happened, but it did. An overwhelming impulse struck.   

Me: My Muslim name is Fatimah. I call myself Sheikha Fatimah, I will be the first Royal to walk-on this carpet. Sir, will you hold my coffee? 

He: Of course your Majesty! 

Straightening my blue abaya and hijab I walked down the carpet regally (if I say so myself). 

I reached the elevator, my coffee returned

Me: Thank you Kind Sir. 

I waved and got in the elevator. The  thirty people supervising the laying of the carpet were all laughing. 

But it did not stop there. 

Me: We should have done a reel and put it on Instagram and Facebook. But then everyone that came to the hotel would expect this treatment and they would not get it. 

They: You are absolutely right Your Majesty. 

But then later, when sending a voice WhatsApp Message to AK I said; 

Me: Would not it be hysterically funny if the first Royalty to arrive would be MBS and he would say. This is a new carpet. Am I the first Royal to walk on it? 

They: No Your Majesty. Sheikha Fatima was here at the installation and she walked upon it. 

He: Oh? Is Alexis still at the hotel?

They: Yes, she is. 

He: Could you be sure that I do NOT meet her?

They: Of course, She is not staying in the Royal Suite, although she has seen it and approved of it. She is in a lesser room. 

He: Thank you. 

This was a digression and a diversion. FAME sent a link to the video, you shall see. I responded on WhatsApp. 

Me: I almost did not watch this. The cover looked like I might be watching more Palestinians killed, do not want to see that right now. But instead it is well done, so appreciative of history which no one seems to know about it. Do not know what I am going to do with it but it was great. Thank you. Thank you. 

I decided to put the link on this blog. I have been putting reels on Instagram but it has proven worrisome. The crazies cannot reach me on the blog, never can, never will. I also do not get the hundreds of positive responses, but I am okay with that. I am not trying to please the world and those that dwell therein. It is my intention, and will be until the day I die, to please Allah (SWT) our Creator. That is all that is important. I do not want to go to L, I want to go to Jannah. 

Here is the link: https://x.com/a_kareem99/status/1731659853456613563?s=20

This is something else I did to feel less hopeless, desperate and in despair. Faithful readers will know that I was born in Canada, am a citizen, escaped from there to Saudi Arabia before October 7, 2023. I am still officially a Canadian, have dual US citizenship. Received an email from NCCM entitled What We Owe the People in Gaza. The suggestion was to email both  Prime Minister Trudeau and Pierre, his leading opponent using our own language. I did. 

This to Justin with the subject line: You Must Support Palestine. 

“I am embarrassed to be born in 1943 in a Canada that supports and allows genocide of the Palestine people. I shall break this to you gently- you are going to lose the election just as you have appeared to lose your humanity. Your father who was in power during my youth is totally ashamed of you, of that I am convinced. Alexis McBride of Alexis McBride.com. Many many Canadian viewers.” 

Then the one to Pierre Pollievre with the subject line. Please Prove your Intelligence. 

“You could get elected if you supported Palestine and provided an alternative to the cowardly competition you have. I promise you a landslide. I have a blog with over half a million viewers many of them Canadian. I was born in Canada but fled in fear. I became of the Islamic faith. Alexis McBride. Alexismcbride.com”  

I returned from London,England in 2017. Did not want to live under Trump and ended up living in Trump International Hotel and Tower for four months in 2014. There is definitely a tale to tell about all that. While there I contemplated going into politics. I could not be the President of the USA because I was born in Canada. But I could be the Prime Minister of Canada. There was a great deal of support for this – the Trump said I could use their hotel as my campaign facility. However, it  seemed a bit of a conflict of interest. . Needless to say, did not do it – instead returned to the USA in 2017.

Returned to Canada in 2022, again thought of running for Prime Minister. I would form my own party. – call it Party Hardy. Many thought that would win me the votes of the young. Needless to say, did not do it. Instead escaped to Saudi Arabia. 

I live next door to the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. Chaos and confusion, disorganization and mismanagement reign. It is unbelievable, it is a travesty and a desecration but the truth of conditions are well kept secret. Well up until now. 

Stay tuned as I say. I shall be speaking of this later. 

Photographs were taken on July 20, 2023. I and my companions were almost trampled alive in the holiest of sites – The Rawdah Those conditions continue today for both men and women. Both have separate entrances and separate viewing. I have spoken to men who have encountered the same lawless conditions.