The Actual and Absolute Truth As Usual; Brown Cataract Rejected; Offer of a Cyclops; Also Rejected; Cyclops Research Reveals Taste for Humans; Soon to Speak Seriously of Saudi Arabia; Its Desecration of the Holiest of Sights as Observed: This Task Taken on Reluctantly But With Necessary Serenity;  Reel of Successful Cataract Surgery; Photos of Table View and Fixer Upper

An appointment with my eye surgeon, it was either yesterday or the day before or the day before yesterday. For some obscure reason, decided to say something funny, even went so far as to rehearse it. I did not loose my nerve, walked in to his office and demanded.
Me: What happened to my brown eyes??? I looked in the mirror, you replaced my brown eyes with blue eyes.
Much to my utter amazement, this was the surgeon’s response. Found an eyeball on his desk and passed it to me.
He: Here is your brown cataract. Want it back?
Me: No thank you!
Of course,  we both laughed.
Me: Well in a strange way I have been enjoying all of this. Makes me sad that I have only two eyes.
He: I could give you one in the middle of your forehead.
Me: Not a bad idea. But I am sure it would be rather expensive. I could barely afford cataract surgery. Perhaps on my next visit you could give me an estimate??

When I began to write this blog, I did remember the word for the eye in the middle of one’s forehead:   Cyclopes, Wikipedia, as usual had a great deal of information on this matter.
“Cyclopes are usually shown as having one, round eye in place of where their two eyes should be, although sometimes they are depicted as having two empty eye sockets and an eye in the middle of their forehead. Sometimes they are depicted very ogre-like, like other times depicted almost, if not all human.The Cyclopes were known for their great strength, and also their ability of craftsmanship. They created Zeus’ lightning bolts, in return for freeing them, while he was fighting the Titans. They also forged Poseidon’s trident. They were also known for going around eating humans. They worked as Hephaestus helpers under the volcano Etna making Zeus’s lightning, but were killed by Apollo as revenge for Zeus’s killing his son Asclepius. Cyclopes are also very well known for their powerful resistance to fire.
They often represent forces of nature. In the Odyssey by Homer, their singular eyes represent the foolishness of single-minded focus.

Perhaps the whole idea of that extra eye might not be a bad idea. We’ll, except for the eating humans. Wouldn’t mind being powerfully resistant to fire and having craftsmanship. Might just be worth the money. Who knows???

All of this is amazing on quite another level. I am familiar with those in the medical profession, beginning with my first husband. Surgeons are seen as a rare and different breed of doctor –  not known for their personality – seldom have one., perhaps amputated during their first year of residency. This man is a surgeon, is very human, definitely has a personality AND a sense of humor. Hmmmmm We get along quite well. Of course, he is my doctor. But not after Monday if I do not opt for the eye in the middle of my forehead. Hahaha.

If you really want to see what a cyclopes might look like, go to Google and take a look.

I can see remarkably well. It is taking some time getting used to it, but I will. I keep looking for my glasses, then realize I do not need them.

All of my excuses are over. It is time to settle down to serious matters. Seriously Saudi Arabia matters. I left Saudi Arabia on April 28, 2024. It did not feel safe to speak of my experiences when living there, the secrets I learned, the knowledge obtained from my research. armed, the things I learned. I have procrastinated too long, I must speak now or forever hold my peace, it seems.
This a beginning of something I wrote three months ago.

What is My Role: What is my Calling? Shall I Champion a Cause of  Which Little Has Been Write. That of Which Has Never been Heeded; or Relax and Report on the Fortunate Fortuity of Finding Myself in Penang Malaysia; Perhaps Better Never Than Late; A Debate

This is a title that requires some explanation and definition. What is a calling? What is Championing a Cause? Resting on your laurels? Explore Better Late than Never.  I have my job cut out for me. – that too requires definition.

What is My Calling?  A calling can be a strong urge toward a particular way of life, a  pursuit, métier, walk of life, province.

Championing a cause means to support, to advocate, to fight or favor actively one that meets opposition, usually publicly defending someone or something unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate his or her own. For example,  to champion the cause of children.

But should I bother? Or just bask in my former glories, to rest on my laurels. This my favorite quotation:  “Resting on your laurels is as dangerous as resting when you are walking in the snow. You doze off and die in your sleep.” ― Ludwig Wittgenstein, Culture and Value

Better late than never is a common, much-used, English idiom. Used to express a wide variety of happenings – generally that someone finally got around to doing something that needed to be done a long time ago. Another more optimistic way of looking at it; is to try something, like stopping smoking, explore new musical types, travel the world or get to grips with classic novels.

In an attempt to determine whether it was a situation of better late than never I looked to several quotations for guidance. These are some that spoke to me of my quandary. (Quandary is a a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.)

  • It is never too late to become reasonable and wise. Immanuel Kant
  • It’s never too late to do the right thing. Nicholas Sparks
  • It is never too late to be what you might have been,  George Eliot
  • Tis not too late to-morrow to be brave John Armstrong
  • It is better to learn late than never. Publilius Syr
  • It’s never too late to start heading in the right direction. Seth Godin

I shall first take direction from Nicholas Sparks, deciding it is never too late to do the right thing. Hopefully I will be reasonable and wise (Immanuel Kant), brave as well. As Seth Godin suggests, I will start heading in the right direction. There shall be no resting in the snow for me. I shall answer my calling and champion not only a noble cause,  actually a sanctified cause. My cause is to bring attention to the desecration of the two holy sights found in Saudi Arabia.  I have seen with my own eyes the planned desecration of the Masjid al-Haram, or the ‘Sacred Mosque in Mecca’. Few eyes have seen the plans for the future. With my own eyes saw the desecration of grave of the Prophet (PBUH). Saw with my eyes and was trampled while in prayer by hundreds of ‘pilgrims’. It happens every day apparently. I learned this while living for three months in the Oberio Hotel, the five star royal hotel next to the Prophet’s Mosque. It is horrifying what has happened, how this has been silenced. My investigative journalism ‘on the ground’ discovered many truths which will be revealed on this blog. I must do it, why else was I allowed to see it all, speak to so many people and have the experiences only I could have had.

I shall speak of what I have seen and heard, and acquaint readers with the seldom read and rare outcries of the past. Stay tuned, if you dare. It is most disillusioning, to say the very least.
I shall also speak of the religious practices of those in Saudi Arabia which differ from other countries. Speak of the impact it has upon me and others met in Saudi Arabia. Lastly,  will speak of the de facto Ruler of KSA – a man I once held in high regard. I do no longer.

De facto used as an adjective means denoting someone or something that is such in fact. The man who is in practice, in effect, in fact, in reality,, in actuality, the Ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I shall continue to speak of my life, my observations, the delightful people I meet, the fun times I have living in Malaysia. I shall not let my bright light be dimmed by evil. Good does prevail over evil – it sometimes takes a long time but it happens,

This will end with some joy. A reel made and circulated on Instagram. The Journey Through Cataract Surgery. The caption: “These photos trace my journey through successful cataract surgery. Details on the blog. Alhamdulillah with much gratitude to hospital staff and friends.” So many dear Instagram friends sent messages – I am SO grateful for their good wishes, thought they had forgotten about me. Nope, It is not possible to reach me through this blog – so no idea who is with me and who is not. Statistics show numbers and countries but not identities.
The music that accompanies the reel is Barbara Streisand’s Woman In Love. I am a woman in love – in love with Allah (SWT).

Photos include the view from ‘my’ table. King Ong did a marvelous job of opening up Roselle bringing the outdoors in. I am most grateful. The other photo is my fixer upper on the beach next to Lexis Suites. Who knows? Great location with the fishing boats nearby, the peace and the serenity. I have found peace and serenity here, necessary for the task ahead.
“He is the One Who sent down serenity upon the hearts of the believers so that they may increase in their faith. To God ‘alone’ belong the forces of heaven and earth. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Quran: 48:4)