December 22, 2025
I am now sitting in the breakfast area of my Boutique Hotel in an exceedingly good mood even though major problems continue. Major problems with Chase Fraud Alert whom I will sue from eventually if I can ever get a plane ticket our of Malaysia. Hahaha I am going to own Chase by the time I get though with them – the causes of action dance in my mind: intentional infliction of emotional distress, numerous other tort claims as causes of action sounding in contract such as s breach of fiduciary duty etc etc etc. Please remember I have been retired for twenty years, but as they say – once a lawyer always a lawyer.
Once a lawyer always a lawyer is both a journal and a t-shirt.
Once a Lawyer Always a Lawyer is a blank, college-ruled paperback journal for lawyers and attorneys. It was first published on July 3, 2019. The journal can be used for taking notes, planning schedules, or recording reflections. It can also be a good graduation gift for law school students.
I will wear a t-shirt from now on. just to warn people. Should have been wearing here in Malaysia, particularly at Penang Lexis Suites.
So many good things happening and entirely accidentally. Here is an example. I asked Siri, my Apple Administrative Assistant if, where, there were Canadian Embassies in Nigeria. Siri persistently kept pointing to one in Penang. Lo and behold I realized that was just what I needed. A Canadian Embassy in Penang. They sent me a jolly greeting : “Warm Greetings from the Canadian and I shall see them soon. By the way, there are three Canadian Embassies in Nigeria. If I were ever to go there – I just might apply for the Canadian Ambassadorship. I or. I am uniquely qualified as they shall see – was a lawyer, am smart and resourceful. Moreover once had connections to a powerful and influential Nigerian family. How could they say no??? What fun. I will paint my face like the Canadian flag on Canada Day and be the object of great interest. I am white so it is not hard to put on a little bit more facial paint. I will find a photo and include it at the end of this blog. Canada Day 2017 found me the center of attention in Vancouver British Columbia where I was residing at the Trump International Hotel and Tower. (That is another tale to be told) Which goes to prove, yet again, that truth is stranger than fiction and I have the photographs to prove it. .
My relaxation in the midst of continuing adversities is made possible because of two things. My laughter and this hotel. If I was back at the accursed Lexis Suites I would have already leaped to my death because of the stress and the desire to escape from scabies.. I would have resorted to such drastic means because the place is staffed by Shaytans, Wanna-Be-Shaytans and Shaytans-to Be ,Shaytans-In-Training. A psychological theory, Stockholm Syndrome explains it all. I am in too good a mood to explain in its totality but briefly;
Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking” Me: AND Penang Lexis Suites.
My Scottish dream may be realized. Today, for some inexplicable reason, Googled the Edinburgh Central Mosque – I knew of it. It is a strange design, it will be fascinating to see it in person. This is what is said:
Edinburgh Central Mosque, situated at the very heart of the Scottish capital city, is Edinburgh’s main mosque and cultural centre for the resident Muslim community. It was officially opened in 1998, and has continued to serve the community in and around Edinburgh, alongside fostering warm ties of mutual understanding and integration with the wider Scottish community.”
Their education programs for children are numerous. However, there seems to be little for women and girls. Typical mosque which is why the title to my book is going to be No Mosquesfor Me. I have many books in me. I need to settle down, become a real writer and write books. Perhaps that is my destiny in Scotland, purchasing property in West Wemyss, that rhymes with dreams.
Photographs shall follow. One of a basket of fruit food at breakfast. I said to the young cook. Me: I just remembered this. Around Christmas in Canada those delicious, easy to peel oranges would appear in wooden crates. They were called Jap oranges. I will never know why they were. It sounds racist. How strange I am in Malaysia having a Jap orange at Christmas time.
Not celebrating Christmas because I a a Muslim. Downright weird. Another photo of the sunrise this morning from my hotel.
December 23, 2024
The sunrise this morning was even more spectacular, or spectacularly filmed anyway. Yesterday I was unable to get out on my wrap around deck, so cozy to the feet as it is artificial grass. The maintenance man helped with the door, and put up the umbrella. I had fallen asleep after offering my Fajr prayer. I awoke after I rather prophetic dream – looked out the window to find an amazing sunrise, yet again. Ran out on the deck and recorded a very basic video that you shall see tomorrow. I will also talk about my horrendous encounters with Fraud Alert. Not at the moment. It is best not to revisit trauma and yesterday was full of it.
May Allah (SWT) bless you readers at this time of the Fake Christmas HoHoHoHo
Decided to throw in a little humor which is badly needed. A New Yorker article called: OtherDefinitions of Wintry Mix. Her are a few of them.
When your nose is running and someone else’s nose is running and you kiss.
The community of single gloves living inside the lost-and-found box.
The coat orgy on the bed during a party.
When you think that the person walking toward you is going to move to your right, so you move to your left, but you both end up moving to your left, and also it’s winter.
A meet-up for single gloves ready to put themselves out there again.
The exact moment in 2023 when global warming will magically reverse itself, according to climate-change deniers.
When a warm smile melts a cold shoulder.
When the groundhog pretends to see his shadow so that he can go back to bed.
A small but tasteful wedding reception for a pair of misfit gloves who once lost love but have found it again.
All of this is brought to you by Ysabel Yates. a comedy writer and co-author of “Jokes to Offend Men.”.
I must get the book, need more jokes to offend men, Not sure how to link the article, but you will find a way I am sure, if you are not too lazy. It was written on January 30, 2019. Some things are timeless.