First of all let us discuss what enlighten means. The literal translation means: give (someone) spiritual knowledge. Its synonyms are: tell, make aware, open someone’s eyes, notify, illuminate, apprise, brief, update, bring up to date; disabuse, set straight; informal put in the picture, clue in, fill in, put wise, bring up to speed. Had an appointment with Primary Care Physician the day before yesterday. Twas good news – spinach eating paid off, now no longer anemic, iron levels normal – low normal but satisfactory. PCP remains a fam – saying he has never seen me more relaxed and happy in all the years he has known me. (43). But it did become a serious conversation as I questioned what should be done in the event that i become infected with the virus (either the original or the mutation). It is best to be prepared and now I am!
He: Well, if you have a fever and are coughing call the office.
Me: How can I tell if I have a fever. I do not have a thermometer.
He: Go buy one. Then self isolate.
Me: Well, that is not hard, as I basically do it anyway, I can have medications delivered.
He: There are no effective medications. Your immune system will just have to fight it.
Me: Ok! I have a very strong immune system.
He: You do. It is important to check your oxygen levels and get to the hospital if your uptake is low.
Me: How do I do that!
He: With an oximeter like this – right now yours is at 99% which is very good.
Me: I suppose you are going to tell me to go buy an oximeter at the drug store.
He: Yes I am!
Me: So what do I do about getting tested?
He: Call Marin General and make an appointment – it only takes thirty minutes.
Me: Ok! Thank you so much Doctor! Now I feel prepared, calmer and optimistic and that will aid my immune system in fighting off the virus in the first place.
He: Yes, Alexis. You are right!
Then it was off to the pharmacy wherein Care Giver and yours truly purchased a thermometer and an oximeter. I am prepared. Recently read that mutations came about because individuals with weak immune systems would get the virus and they would become, in effect, breading groups for mutations. My immune system is going to say:
Immune System: Go Away and Stay Away. I mean it!!!!
It: Ok, ok, ok. I find somebody weak and defenseless.
Immune System: That is your decision. I cannot save the world, although I would like to.
I have had the happiest days of my life very recently but do not feel the need to share the hows and whys of it (at this moment). Perhaps later. One gratifying moment was a voice mail from Steve the Mover asking me how I was doing. How very sweet that was, he is such a good man and we had a great discussion on religion during the move – he is a Christian.
But very good news from afar also brought cheer. Do admit that it is strange that I would care but I do. The Emir of Qatar has done an amazing job at peace making (although do admit that it times, been a little bit critical of him.) “Saudi Arabia and its three Arab allies have agreed to restore full ties with Doha at a summit in the kingdom, the Saudi foreign minister said.Faisal bin Farhan al Saud told a news conference on Tuesday after the gathering of Gulf Arab states, also attended by Egypt, that there was political will and good faith to guarantee implementation of the agreement to restore diplomatic and other ties, including resumption of flights.”What happened today is… the closure of the folder of all points of difference and a full return of diplomatic relations,” he told a press conference at the conclusion of a landmark regional summit.Saudi Arabia and its three Arab allies have agreed to restore full ties with Doha at a summit in the kingdom, the Saudi foreign minister said Faisal bin Farhan al Saud told a news conference on Tuesday after the gathering of Gulf Arab states, also attended by Egypt, that there was political will and good faith to guarantee implementation of the agreement to restore diplomatic and other ties, including resumption of flights.”What happened today is… the closure of the folder of all points of difference and a full return of diplomatic relations,” he told a press conference at the conclusion of a landmark regional summit. So everyone is super happy about this all. All of the countries are US allies. Qatar hosts the region’s largest US military base, Bahrain is home to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet, and Saudi Arabia and the UAE host US troops. Turkey, happy too. “Turkish government welcomed the agreement, saying the efforts of international actors,”who have contributed to the decision-making through their mediation and facilitation activities are admirable.””Our hope is this conflict will be resolved comprehensively and permanently on the basis mutual respect for the sovereignty of the countries and that other sanctions against the people of Qatar will be lifted as soon as possible,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said.”
The reasoning behind my delight in this landmark agreement will be explained in a subsequent blog – one that will also speak of my find – the May 31, 1943 Life magazine which spoke of the conditions of Saudi Arabia at that time. There have been massive changes with the influx of oil revenues, but the situation is precarious at the present time, which probably was a factor win bringing about this agreement. Precarious is uncertain, insecure, unpredictable, risky, parlous, hazardous, dangerous, unsafe; unsettled, unstable, unsteady, shaky; informal dicey, chancy, iffy. So some things are dicey and Iffy in Saudi Arabia at the present time.
Must go and get dressed as I am off to a specialist to have my hemorrhoids treated, Life cannot always be filled with glamour. Hahahaha
Two photographs are attached to this blog. One is of the remains of the most delicious pizza ever eaten – and prepared using Halal ingredients (made by Care Giver’s family). The other of my patio – there is now a dream catcher on the door but candles and lights remain.