Don’t Get Your Toga in a Knot; What Would Jesus Do: A New Dawn, A New Day; Search Engine Opens New Doors and Closes Old Ones; Two New Projects Self Publishing My Book and Perhaps a Trip to Kenya for Ramadan. Photos of Breakfast and Many Scenes From This Fun Hotel Called Lyf

I suddenly remembered that expression, applying it to myself. First I laughed and then immediately  Googled to find it is also said to not get your knickers or you shirt in a knot.

 “Don’t get your knickers in a knot” is an idiom that means to not get upset or excited about something that is not very important. It is often used when people are in conflict and someone tries to “shush” the other person to stop them from expressing their emotions.  The saying was popular in the 1970s and first appeared in print in 1965 in The Train from Katanga by Wilbur A Smith. It is thought to have originated from “some silliness” on the 1960s British television program Basil Brush. It basically means: Be calm.

It is so true of my life at the moment. Things are not going exactly as I had planned, to say the very least. I am thinking that the misfortune is not mis but fortune and I am laughing, gleefully and gladly. I am, which is rare for me – calm, cool and collected.
Me:  I cannot think of anything or anybody who is less important in my life than what’s his/her name
Alter Ego: Did you really forget their name?
Me:Sort of. No actually not., But no sense hurting their feelings. That would be mean.
Alter Ego: How very Christian of you.
Me: No dear. I am a Muslim

That is an expression, of which Google says “The implication is that only Christians are capable of kindness.?” Therefore my answer to my Alter Ego was perfect. As so eloquently stated in the Quran and by Alexis McBride on her YouTube reel: “You have your religion, I have mine.”

A similar expression is “What would Jesus do? OF COURSE, Wikipedia has not only the first word but the last word on the subject.
The phrase “What would Jesus do?“, often abbreviated to WWJD, became particularly popular in the United States in the early 1900s, following the 1896 novel In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? by Charles Sheldon.[1] The phrase saw a resurgence in the 1990s as a personal motto for Christians, who used it as a reminder of their belief in the moral imperative in a way that demonstrated the love of Jesus through their actions.[2][3] The resurgence of the motto in the 1990s stemmed from the WWJD abbreviation on wristbands that became popular among Christian youth groups.

I am not sure how helpful that would be, extrapolating from the New Testament interpretations of the Prophet Isa. Charitably, evangelicals in the 1990s were saying we should ask how Jesus would behave if he were in our circumstances, taking into account what we know of his character and commands.

Again, I need to be reminded not to get my toga in a knot and “You have your religion and I have mine.”

December 30, 2024

I cannot thoroughly believe this but it is a new dawn and a new day. Broke free of my prior, shall se say, concerns. Closed old door, opening new ones. Unbelievable. I am increasingly using the search engine of my blog, knowing that I have addressed these matters before. Here I go. Off to the search engine. Be right back. I am now at breakfast. I will attach a photo so that you can salivate. Hahaha

November 18, 2024 was the first that popped up. Its a New Dawn, Its a New Day; An American Breakfast; Once Biden Twice Shy Leads to Make Your Story a Masterpiece; Discovering Sufism; Led Back to Martin Lings Inspirational Writing; Photographs of Breakfast; A Good Morning Reel of a Stunning Flower Arrangement.

The next was April 27, 2024 brought some surprises which shall be revealed.
Its a New Dawn and a New Day; Epiphany Defined; The Missing Intended; He is  Perhaps in a Resting Place; Next Morning an Utterly Inspiring Instagram Brings Emotional Reaction; Future Includes Hijabs; Praiseworthy Returns in a New Role: Miking Kohbar Dry: An Extraordinary Friendship; Photos of Cement; A Morning Greeting; Extremely Handsome African Men; Short Reel of a Speech

It looks like you can link this. I cannot for the life of me figure out this computer stuff. That is why I have a Computer Guru but he is many miles and time zones away from me. 8 as a matter of fact – time zones not miles (sorry I lived in the US most of my life so I only know miles, it is most inconvenient). Hahahaha

Anyway I briefly went into the April 27 blog. It was amaze balls. So incredibly relevant. I do admit that that was only eight months ago but a lot has happened since them.

“A new dawn and a new day does describe my morning. I do know that I have experienced this sense of elation before and written about it. I will not use the search engine of the blog to confirm this.  Much to my surprise there were 50 (fifty) entries. My goodness. I have been writing this blog for over seven years – there have been many dawns during that period of time. However, this does seem to be a large number of, shall we say, epiphanies.  There are several definitions of epiphany, this describes what I am talking about:  a moment of sudden revelation or insight. This seems to happen with me again and again and again.  My life can turn upside down in a moment, then right itself, than turn upside down again. Turn upside down is an idiom, meaning to change completely, but in.a bad way. Very recently, for me, it has not been in a bad way. There is a Zen saying “the world is upside down.” It means the way we look at the world is actually the complete opposite of what it really is. Sometimes that can be true. “

I was amazed to see that there will now be 52 New Dawn and New Days. My blog does span almost eight years at this time. I forget the exact date of the first one, it is in my self published book In Contemplation and Conversation. I have only two copies left, I plan on republishing it. I am going to use the profits to fund a program for abused and neglected children. I have a plan. The time is ripe I do believe. The book was written in 2017. In the next blog I shall quote the next blog. I cry every time I read it. Will read it ind the last two paragraphs of the Introduction at the book signing. This was a plan in San Francisco in 2020 but along came Covid and made it impossible. Planned the signing on the roof of the apartment building I was living in Hayes Valley. But along came covid. Oh well  I guess the world was not ready for the book, or I was not ready to be a successful author or Allah (SWT) knew something I did not.

The most amazing thing happened at breakfast. A smiling woman and her husband sat next to me. They were from Kenya. We spoke of my life and their life. I asked them this question

Me: Are there any Muslims in Kenya?

She: Yes there are. There is a coastal city with a large Muslim population.

She wrote the name of the town for me. It is Mombasa, Kenya. This seems a sign from Allah (SWT) to spend Ramadan there. I will spend Ramadan there. It has always been my goal to see how the faith is practiced in different countries. I shall definitely look into it. Immediately, if not sooner. So I must finish this blog.

Amazing other events this morning. Mashallah. Alhamdulillah.

Photos shall include the breakfast and some scenes from the this hotel. I posted the photo of the prayer rug on Instagram with the message Have a Nice Day. I shall link it in tomorrow’s blog. My Instagram profile: I am a famous blogger and a recent blogger. It says it all. Hahaha