Slipped again, does not qualify as a sin perhaps but it is a very good idea to ask for forgiveness I very recently learned. Even if one does a good deed, it certainly was not done perfectly so you still ask Allah (SWT) for forgiveness. I am learning a great deal this Ramadan, but I still have a lot to learn and THEN the next step is to put my learning into action. I am becoming more humble, fortunately it is highly valued in the Islamic Faith. The opposite of Arrogance which is a definite NO NO.
This is how I slipped, not sinned. Opening my email inbox found Walrus, a Canadian online excellent publication . In my defense, must assert that at least I was not combing through social media when stumbling upon it. Therein, found a reasoned intelligent approach to the United States debacle.
Debacle is the perfect word to describe the USA at the moment: a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco. Its synonyms add to the apt description: catastrophe, disaster, disintegration, mess, wreck, ruin; downfall, collapse, rout, overthrow, trouncing, screwup, botch, cock-up, pig’s ear, car crash. Characterizing the mess as a screwup, a botch, a cock-up, a pig’s ear and/or a car crash adds needed humor to the situation.
The beginning caught my eye – promising more..
“Will this period of rapid, domestically focused upheaval lead to a stronger, safer, and more prosperous America? Or will it do the opposite—pushing the US toward isolation, retreating from the very interconnectedness that underpins its wealth and security? And if the latter transpires, where does the anger go when the expected renaissance fails to materialize?
The danger of tearing down institutions without a plan for rebuilding is that chaos fills the void. And when that happens, blame is no longer placed on foreigners, migrants, allies, or competitors—it turns inward. Not us against them but me against you.”
Rafal Rohozinski, the author, is a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation and a principal of the SecDev Group, where he leads its geopolitical digital risk practice. His writing is powerful, his command of history exemplary, his insights astute.
“The scale and the impact of this moment (Make America Great Again) echo a historical precedent unseen since the Bolsheviks consolidated power in revolutionary Russia. The real question now is whether this transformation will take the shape of a controlled evolution or unravel into a chaotic rupture—one that fundamentally reshapes the fabric of American political life.”
The article concludes:
“If there’s a lesson from the early twentieth century—from Germany and from Russia—it’s that the names of the men who set the fire matter far less than the forces they unleash. What matters now is who picks up the power that’s been thrown into the streets. That, more than Trump or Musk, will define the US—and global security—for the century ahead.”
Robozinski’s viewpoint is most enlightening. Should you wisely decide to read the entire article, here is the link:
I have not been worried about the goings-on in the US, despite the fact it is the source of my retirement income. Figured in the US the rich get rich and the poor get poorer and my County retirement fund is invested in the same manner as the rich – the stock market etc.etc. Nonetheless, Andy Borowitz (of all people) my very favorite satirist in the whole world brought on pangs of anxiety when I read this.
“WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an emergency address from the Oval Office on Monday afternoon, Donald J. Trump commanded the American people not to check their 401k accounts. “Anyone caught checking their 409s (sic) can and will be deported,” he warned. Asserting that he was issuing this order “for your own good,” Trump added, “Elon says there’s a virus in the stock market and if you check your stocks it will spread to your body.” Though he claimed that “nothing bad is happening on Wall Street,” he promised the American people that, in the event of a stock market crash, “I will fix it with my Sharpie.”
My anxiety dissipated with the humor. Elon saying the virus in the stock market will spread to your body AND Trump fixing the stock market with his Sharpei. There is nothing I can do about it anyway – why worry??
To return briefly to the life and times of Alexis McBride
This has been a busy day. Awoke at 5:45, prepared a suhoor with all of the food groups, scrambling eggs in the microwave with spinach and cheese. My first culinary attempt in months, if not years. Can be improved upon but a good beginning. Religiously read a chapter or two of Fazil’s thesis, the completing the reading being one of my Ramadan intentions. .
Thereupon, opened my WhatsApp to this Good Morning message. “Life is so ironic. It takes sadness to know what happiness is, noise to appreciate the silence and absence to value presence. Good Morning.” That is so true and it give me something to think about. A variation upon Islamic Hardship and then Benefit. Then another Good Morning message; “Start your day with a smile, a grateful heart and a positive attitude. Good Morning” Fortunately I was ahead of the game, I had done so.
To be ahead of the game means to know more about the most recent developments in a particular subject or activity than the people or companies you are competing against. If one is always staying ahead of the game then you are well prepared to deal with any change that happens in the activity that you are involved in. Therefore, staying ahead of the game is a good game plan.
The same person who sent the good morning greetings also forwarded this.
Mexican President CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM writes to Trump and Musk on behalf of the rest of the WORLD:
“So they voted to build a wall..Well, my dear Americans, even if you don’t understand much about geography – because for you, America is your country is your country and not a continent – it is important that you know, before you lay the first bricks what you are leaving behind outside that wall.
There are 7 billion people outside, but since that concept of people many not resonate with you, let’s call them consumers instead.
There are 7 billion consumers who are ready to replace iPhone with Samsung or Huawei in less than 42 hours. In addition, they can replace Levi’s with Zara or Massimo Dutti.
In less than six months, we calmly stop buying Ford or Chevrolet vehicles and replace them with Toyota, KIA, Mazda, Honda, Hyundai, Volvo, Subaru, Renault. Volvo, Subaru, Renault,or BMW which far surpass the cars you produce in terms of technology.
Those 7 billion can also cancel their subscrizpios to DirecTV. We may not like it, but we can stop watching Hollywood movies and start watching more Latin American or European productions that have better quality, messages, filming techniques and content.
Even if it seems incredible to you, we can stop going to Disney and instead visit Caret Park in Cancun Mexico, Canada or Europe. There are other excellent destinations in South America, the Ease and Europe.
And believe it or not, even in Mexico there are better hamburgers than those at McDonald’s, with better nutritional value
Has anyone seen pyramids in the United States? In Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Sudan and other countries there are pyramids with incredible cultures.
Look for where the wonders of the ancient and modern world are…None of them are in the United States..What a shame for Trump, well, he would have brought them and resold them!
We know that Adidas exists and not just Nike, and we can start consuming Mexican sneakers like Panam.
We know a lot more than you think. For example, we know that if those 7 billion consumers stop buying your products, there will be unemployment and that your economy (inside the racist wall) will collapse to the point that you will beg us to tear down the fateful wall.
We didn’t want it, but you wanted a wall, you will get a wall.
The rest of the WORLD.
Please forward this to 12 people,. If you don’t nothing will happen; only many people will not know these realities.
I was not able to get the WhatsApp message to email format so I has to type it from my phone to the blog. Shamir is promising to come and help me with my techie problems. I became impatient to get the word out – I am sending this to way more than 12 people. More people I Malaysia read me than any country in the world, but the United States is second. Today I am doing my best to entertain my United States readers. I can not say for sure that changes will come from within, just in case it does not happen go to my blog of a month and a half ago with the impeded reel discussing the whys and wherefores of millions of Americans coming to Malaysia to love.
On a whim, decided to include photos of my happier days in California. Found several taken in May of 2021. My birthday party – Mt. Tamalpais in the background. Flower arrangements and my unicorn collection gracing the patio of my ground floor apartment. One of me wearing a hat and the mandatory masks of the time. I am not filled with regret, looking at those phots. I am filled with relief – California is burning and goodness knows what will happen to the USA.
A whim is a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained. Call it a notion, fancy, whimsy, foible, caprice, kink, megrim, passion, bent; or whim-wham.
I got out when the getting out was good. “Get out while the getting is good” is an idiom that means to leave or depart while there is still a good opportunity or favorable situation to do so
It suggests leaving a situation when things are going well, before a potential downturn or negative change occur. It was not a good opportunity to flee as I was not safe and was discriminated against – going to the UAE but step by step – slowly as I climbed the ladder – I got here. The blog describes the journey London, USA, Canada, KSA, Malaysia and Beyond.
I do wonder where beyond is going to be. I definitely know where I want it to be – pray daily, perform good deeds, fast during Ramadan, sin and then repent in order that it be my destiny.