I Believe A Sense Of Humor Is Inherited And That It Is A Dryburgh Trait. Proof Is Offered Through The Post Of February 8, 2017 And My Cousins’ Response

A snippet of background material is about to be provided for those who do not know me or my ‘new’ family the Dryburghs. Dryburgh is my birth name, hence it is hardly a new family to me. But I did not have anything to do with the Dryburghs most of my life. But then, when I ‘decided’ to write a biography of Dave Dryburgh I had to hustle up some support and information, I reached out to my female cousins and they were there. One could say, they were there the whole time. I have never seen one of my Dryburgh female cousins, one not met for over sixty years. A sweeping generalization would be that I made the acquaintance of these beloved cousins only in the last three years.
But as I email, meet and greet them over these three years I am amazed that we all have a sense of humor. My friend Beth also observed that we can all write well as well. A chapter in the book about Uncle Dave contains an exploration of certain traits. It is called Nature, Nurture, Neither. I shared this chapter with the Niece’s Nexus. They shot back intelligent comments and sent examples from their own lives. This particular posting will illustrate the Dryburgh sense of humor in action.
The blog posting of February 8, 2017, entitled The Story of a Precious Bible’s Journey from Saskatchewan to London and Then Off to Australia, is accompanied by a studio photograph of a handsome man in uniform. I discovered it on my computer, it was sent by one of my precious cousins. But who is this guy? I surmise that it is Uncle Jim. I knew he served, I have seen later pictures of him so it must be him. But I do have some trepidations. I email the cousins. The thread begins with my email to them.
It is posted, go and look. alexismcbride.com The story of my sending the bible off to Pat has made the big time. There may be a slight problem however. Chris, computer guy is insisting on a picture as some stupid web site says so. I only hope the picture is Uncle Jim. If not shut up. No one else is going to know. I am very proud of this piece. It took all day to write it. So go for it girls. You all get mentioned. Particularly Pat and Gail. I made plans to go back to Kirkcaldy. The thirst for real excitement never dies. Haha. Going pre eviction. Need to do some final things including, on a morbid level arrange for my ashes. I found a B&B not far from West Wemyss, my favorite of all places. Get on that blog. I have had 1370 hits since it began. UNBELIEVABLE

I know Uncle Dave is proud! Especially this one as he is mentioned. Alexis
Gail responds:

Love reading your blog! Just between you and I (maybe Pat too as she will know) the photo is my father but as you say no one else is going to know. During that time of their life I was told that George & Jim looked so much alike they could have been twins! Gail
I respond to Gail:

Thank you so very much!!! Phew! Thank you of course for your love of my blog. My blog is my favorite child, an unexpected and unplanned one but one that is so therefore so very dear to me. And thank you for your comments about your father and Uncle Jim. They look like twins gets me off the hook. It was interesting when I saw the posting and saw that Chris did not label the person I was glad. Now I have an out. I can just say that it is Uncle George but I put him there because I felt like it. Haha! Let us try and chat on Sunday. Alexis
But then i get this email from Pat.

OK – I’m not telling you…..well, yes I am!

The photo you showed on your Blog is Gail’s dad….the other of the 2 photos shown in the attachment is my dad.

Gail’s dad was the practical joker. May have told you before, but both Uncle George & Dad served in the Canadian air force….they were both trainers (I believe). They were never on the same base at the same time…..dad apparently moved on to a base as Uncle George and not long before left for the next base. I remember dad (or maybe my mother) telling me that Uncle George would pull some practical joke just before he left…and guess who got the blame…my dad!

They looked very much alike.

I remember my trip to Canada with my mother in 1964. We arrived at Vancouver airport and I saw someone coming towards us. I turned to my mother and asked her how dad had got there ahead of us! She laughed and said “That is not your father…that’s your Uncle George”


As he got closer, I realised my mistake and noticed many differences between them, but I sure felt like a fool! HAHAHAHA


Alexis wrote back to Pat.

My darling cousin! Gail told me about my mistake and was very gracious about it as were you. I think at some point we should blog the story as it is so funny. But not today. So it is hilarious that by goofing up, the way I did, I sort of continued the ‘confusion’ of the two. Your poor Dad, achieving the fame of a blog but having his bratty brother pictured. It is perfect in a way and in a strange way they come to life. Eerie. I am copying Gail with this email. I am writing a posting for the blog even as we speak. Alexis
Later, Alexis wrote Pat.

So the other matters first. I thought, with your permission, I would tell the story of the misidentified photograph as it is rather cute and in an interesting way brings your fathers to life. Their jocular ways are handed down to their daughters.
So this does become a story of the Dryburgh sense of humor, exemplified by fathers and daughters. What would Uncle Dave do if he read this? I know he would laugh but he would do more than that. He would say: “Alexis I am so proud of you. You are bringing this family together. “ He said it once and he would be saying it again. I am now illustrating the other Dryburgh genetic trait: crying.
Thank goodness that the picture that is attached contains people that I know, or at least look vaguely familiar. It is a picture taken at Carol-Ann’s home in January of 2016. I will accurately name them all.

The Back Row: Left to Right, Dale (my brother) David (Garnet’s son), Geri (George’s daughter), Carol-Ann (Garnet’s daughter.)

The Front Row: Left to Right Jack (George’s son), ME, Gail (George’s daughter), Gary (George’s son)

Parenthetically I do have other clothes. I am embarrassed to note that I am wearing exactly the same thing in the picture that marks this blog site. How embarrassing. It was a different party then the one where my signature picture was taken, if that makes any difference.

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