I Never Promised You a Rose Garden: In Contradiction to Quran Verse Supplied by ‘Grandson’; Prophets Moses’, Ibraham’s and Job’s Lives Are Examples of Suffering Concluding with Benefit; Quran 2:148;  Lip Service Defined: Its Not Easy Being Muslim: However, A Problem Immediately Solved, Actually without Suffering (As Yet): Reel of the Saudi National Anthem

Again, walking ‘home’ from the Medina Prophet’s Mosque an unbidden phrase came to mind:
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. Went to the Internet to find: A song:  Its chorus goes: “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.” In it, the singer is reminding a lover that she never claimed things would be perfect, so that he should not be surprised if and when things get rocky. I was totally surprised to discover it came from the Bible: “I beg your pardon. I never promised you a rose garden. there’s got to be a little rain sometime. Romans 5: 1-11

This is a Christian interpretation, taken from the Quran. The Quran says meaningfully that suffering is a part of life.  Life is not fair, whatever that might be, suffering is a part of everyone’s life. But at the conclusion of suffering – is benefit.

The Quran provides many examples, but three that everyone should know. Ibraham, Moses and Job all are Prophets.  both Muslims. The children of Israel, led by Moses, wandered through the desert for 40 years, suffering all along the way – testing their patience (and God’s) before they reached the promised land of Canaan. (Kindly note, it was Canaan not Palestine, you supporters of genocidal Israel)  Abraham and Sarah suffered in patience through decades of infertility.  Sara became pregnant at the age of ninety, when Ibraham was one hundred. Job lost everything supposedly but noting, actually. Job discovered he did not need all that stuff. The Quran tells the story of God, brought to us by the reliable Wikipedia.
The Quran describes Job as a righteous servant of God, who was afflicted by suffering for a lengthy period of time. However, it clearly states that Job never lost faith in God and forever called to God in prayer, asking Him to remove his affliction:And [mention] Job, when he called to his Lord, “Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful.”— Quran, surah 21 (The Prophets), ayah 83[5]The narrative goes on to state that after many years of suffering, God ordered Job to “Strike with thy foot!”.[6] At once, Job struck the ground with his foot and God caused a cool spring of water to gush forth from the Earth, from which Job could replenish himself. The Quran states that it was then that God removed his pain and suffering and He returned Job’s family to him, blessed him with many generations of children and granted him great wealth. In addition to the brief descriptions of Job’s narrative, the Quran further mentions Job twice in the lists of those whom God had given special guidance, wisdom and inspiration (4:163) and as one of the men who received authority, the gift of prophethood (6:84).”

I never promised you a rose garden seemed in contradiction to Grandson’s message from the Quran  given one morning at the breakfast buffet. He said something wise, our conversation was actually quite amusing.
Me: That is so wise. I must write it down so I will not forget it.
He: Grandmother stop writing on your hand. I will give you a piece of paper.
Me: I might lose the paper. I will always know where my hand is. And it is my left hand.

He laughed. I wrote: All things come together for good. There are many interpretations of this found in the Quran: 2: 148

And every one has a direction to which he should turn, therefore hasten to (do) good works; wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together; surely Allah has power over all things.

Every man has his direction to which he turns; so be you forward in good works. Wherever you may be, God will bring you all together; surely God is powerful over everything.

I had been telling ‘Grandson’ that everything seems to be coming together perfectly for me. One good thing leads to the next good thing. On and on like a ladder, when I am established on one rung then time to climb again. I am making great progress.

An example will be provided, one that happened few minutes later at the breakfast buffet. The Medina Oberio Hotel becomes very crowded at certain times. During those busy times, for many reasons, I could elsewhere. Stay in another hotel, or with friends etc etc etc. FAME said I should speak to Mr. Ali about this – I did so.  Mr. Ali said the month of Ramadan, during Hajj but also during the last week of December. I was thinking about this at breakfast. When leaving two women from another table began to speak to me.
She: You are like the moon and the stars to the people here!
Me: Thanks! Actually the sun, the moon and the stars. Hahaha I will come and speak to you.

They were both amazing women. They are on Instagram and we are now following one another. One is a retired physician. Yes, worked as a physician for years but is now retired. She is a Muslim woman. The West has been lied to for years – Muslim women are far freer and have been for years. They spoke of their country – learned more. So it is decided. I shall go to Bahrain during the end of December. Texted AK immediately.
Me: About December. I am thinking about Riyadh for a few days and then Bahrain. I met some amazing women at breakfast.
He: Bahrain is amazing. Yes.
Me: Great!! Glad you approve Big Brother The people I have met seem to be. I have read about it. First there is Saudi Arabia, then water and then Qatar. In the middle of the water is Bahrain – many islands.
He: Little Sister. You are So Smart.
Me: Thanks. I work at it.

As you can see the problem was immediately solved. A little later was in the elevator on the way to my room. A young woman was from Bahrain.
Me: Wow! I am going to be coming there the end of next month. Is there a flight?
She: Yes! There is a direct flight between Medina and Bahrain. It is a really short flight.
Me: Fantastic! Now all of my problems are solved.

Now onto a different topic. A post on Instagram spoke  of people excelling in their later years, it was entitled” Under 40 lists I am tired of speaking of people. There was a precious quote from a Nigerian man: : Whenever a person wakes up, Let it be be their morning. Of course, I responded to the post. .
Me: I totally agree. I am a successful blogger at the age of 80. Started it wHen I was 73 in London, getting a Master’s degree. I was successful younger but kept at it and I am not stopping.
But as I type, realize that I did not mention my greatest accomplishment – achieved when I was 77. I was blessed by Allah (SWT), chosen it has been said,  to become of the Islamic Faith.
There is an Instagram reel, which I posted,  then removed for editing, and will either write a different preface or erase altogether. It is entitled: The world is full of new Muslims – containing blurbs of ‘new Muslims’ speaking of how the Gaza victims inspired them. It is not easy being a Muslim. They are jumping on the band wagon, it is doubtful that it will last. It is much more than reading a verse in the Quran and saying the few words required. It is a commitment; it is necessary to give up your life to become of the Islamic Faith – put Allah (SWT) above everyone and everything. They are paying lip service to something they know nothing about. Some may pursue it diligently, but suspect that not all will.
Pay lip service is an idiom which is a verbal but insincere expression of agreement or support. Synonyms are: empty talk, hollow words, hypocrisy, hypocritical respect, and insincerity.
My beliefs have caused me to suffer persecution in Corte Madera, California, USA, made necessary a hasty retreat to the UAE where my pursuit of the Truth, so valued by Allah (SWT), put my life in jeopardy, flew to the supposed sanctuary of Canada.
Jeopardy is danger of loss, harm, or failure. Scary synonyms are: endanger, jeopardize,  expose to danger, leave vulnerable, put someone’s life on the line; threaten, do harm to, peril.

Canada was less than perfect (to say the least). This has been brought home by their support of Israel’s genocide with accompanying Islamophobia. Blessedly I was in Saudi Arabia on October 7, 2023 where I have remained. Prior to my return I was blessed with a reel of the national anthem of Saudi Arabia which will be appended to the blog. It is uplifting!

I am discovering that all is not perfect here in Saudi Arabia. I fear that I will again attempt to set up air conditioning. It is hot here, but cooling, and this is obviously not hell. IT IS MEDINA.