The Strange Habit of Painting One’s Face Like the Flags of Countries: The History of it All Revealed: Fiasco: First Canada; Then Qatar: Then Scotland: Discovering that Qatar is Actually Bahrain; King Charles and Premier Danielle Smith in Dubai Fiddling While Rome Burns: Photos of Painted Face

Faithful readers will know of a rather unusual habit, first adopted formally in 2017. I paint my face, (or, cause to have my face painted) in the colors and approximate shape resembling the flags of countries. I am proud to say, particularly at this particular time in history,  that I have not painted my face, (nor cause to have my face painted) like the US flag. Those stars and stripes were a bit too daunting. 

My first attempt was, admittedly, driven by sheer desperation. It was California; it was Hallowe’en.  I always have hated Halloween – never have I ever worn an attractive, imaginative costume costume. NEVER. It was an enormous relief to learn that ‘celebrating’ Hallowe’en is forbidden in the Islamic Faith. PHEW. But, back then, I was not of the 

Faith and my (then) stepdaughter was hosting a party. I cleverly decided that I would masquerade as a Canadian. I painted my face, rather crudely, like the flag, dressed entirely in red and white. As I recall,  no one was particularly impressed. The stepdaughter hostess dressed, and looked exactly like, Sarah Palin. Her excellent job and won her the prize. 

There was, therefore, some background, some history that enabled me to do the deed on a fabled day,  Canada Day 2017. I had returned to the land of my birth after an absence of fifty years, first in California and then two and a half years in London England. I was feeling most patriotic. Painted the face, bought a T-shirt, walked to Canada Place and something like 84 people said Welcome Home and wanted to have their pictures taken with me. It is quite a collection, you shall see some photos at the conclusion of this blog. This, unlike the Hallowe’en fiasco,  was an unqualified success. 

Fiasco is a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way. Embarrassing and amusing synonyms: catastrophe, debacle, shambles, farce, wreck, ruination, blunder, botch, flop, washout, dud, hash, lead balloon, foul-up, pig’s ear, car crash, snafu. My favorites? Snafu, car crash, dud flop and pig’s ear. 

My motivation for this face painting  was obvious, rational and understandable, as was my decision to have my face painted in the manner of the Scottish flag. My ancestry is 100% Scottish – I love Scotland, visiting there many times, particularly when living in London writing a biography of my Scottish Uncle Dave Dryburgh. There was a referendum which would, if passed, allow Scotland to sever their ties with (so-called) Great Britain. I was living in the USA at the time but did everything I could do to support the referendum, including painting my face. Despite this valiant effort on my part, the referendum failed so they still are subject to British rule. Terrible fate that. Need I remind you that the UK government supports Israel. Those independent Scots whose land was usurped in the same manner, most certainly do not. 

This is a total aside but there is going to be enormous ‘fall out’ resulting from government leader’s support of Gaza genocide. The UK Tory government supports Israel. King Charles was supportive of Palestine before he assumed the throne, but the world has not heard a peep from him since October 7. He is a cowardly King. The British populace supports Palestine, one can tell my the multiple enormous protest marches. I say again, if  the British people do, can you imagine what the independent Scots are doing?  They have every reason to identify with the people of Palestine. King Charles shall not be able to count on the support of the Scottish people. I doubt that King Charles will meet the same fate as King Charles I (beheaded before a cheering crowd) but he is going to have some troubles down the road (in the future).  

Oops back to the topic at hand, or shall we say, at face. I have no idea, whatsoever,  why I decided to have my face painted in the manner of the flag of Qatar. My administrative assistant at the time, a 17 year old by the name of Alicia (as I recall), did an excellent job. Shout out to you Alicia, if you are reading this. Probably not. 

A shout out is an occasion when someone mentions a person or thing in order to thank them or praise them, 

Recent readers will know that an invitation has been extended for a visit to Bahrain.To my total and complete surprise I learned that the flag of Qatar and the flag of Bahrain are the very similar. Most interesting, now you shall get to know the history of it all. 

First let me tell you this. Qatar and Bahrain are now friends again. On April 13, 2023 Bahrain and Qatar officially resumed their diplomatic relations, two years after the Arab blockade on the latter was resolved.

The Bahrain flag is sometimes mistaken for the flag of Qatar, but that flag is maroon, not red, has more points (9) and normally has a much greater length width ratio. The Flag of Qatar is maroon with a broad white serrated band (nine white points), with a wide aspect ratio of 11;28. 

The flags unsurprisingly share a history , with both countries historically using entirely red flags until they were modified with a white vertical stripe to appease the British. Why is it that we in this vast world were always trying to appease the British and now we are trying to appease the USA and Israel??? 

Appease is to pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands. Cowardly synonyms: conciliate. make peace with, propitiate, palliate, allay, calm (down), mollify, soothe, soften, quie down. It was impossible at that time in history for either Qatar or Bahrain to provoke or inflame Britain at the time, because they needed Britain to defend them. They do not any more. There is no reason why the real humanitarian world needs to pacify, placate, mollify or calm down the USA, Israel and their cowardly allies. 

Bahrain supports Palestine; banned the Israeli envoy on November 3, 2023. Qatar has been absolutely instrumental in cease fire negotiations. An Instagram post pictured Qatar aid trucks being the first to go to Gaza with personal in order to ensure that the aid reached those in need. I responded: 

Me: The world must thank Qatar for both their aid and their presence in assuring it reaches the needy and for all their diplomatic efforts. 

ItisRunder: 100% agree. Egypt, UAE and SA (paraphrasing) if the imposed an oil embargo would stop it directly. Speak up everyone. 

Me: I totally agree. But the UAE is a hypocrite and they undermine everything. 

But back to the flags. Bahrain’s flag has a more flashy, blood red appearance with its white band, Qatar’s flag has a much more calm and sophisticated, maroon appearance with a hint of purplish tint, along with it’s white band.

Now look at the photograph of my face. It is actually more flashy, more blood red in appearance. There is really nothing clam and sophisticated or purplish at all. My face is actually painted like the Bahrain flag. I shall make it as a screen saver on my phone when I visit. Hahaha, Such fun! 

But back to the wicked world in which we find ourselves. Saw that King Charles in the UAE for COP 28, a  world climate change conference. Unbelievable. Genocide continuing in Gaza and King Charles is in the UAE with other Israeli supporters talking about climate change. Talk about fiddling while Rome is burning. Spoken of in a former blog. I then discover by reading AB Today that Premier Danielle Smith, the Alberta Premier is attending that same conference. The woman is anti-vaccination, anti-science, lies and is totally irrational. It seems so coincidental., beyond coincidental. 

It seems actually fortuitous, that I should know, from my past reading of AB Today  that this conference has been in the planning process for some time, before the world was inescapably changed by the Gaza genocide. But rather than cancel the conference, or meet to attempt to affect influence Israel, the United States (or themselves) – they are discussing climate change for a world that is facing total destruction by one or more atomic bombs. It is utterly ludicrous.

More news from the National, an Abu Dhabi newspaper owned by the UAE Royal Family. It is hardly independent, unbiased or an example of the free press. The Ruler of Dubai, although not greeted King Charles, upon his arrival will meet with him later. King Charles’ mother Queen Elizabeth II refused to meet withe the Ruler of Dubai or have anything to do with the man after the after the British Family Court found him guilty of kidnapping and abducting his two daughters and abusing his sixth wife, in March of 2020. Prior to the the release of that ruling the Ruler of Dubai was invited to Ascot and was much favored by Queen Elizabeth ll, because of their mutual love of horse racing. 

There is an excellent reason why I know all of this, remember all of this. The British Family Court ruling led to my introduction to the Islamic Faith. The entire story to be told in my upcoming book, No Mosques for Me

The trouble is, no one reports the truth or has any sense of history, except for Al Jazeera. One cannot blame those in the UAE and other places – including Canada, the UK, USA – because the truth is never reported. Well, except on this blog  

I rest my case. It is an idiom but is based on a formal expression used when a lawyer finishes his or her argument.  They have finished making their case and they are ready for the judge or jury to decide. I was a lawyer, there is nothing else I need to say. Readers, you are the judge, you are the jury. 

My flag faces are now to be revealed.