Writing on the Wall; An Idiom with an Auspicious Background: Instagram Early Morning Messages Bring Hope: Keeping Courage in the Midst of Adversity: Islamaphobia Rampant in ll in Canada; The Contrast Between Edmonton and Here Blatantly Contrasted: A Reel Singing the Anthem of Goodbye to Canada; Photo of Hanan and I; Poster From My Stand Up Comedy Evening

That was the phrase that came to mind today. It is entirely and utterly auspicious as you shall see.

First let us define a word and then the idiomatic expression. Auspicious is conducive to success; favorable; giving or being a sign of future success. Auspicious has the most cheerful of synonyms: propitious,  full of promise, bright,  optimistic, hopeful, encouraging, timely, providential, felicitous, advantageous, beneficial. opportune. My favorite is propitious as it sounds very important.

 “The writing on the wall” is an idiomatic expression that suggests a portent of doom or misfortune, based on the story of Belshazzar’s feast in the book of Daniel. This is its significance: While a king was holding the Jews captive in the foreign land of Babylon, in the sixth century b.c., a mysterious hand appeared, writing on the wall of the king’s palace. The king called upon Daniel, who interpreted it to mean that God intended the king and his kingdom to fall. The message was written in Aramaic, foretelling the destruction of Belshazzar and his kingdom. Daniel 5:25–31.

The two do not appear to be linked. How can a message of doom be providential, felicitous and propitious.

In this instance. I awoke to two Instagram messages. One pictured a bus passenger a miserable old woman. Bintyounous its author explained.
She:  “This spectacularly unpleasant specimen of bigotry accosted me at a local bus stop yelling at me that I’m not allowed to wear niqab in Canada because…apparently don’t have the freedom to wear what I want in this country as ‘free females don’t do this!”. She went on to say that no one at the bus stop supported her or came her her defense.
I responded in the following fashion, which was liked immediately loved by the author.
Me: I agree about the lack of response by bystanders. Sometimes humor works. I remember saying while I was in Canada that wearing a hijab was great because you do non’t worry about your hair. They would say: “I don’t worry about mine” Silently I would say: “It shows.” Then the anger is diffused and the bigot is left in solitary hatred. You have Allah (SWT) and an afterlife. She has only her misery and no afterlife or wrote. Pity this poor woman. I love that you took her photo!! Yeah you!! I did not cover in Canada. I do here in Medina of course.

I was made aware yesterday of absolute horrors taking place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I shall speak of them later. But not today it seems. We must keep our courage and our Islamic Faith – not be made miserable or hopeless being surrounded by such horrors, made even worse by ignorant, hate filled individuals supported by the Canadian Government and Canadian Universities, such as my alma mater, The University of Alberta.

I am blessed, I have escaped, living in the five star Medina Oberio Hotel refugee camp. Poor Bintyounous remains in Canada. But hopefully providentially I was able to give her some strength to carry on. If I were in Edmonton I would be massively depressed, in my aloneness, hiding under the bed in fear. Despairing. But not, recognition and caring instead.

The second Instagram notification was this post by Hunan.inamm mentioned you in a post.
She: I met gorgeous Alexis in Madinet Said peace be upon him …she joined Islam just three years ago and really such a beautiful inside out lady,.she decided to live in Madina and she considers it as her refugee camp…it was really a pleasure meeting you dear Alexis.
Her Instagram post featured a photo taken of us in the lobby of the Madina Oberio Hotel. Of course, I responded.
Me: My goodness the pleasure was all mine. What a joy and a jewel you are. Our meeting was so accidental which makes me believe that Allah (SWT) brought you into my life. And I get to see you and your group soon. I am counting the days.

Hanan Hassan Imam is the CEO of Around the World, an Egyptian travel agency that was founded by her father years and years ago. We met in the lobby of my Oberio Refuge Camp. She was staying here for a few days, a respite from the demands of leading Egyptian 50 women on an Umrah pilgrimage.

AK and I WhatsApp frequently. Here is what we talk about. I had included a reel, posted on Instagram which you shall see. I included the caption; The Singing Star. When you listen you will sense the simple fact. I cannot sing. It is called: Singing the Anthem of Goodbye to Canada.
AK: Several clapping and loving emojis.
Me: Learned horrible facts about Canada yesterday. Very depressing. But I am not there, thanks to you.
Then this morning, texted again:
Me: A wonderful post by Hanan on Instagram with a photo of she and I in the Oberio greeted me this morning. I am obviously wearing the gift from your mother. Please show her. AlhamdulAllah
He: Sure will
Me: I am writing about it on my blog including the conversation about me getting to Saudi Arabia because of you.

Earlier in the day I had sent a voice message which is difficult to transcribe exactly, but this is the basic message.
Me: Anyway I keep having these strange experiences which honestly have to be given by Allah. That is the only way to explain it. There are people here from Edmonton the city I lived in Canada. I even sang the National Anthem for them Hahaha. But they were so rude, so incredibly rude. The ‘father’ dismissed me saying ‘you should go get breakfast.’ I smilingly said, as I waltzed off, “That is why I am here. “ That is exactly how Edmonton people are, particularly Edmonton Muslims. It mad me realize how blessed I am to be here, not there. Made me SO Grateful. It was a gift from Allah, reminding me of the pain I escaped. I am so glad I am here. So glad I am here.
He: That is very rude of them. But another assurance for you that you made the right decision to leave there and them.
Me: I totally know!!! That was a message from our Creator. Be grateful Alexis, and I totally am!
He: (praying emoji)

Returning to cheerfulness.  Hanan and I were laughing about my possible contributions to the group of Egyptian women (who speak English, by the way).
Me: I could be the stand up comedian. Honestly I did that once. I was living in London. Took a four day course in comedy with a bunch of young men. Not able to perform the night we were to show our talents as I was in school. But later summoned the bravery to do an open mike night at the pub down the street of where I was living at the time. It was the only time I did it, although I was a huge hit.

Now this is again totally unbelievable. I made posters, putting them in windows up and down Kings Cross Rd. I framed one, when in California and took a photo of it. Found it the other day in the thousands of photos in my collection. You shall see it. I used my birth name of Dryburgh, as you shall see – but that is me.

When Allah (SWT) gives you a gift – the Believer is supposed to use it. I have the gift of a sense of humor and use it to spread joy. Being in Edmonton was a waste of my gift, my time and me.  There are few Muslims there and they, like the family here, ignored me. So I am here in Medina, surrounded by Muslims – cheering them on!