Welcome Back is the Refrain at the Riyadh Hilton; Groggy Defined and Experienced; The First Class Lounge in Doha is Heaven on Earth For Many Reasons; William and Beryl Meet, Fall and Love and are Married Thanks to Alex; Finally Learn I have a Passion for This Blog 

I am back in Riyadh, arriving at 3 in the morning, after a seven hour layover in the Hammond International Airport in Doha,  Do not feel sorry for me. The First Class Lounge is the scene of complete luxury as the attached photographs will show. It was also a time of conviviality, connection and more than one very unusual reunions. Originally planned to sleep, there are bedrooms, with showers and every comfort imaginable. However, upon arrival I determined t that sleep was unnecessary as I arrived in Doha well rested – got 8 hours of shut-eye on the twelve and a half hour flight between Seattle and Doha. It was heavenly in more than one way. (By the way, shut-eye means sleep.) 

Groggily returned to my Riyadh ‘home away from home’ – the Riyadh Hilton Hotel and Residences. Groggy is defined dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow. Many synonyms are a pure delight: : stupefied,, befuddled, fuddled, muddled, bewildered, benumbed, punch-drunk, wobbly, dopey, woozy, woolly-headed, discombobulated,  Fortunately there was room at the inn as I was most woolly-headed, befuddled, wobbly and discombobulated. (I had, of course, made a reservation using the extremely efficient Hilton Reservations Service). 

Repaired to room (strange expression that) for more shut-eye, emerged to a world of ‘Welcome Backs”. I should have been counting them, It is most gratifying, uplighting and definitely good for the ego. To those of you not in the know: someone’s ego is their sense of their own worth. For example, if someone has a large ego, they think they are very important and valuable. He had a massive ego, never would he admit he was wrong. Synonyms: self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, self-image. 

Therefore, my self-image, self-esteem and self-confidence is at an all-time high., enhanced because a Saudi man told me yesterday that he loved me. Sort of announced it on social media. Yes., indeedie do.  The advantages of being a Muslim woman is that, in many ways  it is not complicated. Muslim women are respected, pre-marital sex never contemplated, men’s intentions are always honorable. I have no idea what this man’s intentions are – it seems that he wants to make me famous. Suppose at some point I should break it to him gently, in a kind way. . 

Me: Thank you for your desire to make me famous. But I am already famous enough. I actually do not like fame. It is most ephemeral and I make no money from it – so why bother? 

But in the meantime, in between time – burgeoning plans are being made for live ‘miked’ interviews, have already met important journalists who have been commissioned to write about me and there is something in the words involving an interview with an extremely important individual. A legend in his own time. (Its meaning: a person who is famous while still living for doing something extremely well.) That is undeniably him. 

Here is a late breaking Instagram update. I have now received 360 Likes to the comment made to a MBS announcement: 

Me: I believe him! I am convinced it will happen.  Goodness knows it needs to. Unlike most people who might comment on this I have been to Saudi Arabia and seen the enormous progress made there. 

Did receive one more negative comment – a lengthy, unintelligible rambling nonsense from a man who had 27 posts and 0 followers. Did not respond, blocked him. Goodbye guy. 

Never in my entire lifetime have I have ever received so many Likes to any one comment. Not sure if it is meaningful, that and twelve dollars (Canadian) gets you a cup of coffee. Hahaha

I am now bringing you a gratifying story, one that took place at the Hammond International First Class Executive Lounge in Doha. My last visit to that almost sacred place occurred on August 1, 2023 on my way home to Canada. I carelessly left something precious behind. I purchased a coin purse from the Edmonton Alberta Craft Gallery, nestled inside of it were several of my precious new business cards. The coin purse’s name was William, his creator names all of his creations. Hoping against all hopes, I asked a most helpful man, whose name was Alex if he could possibly see if William was laying abandoned in Lost and Found.  He was!!! Freeing him from Lost and Found prison proved very difficult as the conscientious employees required my August boarding pass. Alex worked so diligently – providing my passport, all manners of identification, showing that the image on the business cards was really me. Fortunately, and against all odds, found the June 27-August 2 itinerary on my phone, emailed it to Alex and it worked!!! William came home, and came home to a blessed surprise. Missing William, I went back to the Edmonton Alberta Craft Gallery and purchased Carole, whose name was changed to Beryl in honor of Computer Guru Chris’ dog. It was sudden, as all arranged marriages are – but now they are a happy couple. They look so much alike, their offspring, if they are so blessed, will resemble them totally. A photograph of the newly weds will follow. 

As I write, do admit to feeling a little fuzzy around the edges, let us say. This is being written in the AmBar. One welcoming man commented on my attire.

He: You are looking very Saudi. 

Me: Thank you! I am taking that as a compliment. 

He: It was meant as one. 

I am ‘covered’ wearing a hijab and abaya. The beautiful black abaya a gift from AK and his colleague. It was taken home to Edmonton, to be hemmed so I won’t trip and fall. I did not, I shall not. 

I did repair to my room after this AmBar writing, catching some more shut-eye. My doorbell rang, answered it to find a member of the Concierge staff bearing a plate of fresh fruit. The following conversation ensued: 

Me: My goodness, thank you. I do not recall receiving fresh fruit delivery in any of my prior visits. 

He: Can I come into your room and place it on your table. 

Me: Of course, as you can see I am writing. My blog which has made me famous with half a millions views. 

He: Oh!! 500,000 K

Me: Yes, but do not make money from it and do not particularly enjoy fame. 

He: It is your passion. You do it because it is your passion. 

Me: Yes. You are brilliant. I never thought of that before. Could never understand my absolute devotion to it but you are entirely correct. It is my passion. I am so grateful for this insight. And for the fruit I guess. 

He: You are most welcome. Enjoy your evening. 

Me: I shall, thank you. 

So what is a passion? I did, of course, look it up. There are four definitions, this is the most apt:  an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. Synonyms describing this definition are: love, mania, keen interest, fascination, obsession, fixation, predilection, compulsion, appetite, relish, partiality, liking,, penchant, addiction, fondness, thing, yen.

I have a yen, an appetite, a relish, a thing for alexismcbride.com. I hope you do too. Hahaha.