I have completed the second reading of Chapter 12 of the Quran. The very last verse 12:111
Is entitled Messengers Stories in the Quran. “In their stories there is truly a lesson for people of reason. This message cannot be a fabrication, rather “it is’ a confirmation of a previous revelation, a detailed explanation of all things., a guide and a mercy for people of the faith.”
It follows 12:109 God’s Messengers “We only sent before you ‘O Prophet” men inspired by Us from among the people of each society. Have the deniers not traveled through the land to see what was the end of those “destroyed’ before them? And surely the ‘eternal’ Home of the Hereafter is far better for those mindful ‘of God’. Will you not then understand. 110. And when the messengers repaired ad the people thought the messengers had been denied help. Our help came to them ‘at last’. We then saved whoever We willed, and Our punishment is never averted from the wicked people.”
I have spoken with many Muslims, born to the faith. They are convinced there is only one Messenger – the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). These verses from the Quran dispute this erroneous viewpoint. “men inspired from the people of each society”. : There are many “little m” messengers, not having the complete and total ear and eye of Allah (SWT) as does the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) – the “capital M’ Messenger.
I was led to another verse Quran 58:25. “We sent our messengers with evidence and, with them, We sent down the Book and the Scales of Justice – so that men might act in all fairness. We send down iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits, for mankind, so that the God might know who would stand up for God – though unseen, and His messengers. God, is powerful.”
It is considered to be blasphemy to speak with ‘authority’ about the faith when one is ignorant of its basic principles and tenants. I have constantly been misled by others, usually women, about matters that are both silly simplicities and beliefs essential to the Islamic Faith. One silly simplicity is to say that women are forbidden to wear nail polish. Of course there was no nail polish during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH0 . Therefore, somebody had to come up with a reason why. More than once I was faced with that blasphemy in the Medinah Prophet’s Mosque – once refused admittance to its doors. It said said by the blasphemous that nail polish interferes with purification. I would demonstrate for them, that one’s fingernails never touch the purifying water. The faith is to be a Way of Ease, and such nonsense discourages those new to the faith – converts, reverts and children.
Onto a grave and greater matter. If one is told that there was only one Messenger, it dilutes the faith. It is important to know that the Prophet (PBUH) was the last of the Prophets but there was a long tradition. Allah (SWT) has been with mankind for eons.
Quran 57:27 “Then in the footsteps of these ‘prophets’, We sent Our messengers, and ‘after them’ We sent Jesus, son of Mary, and granted him the Gospel, and instilled compassion and mercy into the hearts of the followers. As for monasticism, they made it up-We never ordained it for them—only seeking to please God, yet they did not ‘even’ observe it strictly. So We rewarded those of them who were faithful. But most of them are rebellious.”
I do admit to being surprised when I first read this. The Quran decries the celibacy of priests and nuns. That is a immensely powerful argument against this practice which contributes toward priest who become pedophiles. Such practices are destroying the Roman Catholic Church.
Back to the Yusaf
Finally you are probably saying back to the wisdom of the Quran Story of Joseph, But, in a strange way, back to me. The wisdom of the Story of Jospeh is similar to an admonition I received in 2017, prior to becoming of the Islamic Faith.
An admonition is a formal warning an act or actionof admonishing; authoritative counsel or warning. It is codified in the Criminal Courts of Scotland. The origin of the word is late Middle English: from Old French amonition, from Latin admonitio(n-) ‘(cautionary) reminder’.
The admonition given to me by my Uncle was this. .
He: Alexis, Stop Fighting! Go to the sidelines, they will do themselves in!”
He was speaking of my lifelong dedication to fighting evil in all of its forms.
Me: But I am a lawyer. I have to fight.
I was gently reminded that being a lawyer was my profession, I had retired from the practice of law, it was a job, not a way of life.
I did listen, then slowly and rather painfully learning that going to the sidelines is the best move. It takes enormous amounts of patience but if I am able to do so – it works every time. Countless examples of men, women, restaurants, hotels doing themselves in – going out of business, facing failure and disgrace. It wasn’t me that caused their demise – it was their own practices. It is my understanding that there may be another example of this – the Penang Lexis Suites. They certainly did me harm with their scabies and cruel documented treatment. I departed the premises when scabies free, went to the sidelines. We shall see what happens
That is the message of Yusaf. That is indeed exactly what he did. He let evil spin its course and when it had he gently stepped aside. In Quran 12: 100 he speaks to his parents, who have been brought to Egypt. “ Oh my father, this is the interpretation of my old dream My Lord has made it come true. He was truly kind to me when He freed me from prison, and brought you all from the desert after Satan had ignited rivalry between me and my siblings. (Footnote 457 reads Joseph did not mention how God has saved him from well because he did not want to embarrass his brother after forgiving him.”
That is an example of gently stepping aside.
This morning received a message.
He: Happy New year Alaa. May Allah put Barakah in this year.
Me: Thank you. I laugh because I do not know what Barakah is. Now I have to look it up. Maybe I do not want whatever it is. Then I will say thanks anyway or something like that. Why do I have to do all the work???
However, as usual, I did all the work, he did nothing and has not responded.
“Barakah is an Arabic term referring to ‘blessings. ‘ All humans were gifted with innumerous blessings that we would never be able to count. The Qur’an says: “And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them.” (Chapter 14: Verse 34)
As usual Wikipedia had something to say about it.
In Islam, Barakah or Baraka (Arabic: بركة “blessing”) is a blessing power,[1] a kind of continuity of spiritual presence and revelation that begins with God and flows through that and those closest to God.[2] The Quran is said to be charged with barakah, and God can bestow prophets and saints with barakah. Especially Muhammad and his descendants are said to be especially endowed with it. These special people can transfer their barakah to ordinary people, both while being dead or alive.[3] Sacred places are said to contain barakah and ward off evil spiritual forces, thus monastries and Sufi temples are often visited for protection against demonic beings.[4] As a blessing force, barakah is also a force of creation and fertility, causing cereals to miraculously multiply.
I have got an answer for him now and this is how he is going to get it. .
Me: I researched barakah, wrote about it on my blog. Hahaha Now you have to read the blog, And by the way, thanks anyway. It says it is a force of fertility – I do NOT want to miraculously multiply. Realize it might have only happened to cereals but I intend to be cautious. I am too old for that. Hahaha
I looked up the authority for this. Colin, G.S. (2012). Baraka. In P. Bearman (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam New Edition Online (EI-2 English). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/1573-3912_islam_SIM_1216
It said nothing about it being a force of creation and fertility, causing cereals to miraculously multiply. What is the world coming to when you cannot even trust Wikipedia????? Hahahaha
Cannot imagine any photographs relevant to this blog. But do have an idea or two. Go to my YouTube channel Go to Shorts, Latest. There is an artistic figure on the left hand side with 29 views. Listen to the powerful music and watch the art that emerges from the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi and from the Abu Dhabi Louvre. I will also include some photographs. It was at the Grand Mosque in the Women’s Prayer Room, all by myself, that I had a powerful religious experience. One photograph is dated March 3, 2022 –