This next topic is certain to surprise most, if not all readers. A discovery was made from a totally unlikely source. I asked Siri the following question: Do Muslims pray three times or five times a day? I am not sure why I suddenly asked that question, and why I asked Siri of all people. I did receive an answer and I freed me from the tyranny of prayer. Prayer should NEVER be tyranny, but an opportunity to be in the presence of Allah (SWT).
The Quran only mentions three times during which the five times prayers prayers have to be performed. The title of the verse is Advise to the Prophet. Quran 17.78 -79 Observe the prayer from the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night and the recitation at dawn, for certainly the dawn prayer is witnessed ‘by angels’ And rise at the part of the night offering additional prayers so that your Lord may rise you to a station of praise.
The Shaf’ai combine prayers. They allow the combination of Isha and Magrib and then Zuhr and Asr.
First it is necessary to understand four Sunai schools predominate in certain areas.
Hanafi: Abab world and South Asia.
Hanbali: Saudi Arabia
Malik: North, Central and West Africa
Shaf”ai: East Africa and Southeast Asia
However, in practice the Saud,. Control the practice of the Islamic Faith in most countries, ones I have lived in or visited – the USA, Canada. Use and Bahrain adopt to practices, swallow whole the Handballi Practices. It is my observation that that Saudi practices hold Muslims in a juggernaut. Juggernaut, a noun, is a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution. Wikipedia discusses the use of the word: The figurative sense of the English word juggernaut, as a merciless, destructive, and unstoppable force, became common in the mid-nineteenth century. It may sound harsh and almost blasphemy to be using this word – but it just appeared in the horizon of my mind. The practice of the faith is far different in Malaysia which follows the Sunni Shaf”ai school.
This knowledge, obtained via the auspices of Siri, is freeing, It is meaningful. For example I get an hour and a half more sleep. I do not have to get up at 6:07 am – can instead wake up just prior to 7:30. I can also have the flexibility to go places and do things in the afternoon – then later I can go for an early dinner, after sunset. Suddenly I am not a slave to the tyranny of time.. Tyranny imposed by the Hanafi School of Law which prohibits all combination. To refresh your memory, the Hanfi’s? Are the Saudis which now hold Muslims in a a juggernaut.
Juggernaut, a noun, is a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution. Wikipedia discusses the use of the word:
“The figurative sense of the English word juggernaut, as a merciless, destructive, and unstoppable force, became common in the mid-nineteenth century.’
It may sound harsh and almost blasphemy to be using this word – but it came to me – and rather unexpectedly. When words and concepts just come to me; when the almost daily writing of this blog is done with such ease; I do believe that Allah (SWT) is, in a way, speaking to me. There was an amusing comedy routine on Instagram. The comedian, a man said that the reason there were no women prophets was because only men have the ego to think God is speaking to them. Women would say:”What’s going on? Am I going crazy? Please give me a glass of wine.”
Back to being serious. Saudi Arabia does control the practice of the Islamic Faith in most countries, the ones I have lived in or visited. The USA, Canada. UAE, Bahrain adopt the practices, which are usually lucrative and moneymaking. Institutions, mosques, social media all adhere to the strictest of standards. I have an App on mu iPhone which informs of the five daily prayers. It was provided by a helpful man in Bahrain. I randomly asked a man from Nigeria how many times a day he prayer:
He: Five.
Of course, the prayer practices of men and women are different. Men pray in mosques, having an obligation to to do so on Friday. Women are encouraged to pray in their homes and so have the flexibility of offering their prayers. Women must, and I do, follow the rules. Women’s rules can be more flexible.
I flexibly continued to read the Quran – went on, to 17.81 “Say, Truth has come and falsehood has disappeared. Falsehood is bound to wither away.” Another translation : “Falsehood is is bound to vanish” .
I find enormous relief reading that. Indeed, in my life, most recently, falsehood has withered away. It was bound to vanish and it vanished. Falsehoods do themselves in when you think about it. There is no foundation, commitments are never honored so they die of their own accord.
At this point in time a person who I thought was important to my life seems like a figment of my imagination..
“A figment of my imagination” is an idiom that means something is imagined or created by the mind and doesn’t actually exist. It is very easy to ‘get over’ someone who was just a figment of your imagination. Just shrug your shoulders and carry on with your life. They become totally insignificant. The word has three meanings: 1) too small or unimportant to be worth consideration 2) (of a person) without power or influence. 3) meaningless:. That says it all.
Some synonyms are fun. Think of saying to someone: You are just too : trifling, nugatory,, paltry, scanty, petty, flimsy, frivolous, extraneous, piddling; AND dinky for me. Begone with you! Hahahaha
Life goes on – in significant ways. Creative Bloggingbrooke as created a reel called 9-5 after my 9-5. It was amazing to see the energy level of this woman – she did EVERYTHING. After she worked all day, she shopped, exercise, did book club, did a work out etc etc etc. She promised to do more of these. I posted publicly.
Me: My goodness. I got tire just watching you do everything. Exhausted as a matter of face. Thanks a lot. Hahaha My very favorite part was Trader Joes. How I miss them. It was painful to watch actually. So thanks a lot for giving me exhaustion and pain. Hahahaha
She: OMG the most famous woman in the world commented on my reel.
Me: NO you are the mot famous women in the world!!! I am second place.
Me: Seriously this is brilliant. You are an excellent role model for women. Showing such diversity, such energy. Not being wrapped up in your job or the endless girlfriends but instead sampling all the world has to offer. SUCCESSFULLY . Go for it girlfriend. You are!!
The blog shall end on this high note. I sent the Kashmir Restaurant reel to Computer Guru Chris in his early morning hours. He emailed:
He: Looks lovely, even this early in the morning.
Me: And it is not even breakfast food. Hahahah
Now that I have the Instagram Professional Dashboard I know how many views my reels and post receive. This one got 628 views. WOW Mashallah. That is not even counting the times that people might watch it on the blog. All I can say is this. I gotta start charging!! I am a commodity, which is a useful or valuable thing, such as water or time. The man that recorded the masterpiece is a Pakistani. Perhaps I will suggest that he get a raise.
I will talk about the restaurant and the fun I have there. This is going to be funny. I usually walk about the block to get to the restaurant. The back of the hotel faces the restaurant. I had a great idea.
Me: Is there a way I can exit the hotel from the back so I can be closer to the Kashmir Restaurant?
He: Yes. See that sign that says Car Park? Just use your room key and go out that door.
Me: Great! I will just pretend I am a car.
I tried it out. I got out of the building, then got back in. Came back with the good news.
Me: I fooled the system!!! It thinks I am a car.
He: Such a silly system.
Me: No it is a highly intelligent system. I am a car. I am a Lexus :
He: Of course. Your name is Alexis
I left the hotel as a Lexus. Walked through the small parking lot lot the Kashmir Restaurant to meet two young men. We laughed and joked at an outdoor table, then climbed into the smallest car I have seen, much less ridden in. We went to a Japanese restaurant where I had an amazing soft shelled crab salad. The dressing was perfect with a slight but not overpowering sesame flavor. AND I had tuna belly sashimi. It was SO fresh so good, so flavorful. . We were too busy having a good time for me to take photos. However, tonight I have a date with the Dad to go to the same restaurant. So more later. I think I am going to call him Daddyo, but with his permission of course. He is younger than I am, but not by much.
Two color coordinated photos follow. The car park sign from the hotel AND a photo of me. Well it does look like me but I have no idea nor memory of where it was taken. It is stunning.My words upon receiving it
Me; Oh my Allah Alhamdulillah
He: Just came across it randomly.
Me: I am putting it on the blog. It is too profound for Instagram. Hahaha.