I mandate, for myself, that I maintain a positive attitude. Allah, also mandates this same stance. But it is one thing to be positive and quite another to be a Pollyanna. As usual I came up with an absolutely perfect word as proven by the Dictionary coupled with an absolutely perfect use of the word in a sentence. It is defined as “an excessively cheerful or optimistic person. Here is the sentence provided: What I am saying makes me sound like some aging Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light.”
At this juncture we shall define stance. The synonyms are: attitude, stand, point of view, viewpoint, opinion, way of thinking, outlook, standpoint, posture, position, angle, perspective, approach, slant, thinking, line, policy, thoughts, ideas, sentiments, feelings. So Allah (and Alexis) mandate that my attitude, my point of view, my way of thinking, my outlook, my posture my thinking, my thoughts, my sentiments and my feelings be positive.
But to be positive in the midst of what is happening at the moment would be sheer insanity.
The other morning I stepped outside to perform my morning prayers and found a stack of papers carelessly thrown on my doorstep. It said it was an unlawful detainer filed with the Marin County Superior Court. That, was unbelievable on many levels. The first and primary one being that this is not service according to the laws of the land. It must be served on the person to be served by an independent individual with the magic phrase: You are being served. (Or words to that effect.) So I briefly shrugged and got onto what was important – my prayers to Allah.
I looked at the document but it was ridiculous in my eyes. It was using the unlawful and egregious three day notice to quit – filled with lies and insults as grounds for the action. Since I did not flee with my tail between my legs within three days then that was grounds for an unlawful detainer. How could that be? That was not the law as I knew it and it must be remembered that I have been a lawyer, and a good one at that, for over twenty years and if once a lawyer, always a lawyer, then for thirty-eight years. So I did not take it seriously and continued on my plans to go to Dubai – first as a tourist and then applying for a visa which would allow me to stay in the country. The country of my dreams at the present moment.
But yesterday came a rude awakening. Went to Brendon Brewer’s office to sign the living trust which will benefit Brandeis School, helping to provide scholarship money to the youth of Marin. I took the pieces of paper with me thinking that he would say that I could just use them as toilet paper. But not so, it seems, if I do not do anything all of my possessions shall be seized by the Sheriff within a short period of time. For some obscure reason Mr. Brewer chose not to take the case and defend me, saying I do think, that I would be in Dubai and how could he.
He said that it was inadequate service but I would have to raise that defense at time of trial.
Me: Well OK but, what part of I will be in Dubai, did you not understand? I want to live in a country that is not lawless, not this country.
His only solution was to file something called a general denial.
Me: So I will go to the Clerk’s Office and pick up a form
He: No! Go on line.
Me: But I do not have a printer.
He seemed to care less. He was considered a friend – worked with his wife for years – their engagement party was held in my Peacock Gap home. I actually had taken wedding pictures that I had found in my possession and gave them to him without charge. Now that was a mistake as he charged me a fortune (over three hundred dollars) for basically nothing.
I did not take his advice and went to the County Clerk’s Office who referred me to Room C-44 of the Civic Center. Therein a wonderful woman printed a form called Answer – Unlawful Detainer. So I can and MUST fill it out and file it with the Court later today. There upon, apparently a court date will be provided and I can face my accusers who have deprived me of a property right. Unheard of that there be a deprivation of an essential right without an opportunity to even learn their names must less confront them.
At this point in time, you, if you have any empathy, must be feeling sorry for me. Well I cannot stand to be a victim and here comes some cheer.
I had decided in the middle of the night to use the return ticket I paid for and return to Marin, gathering my possessions and tending to matters before leaving for Dubai for residency. I have all the materials gathered to obtain a visa. I just wanted to escape this place, this country. But if I return, with necessary plans and arrangements in place then it will be easier. I can, for example, open a Barclay’s Bank account and as they do business in Dubai and the USA my retirement income will arrive in Dubai, where I am. So I was coming back anyway to take care of things properly. I do a very good job of taking care of myself because I have never had anyone to take care of me.
I will now finish this blog. Go get copies made of the Answer to the Unlawful Detainer. Fill it out using my address here and the address of the hotel in Dubai where I will be staying. I will request a jury trial on the matter. No doubt I shall prevail. I announced the plan of attack to GEM
Me: I am going to be my own attorney. There is absolutely no doubt that I will prevail. None whatsoever.
Here is more good news. I do not have to pay rent in the meantime.
So my plans have not been altered. I shall get on that plane to Dubai at the appointed hour. I will get to see Expo 2020. I actually feel I am there already as I get so many Instagrams showing the Royals of Dubai there and also receive messages of hope and inspiration concerning the plans for the future of the UAE and the lawfulness of that country in contrast to this one.
I shall also send you some cheer from my favorite source. Andy Borowitx of the New Yorker. Now this is timely!! It is called Big News for Texas Women. Texas Temporarily Forced to Recognize Women as Humans. It begins as follows: In a judicial decision that has stirred controversy in the Lone Star State, Texas has been temporarily forced to recognize women as humans. The incendiary decision, handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Pitman, enables women to “come out of the shadows” and be granted rights similar to those enjoyed by other humans in Texas.
As usual it continues saving the best until last. n an emotional press conference, the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, called the judge’s decision to confer human status on women “a dark day in the history of our great state.” He warned that the state could face mass immigration from women “once word gets out that Texas considers them equivalent to human beings.”
“The voters of Texas did not put me in office to allow women to be treated as humans,” he said, choking back tears. “As long as I can draw a breath, this will not stand.”
Is that not fantastically funny. Abbot choking back the tears promising that the treatment of women as humans will not stand as long as he is alive.
I know that Allah is cheering me on at this moment and I am cheering up you people and not acting like a vicim and defending myself.
I almost forgot this. I was jumping up and down in water aerobics and this song rang out, it is by Lloyd Price. :
But I’m gonna get married
(You’re so young)
My name she’ll carry
(You’re too young Johnny, you’re so smart)
But not smart enough to hide an aching heart
How come my heart deserts me
Burning full of love and desire
How come every time she kiss me
It sets my soul on fire
How come every time she leave me
It seems like I’ve lost a part
I may be too young to marry
But not to hide an aching heart
(Johnny, you’re too young)
But I’m gonna get married
(You’re so young)
My name she’ll carry
(You’re too young Johnny, you’re so smart)
But not smart enough to hide an aching heart
How come every time she kiss me
It thrills me from head to toe
How come every time I see her
It lifts me right off the floor
How come every time I’m with her
She whispers so soft and low
It makes me want to jump and holler
And bump my head into a door
(Johnny, you’re too young)
But I’m gonna get married
(You’re so young)
My name she’ll carry
(You’re too young, and Johnny, you’re so smart)
But not smart enough to hide an aching heart
(Too young)
I’m gonna get married
(You’re so young)
My name she’ll carry
(You’re too young)
But I’m gonna get married
(You’re so young)
My name she’ll carry
(You’re too young)
Do you think it is prophetic. Well nobody could possibly say I am too young, but still……..
Photograph is of my two feet – got new slippers to wear in the Dubai hotel. Out with the old and in with the new I announced on Instagram.