Around the World; Announcements, Announcements, Announcements; But First to the Lexis Suites Breakfast Buffet; The Early Bird Get the Worm; Cummins Company Malaysian Training; An Invaluable Lesson Learned; Overcoming Unsurpassable Odds; Peace Boat Here I Come; Photos of Shirts, Me and My Muslim “Instructor’, the Lobby and Skyview Terrace Lounge

October 19, 2024

As happens to me on several occasions, a song echoed in my mind. There are times when I cannot recall why the melody, accompanied by a few words.  This time it was absolutely clear, so evident why this song came to mind.  The song is Around the World. I shall tell you why after giving you the words of the day.

Around the world I’ve searched for you
I traveled on, when hope was gone, to keep a rendezvous

I knew somewhere, sometime, somehow
You’d look at me, and I would see the smile you’re smiling now

It might have been in County Down
Or in New York, in Gay Paree, or even London Town

No more will I go all around the world
For I have found my world in you

It might have been in County Down
Or in New York, in Gay Paree, or even London Town

No more will I go all around the world
For I have found my world in you

Nat Kind Cole sings my very favorite rendition, it is so romantic, Well romantic in a way. You see I have been in New York, in gay Paree, in London Town and in County Down. However I have never found my true love.  The search shall continue  in earnest. Hahaha

Well, ANNOUNCEMENTS,, ANNOUNCEMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS. I suddenly remember a litany, probably from my childhood:
What a terrible tale to tell, a terrible tale to tell. A terrible tale to be talked to death, A terrible tale to tell.

I shall not be talking you to death, nor even writing you to death. However, I Googled to find it a song, now you shall have the words to that song as well.

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
What a terrible way to die,
A terrible way to die,
A terrible way to be talked to death.
A terrible way to die.

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
(London Bridge)
Make the announcements short and sweet,
Short and sweet,
Short and sweet.
Make the announcemnts short and sweet,
They’re so BORING!

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
(Ever Seen a Windmill)
Have you ever seen a windbag,
A windbag, a windbag?
Have you ever seen a windbag?
Well, there’s one right now.
Swings this way and that way,
And this way and that way,
Have you ever seen a windbag?
Well there’s one RIGHT NOW!

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
(Freres Jaques)
Words of wisdom,
Words of wisdom.
Here they come,
Here they come.
Boring words of wisdom,
Boring words of wisdom.
Dum, dum, dum,
Dum, dum, dum.

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
(What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor)
What do you do with a loud Cubmaster?
What do you do with a loud Cubmaster?
What do you do with a loud Cubmaster,
Early in the evening?

Hit him in the face with a chocolate cream pie!
Hit him in the face with a chocolate cream pie!
Hit him in the face with a chocolate cream pie,
Early in the evening!

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Throw the announcements overboard and listen to them scream.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Ha Ha! Fooled you,
I’m a submarine.

Announcements, announcements, announcements!
The man stood up to talk.
He talked real long and hard.
He talked so long I wrote this song,
On the lid of a can of lard!
He’s got something to say.
I’m sure it must be good.
But if he talks too long today,
we’ll leave its understood.

I am writing this from the breakfast buffet in Penang Lexis Suites. I came early, hence sitting in a special table overlooking the greenery and shacks.  It is crowded because there is a company Cummins having a training session for Malaysians. The attendees are dressed in black and white T-shirts. I spoke to their trainers as I entered the then deserted room.
Me: Look at you! Here so early.  It reminds me of a stupid idiom. The early bird gets the worn.
They: We have heard of it but we have other versions. The worm is bad so you die.
Me: I think I like my version better.

The early bird gets the worm If you say that the early bird catches the worm, you mean that the person who arrives first in a place is most likely to get what they want.  The idea behind the expression is that the birds that wake up the earliest have the best chance of catching a good meal, since no other birds have awoken to pick for worms. Likewise, people who arrive first have a better chance than those who arrive late.

Spoke to people from Cummins group when taking a photo of their t-shirt for inclusion in the blog. Found out they were and USA company Googled to find this about the company This information from my favorite source, Wikipedia:

“Cummins Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and distributes engines, filtration, and power generation products.[2] Cummins also services engines and related equipment, including fuel systems, controls, air handling, filtration, emission control, electrical power generation systems, and trucks. Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, Cummins sells in approximately 190 countries and territories through a network of more than 600 company-owned and independent distributors and approximately 7,200 dealers. The Cummins Engine Company was founded in Columbus, Indiana on February 3, 1919, by mechanic Clessie Cummins and banker William Glanton Irwin.[3] The company focused on developing the diesel engine, which was invented 20 years earlier.

October 20, 2024

I am back at the breakfast buffet, one eventful day later. Reporting on an amazing experience which happened  here yesterday. A Malaysian family sat at a neighboring table. A grandmother, two parents and a child. The grandmother, before eating her good, prayed. Ended by touching her forehead and chest. I walked over to her in delight, explaining why it was so important to have seen her. She did not speak English. Her son-in-law arrived to translate.

Me: It is a blessing to have seen her pray before eating. I became a Muslim during the days of covid, all the mosques were closed and I was in isolation. Therefore I know nothing of the rituals. I have read children’s books purchased in Saudi Arabia to learn the basics. I have never seen a Muslim pray before eating. Now I can do it properly. I am SO grateful.

He translated, telling me that she was from Indonesia but living in Malaysia with the family. When she heard my words, she stood and gave me a huge hug.

Me: Please tell her that whenever I pray (say grace in Christian terms) I will think of her.

She again hugged me, asked her son to take a photo of the two of us. I gave him my iPhone, he took three pictures.  You shall see a photo of the two of us. As you shall see I was wearing my Palestinian scarf. Another woman at the breakfast buffet was wearing one.

Me: I bought my Palestinian scarf in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in August of 2022. She had purchased hers online.  These scarves are  not sold in some countries, for example Bahrain. I never saw any worn when living in Medina from September to December 2023. I am not happy with the role of KSA and have spoken to MBS about it (perhaps).

The Saturday Zumba class was cancelled, the Instructor was sick. Instead I went to the Skyview Terrace Lounge and had a great time, meeting new people. Met a man who did not know the meaning of his Muslim name. Googled it and left him a note. Fascinating it was. Wikipedia has a lengthly article. “Ahmad means High and Exalted. Some Islamic traditions view the name Ahmad as another given name of Muhammad at birth by his mother, considered by Muslims to be the more esoteric name of Muhammad and central to understanding his nature.” Then met a handsome Malaysian couple who had met sixteen years ago on Instagram.  Skyview Terrace Bar has a huge television screen which consistently features Malaysian athletes performing every sport known to man, they are amazing athletes. Another reason why I love Malaysia. To the right is the Karaoke screen. Once the song was Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart, playing along side the Malaysian athletes., a strange juxtaposition.  A photo will be shown. .

The announcement you have been waiting for all of this time is this. I am going around the world on the Peace Boat!! Yes I am. I do love the name of the company, particularly in these troubled times. As I explained to someone I overcame almost unsurpassable odds to get on board.  (Unsurpassable means not able to be exceeded in quality or degree. The journey begins in Singapore on December 10 and ends in Okinawa Japan three months later. I am SO excited. You shall hear more about it in the days, weeks and months to come. I have been blessed by Allah (SWT).

Photo of a Cummins T-shirt, Me and my Muslim ‘Instructor” and special decorations found in the lobby of Penang Lexis Suites. “Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.” It lasts five days. It is going to get crowded here I guess.