I shall travel to Malaysia in a few days. I was supposed to be there now but was stalled in Bahrain because of a Chase credit card snafu. I shall eagerly explore my new intended country on a 90 day tourist visa. Instructions for obtaining it are on the Internet – clear and coordinated with your arrival. This is the antitheses is what happens in Middle East countries. We shall now explore the meaning of two words and then move on.
Snafu is the absolutely perfect word to describe what happened at the Bahrain Airport. Snafu is a noun. A confused or chaotic state; a mess. Used in a sentence: An : an enormous amount of my time was devoted to untangling this snafu. It is an adjective: .in utter confusion or chaos. It is a verb [with object]throw (a situation) into chaos.
Antithesis is the exact opposite. Getting in and out of Middle East countries is the (direct) opposite, the other extreme, the other side of the coin, the flip side of Malaysian clear instructions, details and application procedures found on the Internet, and in practiced at Malaysia border entries. No idea why the huge discrepancy. It seems rather purposive on the part of Middle East countries. I have had direct experience with the UAE, with Qatar, with Saudi Arabia and now with Bahrain. If I ever get out of here – never again. That is how it feels at the moment.
I am going to Malaysia
I am going to Malaysia for many reasons. The primary reason is to be with my Malaysian Sister whom I met in Medina on July 22, 2023. This morning, by a twist of fate, I travelled to the search engine of my blog to refresh my memory of events occurring at the time. I was thoroughly amazed, It made me believe in blogging. Hahaha It was all there in black and white, except for the color photographs. Hahaha.
My July 21, 2013 blog spoke of my second entry into the Medina’s Prophet Mosque. As usual I shall put myself in quotation marks.
“That was absolutely NOT the reception I felt the first time, upon entering through the proper door. Some attached photos will reveal the breathtaking architecture. I walked in awe, came upon a reception area manned by three woman. An extremely helpful, kind and considerate woman and I began to speak – interrupted twice by impolite women but then by a covered woman who stood by, and when acknowledged simply and wondrously gave me a hug. Needless to say, I hugged back. The staff member suddenly said:
She: I want you to meet my Manager.
Me: (slightly confused) That would be nice.
She took me to a nearby office, a room full of young spirited women. Two or three were English speaking. The Manager a commanding woman, full of energy and like me, loaded with strong opinions. We began a long conversation, she asking, of course, where I came from then curiosity about the motivation for my becoming of the Islamic Faith at such a late age. I had an appointment to meet AK, left, telling and motioning to all that I would return at 2. Did so, which began another huge adventure which you shall hear about in ensuing blogs.
The four attached photographs reveal the happy ending. However, I, and my companions were almost trampled to death, tripped and shoved during prayer. It brought the five of us closer together and stronger in the faith More to follow. “
I will attach to this blog the same photographs. Two days later on July 23, 2023 I wrote from the Oberio Hotel in Medina.
“This morning was planned with some precision. Usually I awake Fajr prayer, groggily have coffee, make a list of intentions for the day, systematically preform them and cross them off the list, do some preliminary research and write the blog. Today was different. I awoke, got dressed and went out and about while it was sort of cool out. It was SO busy. I was amazed. Met a wonderful woman from Malaysia. Here are snippets from our conversation.
Me: I understand that Malaysians who come to Hajj must pass a test first, Show that you have knowledge of the importance, the significance of Hajj and all that is expected of you.
She: Yes. That is true. It is considered a privilege, an honor, a blessing bestowed by Allah (SWT)
Tour bus rudeness
Me: That must be made mandatory for all countries. I was almost trampled alive two days ago with the absolute rudeness and animal like behavior of tour bus pilgrims. It was a desecration of the holy site of Rawdah. My prayers interrupted five times and those of my companions. It was a free for all. I could not believe the disrespect. It happens all the time, Even with the men, apparently. Hooligans have taken over the most precious of all holy places. It must stop, it is my mission.
Hooligan is not the perfect word as it means: a violent young troublemaker, typically one of a gang. These women were not young. But the synonyms are descriptive: lout, vandal, ruffian, rowdy, troublemaker; tearaway;. rough, bruiser, roughneck, lager lout, chav, hoodie
You: That is a bit harsh
Me: You were not there being trampled shoved and pushed while trying to offer prayers. One rowdy grabbed me for support. I dug my fingernails into her arm in self defense. I was determined not to be a martyr like those 68 heroes always remembered here in Medina. They were killed in the Battle of Umrah when deserted by the bow and arrow guys who left their positions to pillage as they thought victory was at hand. Greed motivated them and motivates the Hajj tour bus operators.
The Prophet (PBUH) sacrificed his life to make Mecca, the House of Abraham Holy again. I intend to make Medina holy. If I loose my life in the process I will certainly go to Jannah.” On the way back to my precious Oberoi Hotel stopped at a bookstore, purchasing two books. One a child’s book which shall assist me in my abolition. The other chronicles the life of Ali – Fatima’s husband. I have decided, wished and prayed that my Ali is waiting for me in Jannah. We shall see.”
Read those powerful words, written on July 23, 2023. I wrote that The Prophet (PBUH) sacrificed his life to make Mecca, the House of Abraham Holy again, I intend to make Medina Holdy. If I loose my life in the process I will certainly go to Jannah.”
Well I came back on September 22, 2023 from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with that intention. I still have the same intention but everything got in the way. I was in Medina on October 7, 2023 when the world turned upside down. I became a refugee because of Islamaphobia. I was unable to find refuge in Saudi Arabia for many reasons. When in Malaysia I shall more about the cooperation that country has with the Saudi Arabia Ministry of the Hajj. Perhaps all other countries could enjoy the same relationship which would ensure the Holiness and Respect of Medina’s Sites and treasures.
Something happened this morning in Bahrain that was again a twist of fate. Read again my experience in the holiest of places Rawdah.
Determined not to be a martyr
I was determined not to be a martyr like those 68 heroes always remembered here in Medina. They were killed in the Battle of Umrah when deserted by the bow and arrow guys who left their positions to pillage as they thought victory was at hand. Greed motivated them and motivates the Hajj tour bus operators.”
This from the first page of the Saturday, May 11, 2024 Gulf Daily News. The title: Alert over illegal Haj tour operators.
“HAJ pilgrims have been warned against joining any unlicensed tour operators, or traveling or traveling alone without a permit to avoid legal consequences. The Justice, Islamic Affairs Ministry’s Religious Affairs and Endowments Ministry’s Religious Affairs Directorate. in a statement yesterday, urged those planning to perform Han to follow regulations and guidelines set by the High Committee for Hat and Umrah Affairs and the Haj and Umrah Ministry in Saudi Arabia. It emphasized performing Han is only allowed with a permit issued by relevant Saudi authorities. A list of licensed Bahraini Hat tour operators can be accessed through the Islamiyat’ Mobile App.”
This is not at all clear to me, or to anyone reading this. Why are unlicensed tour operators allowed to operate at all? Does not Saudi Arabia have any responsibility for controlling and limiting their access to innocent people attempting to perform the Haj? It seems not. This announcement was made in the newspaper of a country just over the causeway. What about countries full of barely educated Muslims throughout the world. How in the world can they ascertain who is licensed and who is not?.
As I said greed motivates Haj tour operators and Saudi Arabia’s much named Ministry’s do nothing to curtail it – apparently and obviously. Greed is controlling. More about the concept of greed in the days to come. .
Oh well it took years to get this way – it has always been thus I have heard from countless pilgrims. Perhaps I should just get on with my life and times.
Rome was not built in a day, they say.
The expression, Rome wasn’t built in a day, signifies that great achievements do not take shape overnight. They are the result of continuous efforts, planning and patience. Whenever we undertake any new activity or habit, we are intimidated by the end goal and outcome.” It is said to emphasize that you cannot expect to do important things in a short period of time.
Perhaps I should just give up. I am a little old lady born in Saskatchewan in 1943 – I do not have that much time left, as healthy and determined as I am. Sometimes I pray:
Me: Why me, My Allah (SWT)?
The answer seems to be: Who else, Alexis? Who else?
As my Malaysian Sister says: Over and Out. I cannot wait to see her so very soon.