This morning learned the Gaza Genocide is back on. Learned it from Instagram. There was a Saudi Gazette post that read MBS denounced the attack and demanded international community ’s urgent indentation to stop Israel. I responded;
Denouncing will not do anything at all and he is stepping aside by demanding the international community do with its power and might should be leading.
I received one like for this statement.
But then the post changed and now the Saudi Council of Ministers is making the statement, not MBS himself. It is not, as if, the Saudi Council of Ministers is an independent body not influenced by MBS. But now he is not on center stage. Then to render my statement utterly meaningless another response, offered by an illogical non truth teller saying MBS supported Gaza ‘since the beginning’ got 4 Likes.
However, not to mention this catastrophe in this blog would create an elephant in the room situation.
“The expression “the elephant in the room” (or “the elephant in the living room”)[2][3] is a metaphoricalidiom in English for an important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable and is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous. The metaphorical elephant represents an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about. “
How should one respond to the elephant? Google advises:
“It is essential to be straightforward about all of the information, even if it is unpleasant. Tiptoeing around even small aspects of the issue will only perpetuate the tension surrounding the elephant. Being direct enables you to manage others’ perceptions and prevent the elephant from becoming distorted by rumors.”
I was straightforward, did not tiptoe but discussing this matter more thoroughly on this blog is a waste of time, energy and words. MBS could have done something about Gaza, he didn’t; and he is not gonna for reasons we shall never know. It is an absolute blessing to be a Muslim as one knows that Allah (SWT) is in charge and He knows what he is doing as He is All-Knowing and the Great Planner. All I can do is change myself, act in accordance with the Way of Ease, and write about that matters of the faith, trying also to bring cheer in this troubled world. NOT about what MBS is doing or, actually NOT doing. The End.
Back to yesterday and the day before yesterday. I snapped a photo facing East rather than in the direction of the sunrise. The reflection in the water was stunning. I looked to the left and saw a beautiful white building. Took a picture of it, sending it to Shamir asking him what it was. He told me, getting information from the Lexis Suites Penang (my nemesis) website of all places. Shamir not only told me what it was, sent an explanation from the Internet But promised to drive me on Tuesday. I was SO happy and SO blessed.
The photo I sent to him and the photo attracting me to the location can be found on the March 18 blog. Scroll down, go to Older Posts and click on the title.
The day dawned. Knowing I should be covered, I did, from head to toe, a black hijab and stylish abaya. I was so covered Shamir did not recognize me at first. We both were dressed in black, wearing long sleeves. We arrived, passing ‘clothes police’ scrutiny. The wonderful women who woman greeted me volunteered to retie my hijab which she did, so lovingly. It was a vast improvement over my clumsy attempts. Although it was not necessary I chose to wear one of the bright blue abayas given to tourists who arrive in unsuitable attire. She lovingly bottomed me up while I told her of my recent reversion to the faith. Shamir was snapping photos, capturing us in animated conversation. An informative sign, which shall be pictured told of its construction. “Penang floating mosque is the first mosque in Malaysia build on the sea. Construction began in 2003 and was completed in 2005. While the construction was in process the tragedy of tsunami happened. The architecture is a design according to West Asian. The shape of the dome is aerodynamic and corresponds to the marine environment in the straight of Penang. The Mihrab architecture is an Arabic art sculpture resembling a mihrab in the Prophet’s Mosque at Madinah.
Shamir was in charge of photography. It was a blessing because often, when first visiting a superb sight I am so enraptured, my attention so focused, I fail to focus using my camera. Blessedly, this time I have photographic memories of the visit, with me being the star. Need to take him with me wherever I go. Hahaha You will see the beauty from the photos and short reel. He found a fellow tourist to take our picture in front of the mosque. Shamir posted the photo on Instagram, which led to a strange response, later becoming the subject of a text between us.
He: I posted the picture on Instagram. People think you are my mom. They say u look like my mom
Me: Oh my Allah. Are they blind? Don’t tell your mother for sure. Or anybody hahaha, And don’t tell your Dad either. We never met each other when you were born. Much less copulate nine months before. Do you know the meaning of copulate?
He: No
Me: It starts with a F.
He: Fire? Friend?
Me: No my dear. Use your imagination.Think of nine months before.
He: Now I know why u extended for 1 year. Are u my mom and now u regret and came to claim me.
Me: . Why?? To claim you, my forgotten son???
He: Yessss I need some time to think about it. After 36 years you come back into my life? I need a year. Hahahah
This conversation was taking place at sunset, We could, at the appointed hour, break fast.
Me: I am dying from laughing. About three minutes to go, sonny
He: OK Mum
Me: No remember I am Mewai or something.
He: Memaw .
He then sent a GIF “I’m the cool memaw”
Me: How did you find it so fast?
He: I typed Memaw
Me: It is now. I just got an announcement in Arabic
He: Okay Happy Iftar.
After I had eaten, thought of a good idea. Texted cousin Pam telling her to talk to her mother, have her tell Shamir that she was around when he was born and I am not his mother.
He: Pam must be shocked.
Me: Maybe I have not heard from her. Haha
He: You are having an effect on the family. By helping you are becoming one of the family. Better yet my mom
Me: What an immense privilege, to be Shamir’s Mom. With power comes responsibility. Yuck
Returning to day of the Floating Mosque. Afterwards Shamir and I went grocery shipping at San’s, the greatest of all supermarkets. I was still covered but added a straw hat to make me look more approachable. Shamir took a photo of me with the grocery cart. Wait until you see it!! I am standing under a sign that says: Fresh From the Farm. It looks like I am fresh from the farm.
Sent it to a new Australian friend, met at the Kashmir a few nights ago. You will hear more about her later.
She: Would make a great advertisement for fresh food LOL
As you can see I did act in accordance with paragraph 4 of this blog:
“I was straightforward, did not tiptoe but discussing this matter more thoroughly on this blog is a waste of time, energy and words. MBS could have done something about Gaza, he didn’t; and he is not gonna for reasons we shall never know. It is an absolute blessing to be a Muslim as one knows that Allah (SWT) is in charge and He knows what he is doing as He is All-Knowing and the Great Planner. All I can do is change myself, act in accordance with the Way of Ease, and write about that matters of the faith, trying also to bring cheer in this troubled world. NOT about what MBS is doing or, actually NOT doing. The End.
Photographs and a reel illustrating the Day of the Floating Mosque, as well as a Fresh From the Farm photo.