I woke with a blessed dilemma that shall soon be envied by all of my Muslim readers. When you are in Mecca itself which way to face when saying Fajr prayers, Asr prayers, Magrib prayers etc etc etc.
Dilemma at its core, is s a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives. Glanced at the synonyms to find my favorites which are: muddle; sticky situation, pickle, sticky wicket.
It is most amusing to say that I was in a muddle, a pickle and a sticky wicket to bhe in Mecca itself and not know which way to point my prayer rug. White staying in my Umra hotel it was obvious because the blessed Qubla was visible from my window but this hotel, the Park Inn is some distance from the holy sight. I am staying here on my way to Medinah. This trip to Saudi Arabia HAD to include Medinah but the circumstances under which I will see it have been totally revamped.
The original plan was to stay steps from the Women’s Gate in the Presidential Suite of the Hilton Hotel. It was mighty expensive but it was deemed necessary as there was ‘no room at the inn’ to borrow a Christian concept. My call to the Hilton Honors reservations (employees located in South Africa) found that there was only one room available during my Saudi sojourn – the Presidential Suite. Decided that this was the trip of a lifetime, the expense was worthwhile.
Everything went terribly wrong, horribly wrong with many repercussions. A traveller’s stream of emails is overpowering. The dates of the reservation were incorrectly remembered, when found after the harm was done if was discovered that the reservation began on July 15 extending to July 25. It was discovered on July 16.
The details of exactly went wrong, how the situation was worsened by corruption and thievery will be told at a later time. Most other tourists would be incapacitated, terrified and resourceless. Not me!! I had the services of FAKE (his new nickname). The F stands for Fabulous, the E for Excels.) Without him I would have never been able to turn this around. A tour guide is ABSOLUTELY essential when traveling in Saudi Arabia. A reputable one, which are almost impossible to find. I have been burned by three tour companies. One disastrously on my Umbrah in December and two during this visit.
Tourism is one item on the amazing agenda of MBS. Look at what he has done for Arab Unity (to be discussed later), look at wha he has done for the world already – forming an alliance with China to negate the influence of the US and its allies, the progress of NEOM (the Line.)
But MBS, Your Highness ,an infrastructure is needed for everything, including the tourist industry – and you do not have one. I have no idea who advices you on tourism but that man should be fired – not beheaded, that would be too drastic. (That was a feeble attempt at a joke). I have many ideas and am forming a team to look at the entire situation. My faithful partner FAKE is essential, we are a team. But others, with different areas of expertise are being added.
I am now in the Lobby of the Park Inn, sitting in front of a television showing the events taking place down the road. It is not crowded at this moment. Not crowded at all. It is fascinating that In this day and age I can watch the holy procession on my iPad App when in Edmonton. Not only can but do so.
My life has irrevocably changed. I can now sit and watch in the lobby of a Mecca hotel. Moreover, and more importantly, I have friends who live in Mecca. Never had that before, most people, the world over, do not. They probably could never hope to.
I am traveling in a SUV from Mecca and Medinah. We are not following the route that the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) took. His was arduous, over the mountains, not the established route as he would have been attacked by those evil Quraish. He was once forced to hide in a cave, was not discovered by his oppressors because a spider’s web was created by the Creator. I laughingly say to my companions that the Prophet went the hard way.
Me: The Prophet went the hard way, this wide six lane highway was not here then.
They: Really Alexis, Are you sure?
Me: Yes, I read a lot and have recall of what I read.
Who are the unfortunate people who are accompanying me on this journey? First of all there is AK, the founder of Eish’ha Tours (Arabic for LIVE IT). His mother honored us with her presence.
She is a retired school principal, serving Mecca school children for over thirty years. A photo of her business card will follow the blog (Most of you will not be able to read it, do admit that I cannot.
Help – we are now having yet another adventure. One you will not believe but I have photos to prove it AND a reel or two which you can view on Instagram, for added pleasure.
On my side of the car, on a fence there was a chorus line of baboons along the wire line. FAKE was stupid enough to stop. One arrived sitting on the hood of the elegant SUV – attempts were made to feed it. Cookies were the diet of today. At first some reluctance on the baboon’s part but then enthusiasm and suddenly there was a convention, Baboons here, baboons there, baboons every where. At the very last minute I summoned the bravery to feed a baboon. I did at the last minute summoned my bravery and fed a girl (apparently) baboon. A photo will be included to prove my veracity and bravery. Then another photo of someone else being fed by a Saudi woman.
There are cumulus clouds above. There is everything here – scenery, baboons, the occasional camel, villages, all centered around mosques. I inquired.
Me: Why are there villages all around.
AK: They are populated by members of a tribe.
Me: How long have they been there.
AK: Over a hundred years, in the modern villages you see today. They take pride living where their ancestors made their homes for hundreds and hundreds of years.
We are now nearing Medinah – tune into the next blog. Everyday seems to get better and better. More excitement at each moment.