The Greatest Celebration of All Time But You Are Not Going to Hear About it: After All This Time on Planet Earth I am Now an Orangutan (Oops an Orang  Puteh); Two More Glorious Weeks at Lexis Suites Planned: Inspiring WhatsApp Conversation with Saudi Friend: Striving to Not Be An Arrogant Boaster No News of Magnificent Birthday Celebrations: Photos from The Party’s Over and Verses From the Quran

First we shall discuss my becoming an orangutan, That is a mispronunciation, I became aware my being an orang puteh through a conversation with my Malaysian Muslim sister. It is preferable to being an orangutan. There are some similarities; in both situations it is something you are just born into, and with.

Do not want to read about this? Then don’t. Too bad So sad.  It is my blog and I get to decide. I am sorry, but if you want to decide than, please,  write your own blog. Let me know where to find it and I’ll  read it. Inform me though Instagram because you cannot (purposefully) reach me here.  Never from the very beginning could you or anyone, contact me through the blog and my blog master keeps me safe, erecting a wall.  Receiving negative comments from miserable people and misinformation from uninformed people is totally unproductive and injurious to one’s creativity. Now this short rant is over, we can begin.

Too bad so said is usually a insincere way of saying: That is unfortunate or too bad that happened to you.” It can also mean “that’s awful for YOU but I don’t care” or “So what, it’s insignificant or can’t be changed, so get over it. Gentle readers, please choose one of the three alternatives.

Back to Orangutan.

My Malaysian Sister and I, were sitting on my patio located on the  Strait of Mallaca, (not the South Chine Sea) yabbing away. I was confessing, telling tales of my wild and crazy pre-Muslim days.  She just laughed.
She: That is SO orang puteh
Me: What is that????
She: It is Malay for white person.
Me: Oh my goodness, That is SO funny. At the age of 81 suddenly I am an orangutan.
She: No! !!! An Orang Putsch! An orangutan is a big ugly monkey.
Me: I dunno it sounds  the same to me and most English (only)  speaking peoples.

We just laughed. Now I get on the elevator and say:
Me: I am Alexis. THE oldest living orang puteh

I say THE because I have not seen anyone like me here, in this place that has thousands of guests at the present time because it is school holiday and Lexis Suites is overbooked. I only hope and pray that there will continue to be room at the inn for me. My Malaysian sister attempts to console me.
She: Do not worry my sister. They love you.
Me: Well I do because of past experiences in lowly Edmonton and at the Bahrain Ritz Carlton
She: That is not Malaysia and it is not Lexis Suites.
Me: Okay!! But you heard what the General Manager said when I told him I wanted to stay another month.
She: Yes. He said he would have to take a month long leave which is the same as holiday or vacation.
Me: That is not exactly a yes and at the same room rate.
She: Alexis He was joking.
Me: We shall see.

To ease the anxiety of any who might care about me, this portion of the blog is written on June 1. I was able to extend my stay at the present rate for two weeks. It may be necessary for me to go to KL as there are Canadian and USA embassies there. I have met with some difficulty and may need their assistance. I am trying to solve the problem on my own but my experiences in the Bahrain airport taught me the advantages of being ‘next door’ to an Embassy of one’s choosing. I am a dual citizen, so I have two for the price of one. Hahaha
If a trip to KL is necessary – there is a Lexis Suites there. Very convenient. I am calm.

I was planning on telling all of my magnificent birthday. I highly recommend to any, and all.
Me: Come of Lexis Suites for your birthday!
Alter Ego: Why birthday?
Me: Well it is a very popular honeymoon attraction but I am not newly married. I can only tell people about celebrating a birthday. It was so IDEAL that they must do it all of the time. It was so well planned and executed.
Alter Ego: But maybe just for you?
Me: Well I guess I would like to think so. But even if that were so, they definitely know how to do it. Perhaps I was their trial run.

My decision not to rave about my birthday came from a conversation with a Saudi friend,
Me: Happy Birthday to me. Having a great day.
He: Happy birthday. May you live a long and happy healthy life.
Me: I would prefer a shorter one with the strong possibility of Jannah. I have already lived a long and healthy life. I am most happy at the moment. I have peace of mind. I am, after all, 81.
He: There is a prayer. Please God give long life and help for good deeds.
Me: Oh my goodness. Thank you for this. It is just what I needed to hear. I shall Inshallah be grateful for a long life so that I have the opportunity to perform more good deeds.
He: You have a special place in both worlds.
Me: Oh! Thank you for saying that! I am blessed in meeting you. Alhamdulillah.
He: You are truly special. No doubt.
Me: To some perhaps I am truly special. But not all. I take comfort in knowing that not all thought our wondrous Prophet (pbuh) was special And He was absolutely spectacular. I recall that many years ago I spoke to a Malaysian multibillionaire about his son. The father asked an interesting question of me. “Is my son humble,” he asked. The father was a Christian, his son was a born again Christian who constantly tried to convert me back to Christianity. He failed. But, is he humble is a Muslim question in so many ways,
He: Oh God please bestow humbleness upon us.
Me: Thank you for that prayer!!! It is so important to be humble. Respecting that ALL our gifts come from Allah (SWT) God can take away our gifts, just as God gave them to us. If we misuse them through pride and arrogance. We must use our gifts wisely.  I have not in the past and suffered so. Lost my peace of mind. But it has been restored. Alhamdulillah.

In another conversation he sent this (it will be copied at the end of the blog)
He: “Allah loveth not each arrogant boaster “
Me: I do not think I am an arrogant boaster. I am humble  I do things but only with Allah’s help. If I look like I boast there is a reason behind it.
He: I did not say that you are. I was merely highlighting. The verse and its translation.
Me: That is okay and good. It is always good to keep such in mind. Also the admonition about silence, But at times it is absolutely necessary to to speak out if you have a voice and are heard. Thanks for all of this. It made me think. You see I have this gift of charisma and I am supposed to use it. Carefully, and in moderation of course. And not waste it on the wrong people. Which I do. But I did repent.
Then he sent another verse which again shall be copied.
“If you had been rude and hardhearted, they would have dispersed from around you.”
Me: Mashallah! What a gift this is. I am thinking again. My head is starting to hurt. I am soon to breakfast. Too early for thinking. Hahaha
He: Enjoy. Just came from Fajr prayer.
Me: I did that hours ago. I am ahead of you. Of course I am older and in a different time zone. Hahaha
I look back at my six month sojourn in Saudi Arabia with a rather jaundiced eye, feeling that it was a hardship which ended with the benefit of peaceful Malaysia. Nonetheless and so thankfully, I met many Saudis that I have ‘taken with me”. Our conversations about the faith enliven and encourage me, stimulating my thinking.
This conversation led to my decision not to speak of the gifts given to me on my birthday. I have no desire to be an arrogant boaster.  I earnestly pray that God bestow humbleness upon me.

I do humbly admit that there are several Instagram reels of me noisily and enthusiastically enjoying my birthday. There does need to be, in these troubled times.  a message to all – that if one does (or at least tries to do)  the right thing, then there are rewards. Watching the horrors of Gaza deflects from the gifts the Allah (SWT) bestows upon believers. There needs to be a recognition of this. Allah (SWT) is to be seen as a a merciful and compassionate God. That is how He is best remembered and recognized.  I am absolutely sure that my joy in times of the travesty of Gaza is disproved of by many. Their approval or disapproval is irrelevant and immaterial. I am to please Allah (SWT) not them. I am now blessed to be surrounded by Muslims of quiet and respectful worship, peace, understanding and yes, humbleness.

My most recent Instagram post consisted of five ‘photographs’ showing first: the party’s over. The deflated balloons, the HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ALEXIS in tatters, the hearts displaced. Only the kissing swans remain. I emailed a young man, my presence hiding the swans on the bed.
Me: This all a surprise, decorated by staff. There are kissing swans on the bed but I am blocking them so you cannot see them making love . You are too young to see that anyway. Hahaha
He: You should not see them anyway because you are too old. Wish I were there to see them in person with you and celebrate with you and your new family. Oh well.

Two photographs of my manicure. So very beautiful – the simplicity, the dainty images. I had the sole attention of Myra and Amy  of Lex Spa,  They work together perfectly as a team. First the hot lava rock massage, then a foot massage and treatment. Then, at the very end, one massaged my scalp while the other manicured my fingers. I asked them how long they had been working together with their team approach. They told me of their history. During covid and its aftermath the spa was closed for two years. During that time the hotel kept them in their employ – working in housekeeping. When the spa re-opened they were reunited. This is a country that cares for its people. I know of practices of many Middle East countries during covid days. When their otels and other tourist facilities shut down, they just deported the workers, leaving them penniless in their country of origin. Malaysia cares for its people. But oops, I am not one – I am an orangutan.

The following ‘photographs’ will contain the verses from the Quran sent by AFI.  The music from the Instagram post is Unstoppable. Hum it to yourself when looking at through the photos or just link: instagram