Every day and in every way the staff at this hotel is looking more, shall we say peaked. One meaning of peak is mountain top – they are not looking like mountain tops. It can also mean decline in health and spirits; waste away. They are declining in health and spirits, some are wasting away. I cannot possibly imagine what shape they are going to be in when April rolls around. The first of April is April Fool’s Day April Fool’s Day is celebrated on 1 April in many countries around the world. On this day, people traditionally play practical jokes on each other and have fun trying to make other people believe things that are not true. Blessedly I am sure that Saudi Arabia is not one of the countries that celebrate April Fool’s Day. I cannot imagine how, in the world, the staff could face practical jokes. They would also, in their weakened condition, believe things that were not true.
Still and all, speaking of things that are not true, wait until you hear about this. Opened my email to discover a job offer from the Hilton Head Island Beach and Tennis Resort. Yes, indeed, there was a contract for my signature with a starting date in March. I would be earning twenty dollars an hour, for a forty hour work week. This could not possibly be true; I fired off a response:
Me: That is not me. I am 80 and cannot even play tennis. Will write about it on my world famous blog which is also called Alexis McBride. Perhaps the real candidate should change her name. I had it first Hahaha
Hilton Head: LOL Thanks.
Life can be full of amusement, even when fasting during Ramadan. This is being written on Day Six of Ramadan. I am happy to report that I am doing well, extremely well. I am tired, nonetheless, as a retired person I just sleep a great deal. Interrupted sleep admittedly as the obligation of daily prayers continues. Two days ago I slept, on and off, for twelve hours. Therefore I had the strength to participate in a rather unusual Saudi experience. Usual for Saudis but unusual for me. I was escorted to the Dhahran Mall, picked up and delivered.
For those of you not living in Kohbar, located in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia I shall tell you about the mall. It is located across the ‘street’ from my hotel. However the street consists of two extremely busy ring roads crowded with speeding cars.
“Mall of Dhahran is a fun destination for all ages, with stores and facilities equipped for a fun shopping day on a 250,000 square meter area. The center includes 500 diverse stores where you can purchase the finest perfumes from the shelves of local and international brands, keep up with the latest fashion and beauty trends, and find seasonal women’s or men’s fashion collections. Additionally, children’s stores offer you the chance to renew your child’s wardrobe at the best competitive prices.”
It is an extremely busy, crowded place. When open hundreds of cars surround its vastness, probably thousands of people socialize within its air conditioned passageways.
This trip was planned. Zero works in Geeky, one of the mall stores. We spoke on WhatsApp. We met at the Mall’s Starbucks. The kind women write on my coffee cups ‘We love you, just be happy on on my cup.’ (Pictured on the February 27, 2024 blog). He suggested I call him Zero as he as an unpronounceable (for me) Arabic name.
Me: I thought of something. Can you come and get me and give me a ride on the way to work? That would make it easier for me.
He: Okay. I will see.
Me: Okay. If you cannot. I can just walk.
He: I can. It is a danger for you.
Me: It is not that far. It is just a traffic hazard – for the cars, not me. Hahaha
He: Arabic writing that means total laughter along with a GIF of someone laughing.
Me: You are laughing. I knew it. I am bold!! If a car does not stop in the crosswalk I show my anger. They could have killed me, This expression allowed in the faith I believe. .
He: Strong Mu, You don’t care of anyone.
Me: Indeed. I fear only Allah (SWT) And Allah (SWT) is merciful and compassionate.
Off we went to the Dhahran Mall for (using Military Time) from 20- 2. It was a rather wild and crazy experience, in every way. Necessary shopping was completed. During Ramadan, under doctor’s orders because of my age, I am to drink water and a liquid to replace my electrolytes. The liquid is called Electrorush, a rather amusing name. I needed more of the life saving liquid, so purchased some at one of the two drug stores at the Mall. Exhausted their supply but they will restock. Saudi pharmacies the very best. Pharmacists, have so much autonomy, patients do not have to have a doctor’s prescription, those required in the USA and Canada. Their independent knowledge and helpfulness ensures the best of care, at the least possible cost. It is another example of how KSA cares for its citizens. .
Necessary shopping also included recognizing POAG’s birthday through the tradition of buying gifts. had been to Lily’s once before (such a fitting name for a florist shop). Chatted while she waited on another customer, telling them of my twenty year Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) experience. A woman, with her husband, was buying a bouquet of red roses. Smilingly, she gifted me with one red rose.
Me: Oh my goodness. Thank you! I was going to buy a single rose for my friend. I will. This one will be mine, I spied other offerings in the store, impulsively decided on Happy Birthday helium balloons. I proudly carried them walking through the mall. Tens of people wished me Happy Birthday!
Me: Thank you. But it is not my birthday. I have had enough of them. Thanks
I hung out in my favorite Starbucks, spoke to scores of people. Saudis are so interested in my journey to their country and their faith, particularly since I am so enthusiastically positive about both. The journey to and amidst the Islamic Faith and this country has been very arduous at times.
Arduous, an adjective: involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. The antonym is effortless – the journey to and through the faith and Saudi Arabia has NOT been effortless. I have not spoken frequently of the challenging, exacting, grueling, harrowing and toilsome times. There have been so many hardships on the way. I am now reaping the benefits. I thought of the phrase: “I have arrived!” Googled it to find that it can mean to have achieved success and become famous.
Perhaps it is symbolic word of, what I consider my success, be received at the Dhahran Mall. Periodically I ask Computer Guru to check what is going on in the wide world of my statistics. It is possible to know where my readers are, their countries. The USA has always surpassed all other countries. Canada edged out others during late 2022, early 2023. My Saudi Arabia readers (once only 4) began to grow, first edging out Canada.I had sent him an email asking for a statistical update. I was at the Mall of Dhahran when I opened this email.
He: I grabbed these yesterday. Hope Ramadan finds you well. Cheers.
The statistics revealed the country where most of my readers reside is Saudi Arabia. I was absolutely ecstatic. I realized my goal. I truly have arrived. Ran about telling all my mall acquaintances of my success. Practically dancing with joy, happy birthday balloons bobbing up and down.
Later sent nine people an email. Subject line: Look at this statistics!! My goal achieved. More Saudi readers than the USA and Canada.
Me: That has been my goal since I got here. Need I remind you that KSA’s official language is not English. It is Arabic to those who do not know. Alhamduillah. Alexis.
Only one of the nine responded. A man from Nepal who lives in Canada, the manager of my former Canadian apartment.
He: Happy Ramadan Alexis. Hope you are doing well. Have a great day.
What happened with the other eight? Who knows? I do not need their approval, nor their recognition. My only aim: to please Allah (SWT).
Two (AM and Military time) finally arrived. The Kindness of Saudi Strangers was shown yet again. The wind was blowing, I was at Gate 5, waiting for Zero to get the car. The balloons were flying all over. Thought I would be flying through the air with them. A Saudi man came to me.
He: Let me hold these for you until your car arrives.
Me: Alhamduilliah. Thank you!!!
Arrived home. The next morning awoke to find the balloons had somewhat deflated.Took them to the lobby to give to POAG. She was not at work yet, they had no idea when she was going to arrive. I just laughed and laughed at the folly of it all. A video of my laughter and the balloons shall be attached to the blog. By the way, she did arrive, rearranged the balloons and was most grateful for her gifts. It filled her with joy, actually.
I am in constant WhatsApp contact with my Malaysian Noor. She sent an image, a drawing.
She: I drew…do u believe it?
Me: Are you ever talented!!! You are an artist. You are. I did not know that about you. Can I put it on my blog?
She: U make me happy! My dream is to become a fashion designer you know. Still have that dream in me.
Me: Then Inshallah it will happen. If you have a dream, follow it. Alhamduilliah
Photographs will feature Noor’s art, hotographs of me and the deflated balloon. Reels of me laughing at myself. I was trying so hard to be perfect, and what do I have to show for it? Deflated balloons. Another of last night’s sunset, taken from my hotel window. You can see Kohbar’s water tower in the distance on the right. Another ‘photo’ is from AF1 – A Hadith speaking of the importance of a cheerful face. I have one, it is valued by our Creator.
Also perhaps a reel sent to Chris to be downloaded on YouTube. It is Life is So Good These Days. I sent with this message.
Me: Please put on YouTube with the title. I sent one to myself to watch when I feel bad.
He: Aww. This one is lovely.. makes me happy to to know you’re living life to the maximum.
This is so telling, so miraculous. Looking at images of myself over the years, there were many times when I was facing challenging, exacting, grueling, harrowing and toilsome times. There were moments of joy even in the midst of those arduous times. Looking back I am grateful for all of those times because they got me here, at this place, at this time, surrounded by wonderful, kind, and caring people. The usurious ones, the evil ones, the hypocrites are gone. They were not worthy of me somehow and Allah (SWT) disposed of them, somehow. I guess they are still around. I no longer know, nor care. Life is So Good These Days. Somehow, Sometimes. Alhamduilliah.