This morning at breakfast wrote an email with the subject line: Switched at Birth
Me: A sudden thought struck last night when walking hone from being with your father and your dog (hahaha). I had the distinct feeling that your family and myself were connected in a former life. I have heard of this, even in the Islamic Faith. Not reincarnation but a connection. I will do some more research on it. In my earlier years, before the faith and other extensive research I always was of the belief that I had been switched at birth. I was SO different from the folks that were supposed to be my family I was sure that hospital sent me home with the wrong people. I was convinced of this for years. Honest. Hahaha What make it eerie was that the hospital where my mother gave birth was the Grey Nun’s Hospital (I think) The more I think of it the stranger it gets.
Sent him a text that I had sent the email.
He: Yes I just read it.
Me: Wow. You are a prize.
Unfortunately, during my lifetime, I have had my share of non responsive people. That was a hardship but along came the benefit. The hardship of the dead heads who do not seem to care makes me joyous to find a person that is attentive and responds. I REALLY appreciate him and express my gratitude So in the long run it works becoming a win/win instead of a lose/lose loser situation.
We talked about the dog. I am not fond of dogs so it was a surprise to learn he was the proud father of this dog, which I thought was the Dad’s
Me: I guess I could adjust. Simba is a nice dog.
He: Yes he keeps my Dad active, they just went to breakfast. Together. I have to get to the office.
Me: I breakfasted alone no dog no dad no nobody.
He: U have ALLAH and us.
Needless to say I hearted both of those messages. It is definitely true about me having Allah and it appears the us part is working out as well.
Decided to begin to examine the concept of former lives. Immediately found an overview. “Former lives” is a term that refers to the idea that a person’s soul or spirit has lived other lives before their current one. This belief is also known as the idea of past lives.” But then the research got bogged down so I quit.
I was teasing a couple of people about their failure to read my blog. PAST (a new nickname) said.
He: I read your blogs at night when I cannot go to sleep. They put me to sleep right away.
Me: That is great to hear. Just what I always wanted to be – a bed time story.. a sleeping potent, an analgesic.
I think he was joking with me – he better be, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This proverb is adapted from a line in a play The Mourning Bride by William Congreve, an English author of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. It instructs that no one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. It is said said that women often react to something which hurts or upsets them by behaving very angrily and viciously. Faithless husbands who doubt that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned should read Tolleck Winner’s novel `Love With Vengeance’ and beware. Put more simply a woman will make someone suffer if they reject her.
In all fairness, I have not been rejected – my writing being compared to a sleeping potent is not a rejection, particularly if he is insomnia. Quite the opposite – he may become addicted to my writing.
Today received the news that I had best go shopping today as the stores were closing down for Chinese New Years.
Me: This country is driving me crazy. The stores get shut down for the Hindu annual festival of lights. I am not Hindu. Then the stores shut down for Christmas. I am not a Christian. Now the stores get shut down because it is Chinese New Year’s. I am not Chinese. Ramadan is coming in 39 days – what happens then. The least they could do in a Muslim Majority country is shut dow all the restaurants from sunrise to sunset.
He: Restaurants are not allowed to serve Muslims from sunrise to sunset.
Me: Hmmmm. How can you tell which is which. Muslim women wear scarves but the men??? Do they have to show that they are not circumcised?
He: (Laughing.) Yes they apply for a special identity card with a photograph.
Me: I would hate to be the photographer. Hahaha
Not all women are required to fast at Ramadan, there are exceptions. Is there any provision for them? Do they carry around an identity card saying they are pregnant, or having a period? Or do they just take off their scarf? I have an exception from my doctors: I can drink water and take electrolytes? Would a restaurant be prohibited from serving me water or my special drink? I am not planning to eat between sunrise and sunset as prefer to be in solitude during this time. The Malaysian rules with their strict and strange enforcement in Malaysia is causing me to wonder. The Islamic Faith is to be a Way of Ease, for all its adherents. . I am beginning to see colorful Malaysian scarves as Suppression Scarves – a labelling device. I have written excessively about covering, about hijabs. I will speak to the search engine, sharing my thoughts in an upcoming blog.
On April 27, 2024 I made an Instagram reel announcing I was leaving KSA for Malaysia. Thi the caption. Leaving KSA tomorrow morning with a stop in Bahrain and then to Malaysia. I have the best news. Men in Malaysia wear ordinary clothes. No more white. ?W\Well I am white and my hair is white but no more thobes. Very boring and hard to see clean. I will wear abayas and hijabs but be in technicolor. Then to Nigeria and more color. Goodbye black and white KSA
That reel got 2.6 K views. Most popular, as you can see. By the way, Nigeria is off the agenda. Hopefully Jannah is not. The link to my Instagram reel is
There is hope. A reel, A Gift From Allah, appeared on Instagram which was thus described by a person I immediately sent it to:
He: Wow so powerful!
I responded publicly to the reel.
Me: It was amazing and prophetic to hear this at this time that is EXACTLY what has happened to me recently. Very difficult times with betrayals and absenteeism since my reversion to the the faith four years ago. But then suddenly an amazing family with huge hearts.
The author arrehmanreminders hearted it. The most divine gift.
It is SO inspiring, the full lecture is The Religion of Your Father Episode 13 on You Tube. Here is the Instagram link:
Ending with Borowitz humor to brighten your day even more.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Monday’s Inauguration will see the temperature and IQ dive into the twenties, according to official forecasts.That figure will not be a historically low temperature but will be a record low IQ, experts say. According to record-keepers, the IQ will plummet to a level seen only during the Inauguration of 2017, which notched the modern low for that metric. To stay safe amid the plunging IQ, Americans are urged to remain indoors and use caution for the next 4 years.
If only staying indoors and using caution would save anyone from the effects of low IQ Trumpism. My YouTube reel describes the only effective defense against Trump. The reel is under Shorts. The caption on Instagram reads: That is me hiding from Trump. He could never find me. Allah (SWT) is keeping me safe. Protection from Trimp comes from the Islamic Faith nothing else can do it. Protection from Trump, Astral and all evil.
Some fun photos from the other evening. The threesome is BOB, me and an amazing Malaysian woman, a friend of BOB’s for ten years. The headquarters of the company that employs her in a high and responsible position is headquartered in Fremont, California – in the Bay Area where I lived for fifty years. She is unmarried, has no children. She born in Malaysia her ancestors are from India. We laughingly did a kissing picture. But do not worry about us – homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia. Besides, it is a little late to be switching sexual preferences. Hahaha Also a photograph of a mother, her daughter and me. They were also born in Malaysia, their ancestors are from India.
I am addicted to papadams, eat them voraciously at Kashmir Restaurant, the very best I have ever eaten. Strangely enough, I have been eating them for at least fifty years even in Canada, and I am not from India.
Wikipedia (of course) informs.
A papadam (also spelled poppadom, among other variants), also known as papad, is a snack that originated in the Indian subcontinent…In most Indian restaurants around the world, they are served as an appetizer with dips, which often include mango chutney, lime pickle, onion chutney, and raita.
Eaten probably a hundred in recent weeks, hoping they might be of help. It is not working – I still have pale white skin, white hair and blue eyes. Sometimes it is difficult fit in when one is in a foreign land. Hahahaha