Yesterday I sent the following email to four individuals, including the ex groom. The Email was Entitled an Announcement to my Ersatz Cousins and Pretend Family Chris and Clare.
Announcement to my Cobbled Together Family
To some of you it might be a surprise but others sort of knew. But true love never runs smooth and indeed that is what has happened between the two of us. No Idea how many times I have broken up with him during the course of our one year, eleven dates and four hour relationship. But who is counting??? Hahaha. He has shown the patience and fortitude of Ysauf – the Islamic Prophet known as Joseph by New Testament Biblical people.
First of all – to speak of you. Garry and Gail you are my only two cousins and you are, to be quite frank, rather pathetic. Hammad has 300 cousins – so I will not need you too or any of my Dryburgh or Pirie (my mother’s birth name) cousins. So many of them that when there will be a huge family gathering I will request they all wear name tags. With my cataract surgery I will be able to see the names from afar and be gracious. Everyone will laugh. They will have to be color coded – obviously not black and white, since I will be the ONLY white person there. You are not invited to the religious ceremony as it is Muslim and only Muslims can attend. There will be a civil ceremony in Nigeria. But Gail you could not even make it to Edmonton nor go with me on a trip to Australia. I guess you are invited but I am rather tired of rejections. You can attend Garry – but not with your poodles probably. Look into animal entry into Nigeria.
For the time being done with the ersatz cousins. It is again a perfect word. The origins interesting: It is late 19th century: from German, literally ‘replacement’. The definition as follows: made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else. Other synging synonyms: fake, false, faux, pseudo, sham, bogus, spurious, so-called, plastic; inferior farkakte. Antonym is genuine.
But onward to two, actually genuine, family members. Chris and his incredible wife Clare. Chris has stood by me for almost eight years not. WOW Mashallah, I cannot believe it. Through the darkest of despair you have been there for me. I do know Clare you are at his side for this. I could not have survived without you Chris – the attempts on my life, the humiliation, the hidden despair. The blog made it all possible – so in all kindness I say to you Chris F**k off. Hahaha.
We did it – we are SO successful. For me Hope was my survival; Success is my Revenge.
I have a surprise for the two of you. Hammad and I are coming to live in Scotland for a couple of months a year. I am purchasing property in West Wemyss that rhymes with dreams. I have already picked out the place – might not be on the market then and must inspect it first but maybe you, Chris and Clare – could hop on a train and do the walk though to satisfy the agents. I am buying that property. Not sure when we are getting there as many things to do and Hammad is SO busy – but we will warn you well in advance so you can get out of town or country. Hahaha.
My Nigerian property will be part of my dowry. More about that later. Yes – We will live a couple of blocks from the grave of Robert Baxter paternal great grandfather who died of the greed of linen manufacturers. He would be SO proud of me. Marrying into the richest of Nigerians families. I remember being there Gail (who gave me a thumbs up recently when I told you.)/ At the time when you saw the flowers I made for the grave of the Baxters.
You: It does not do it for me.
Me: Well it does for him.
How cruel that was. I will never forget that – ever.
Any you Garry – I sent you an email telling you of West Wemyss – I do not recall you every responded to it. I used it in a subsequent blog – which you perhaps never read.
No idea of when the marriage will be exactly. I go to KSA arriving when Hammad does. Then a week to work on details of marriage contract etc. Then a Mecca pilgrimage to in utter worship and gratitude to Allah (SWT) then to Medina. Hammad, the romantic, insists we should be married in the Holy Place where we met. He is SO romantic. I do not have a romantic bone in my body.
Attache is the Forbes magazine analysis of Hammad Rubio’s family: .
The prosperity of the Rabiu family traces back to Khalifah Isyaku Rabiu, a leading industrialist in Nigeria during the 1970s and 1980s, whose legacy continues through his son. Abdulsamad Isyaku Rabiu, born on August 4, 1960, in Kano, Nigeria, is the founder and chairman of BUA Group, a conglomerate with interests in manufacturing, infrastructure, and agriculture. BUA Group generates over $2.5 billion in revenue and has expanded into steel, importing iron ore and constructing multiple rolling mills. In 2008, the company ended an eight-year monopoly in the Nigerian sugar industry by commissioning the second-largest sugar refinery in sub-Saharan Africa. BUA also acquired a controlling stake in a publicly listed cement company in Northern Nigeria and completed a $900 million cement plant in Edo State. The group further acquired Nigerian Oil Mills Limited, the largest edible oil processing company in Nigeria. Abdul Samad Rabiu serves as chairman of the Nigerian Bank of Industry. His philanthropic efforts are channelled through the BUA Foundation, which constructed a 7,000-square-meter pediatric ward at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital and established the Center for Islamic Studies at Bayero University Kano. As of 2024, his net worth is $4.9 billion, making him the second richest man in Nigeria. He has four children: Khadija Cookie Rabiu, Isyaku Khalifa Rabiu, Junaid Rabiu, and Rania Rabiu. His siblings include Nafiu Rabiu and Rabiu Rabiu, who is chairman of IRS Airlines. As of 16, Sept. 2024, Abdulsamad net worth is $4.8 billion, making him the third richest man in Nigeria according to Forbes.
The reel of Hammad, my new nephews who call me Granny, his absolutely beautiful sister who is a blogger and a lawyer who stays at home rearing her two sons. Is there. How utterly adorable my new grandchildren are. No idea why do they not look like me. Hahaha. In a way they do – an amazing story from the meeting of Hammad’s esteemed mother, his sister and the two darlings in April of 2024 in Jeddah. “
Quite typically my two cousins did not respond. But my ever faithful Computer Guru Chris did.
He: Wow congrats -I guess I’m in the sort of knew camp 😀
Exciting times ahead ! Love , Chris, Clare and perhaps ..the dog.
I immediately sent off a response, I am laughing as I write. Laughter is indeed the Best Medicine.
Me: Well the wedding is off. Fascinating story to be revealed on the blog. My statistics shall be astronomical. Who cares?!! It is an unbelievable story complete with divine intervention. Truly the only way to explain. How Chase Fraud Saved the Day. Alexis and Allah (SWT) are Victorious Over Immense Wealth, Royalty and Hypocrites.
Stay Tuned for more. It is barely eight o’clock. Must complete my morning scabies treatment and go to breakfast.
The photograph is of my new screensaver. Replacing the one of Hammad and the BUA private jet. There are 108 beads on the Islamic rosary. Their numbers counted by a fascinating woman from Germany, she and her extended family were guests at this hotel. The rosary was a gift from the mother of a hypocrite, The maids placed it on the bed when cleaning my room only minutes before. There is great and profound meaning in this. A fitting way to end the story of the wedding of the century. (That did not happen as Allah (SWT) knew best.