This is the Sunday March 10, the day before Ramadan. Recently, every day, and in every way, I am getting ready for Ramadan 2024. The preparation for Ramadan includes the formation of Intentions. Intentions whose observance will bring me in closer union with our Creator. This has been a yearly Ramadan practice – I daily track my progress, my adherence to my Intentions. Unfortunately my book of Ramadan Intentions is safely stored (I suppose) in Edmonton. Therefore I must begin anew. A new book, to be used for that purpose was purchased at Ithra last week.
One Intention is to take a recess, a rest from Instagram. Preparation included an examination of the why and wherefore necessitating this departure. This has been completed and discussed in the March 9, 2024 blog. In addition, Instagram Intimates and Instagram Acquaintances were informed of my absence from their midst.
Onto the next Intention. It has been my wont during each of my Ramadans to stop reading, examining, commenting upon the news of the world. Wont, by the way, is one’s customary behavior in a particular situation. It must be SO confusing for those attempting to learn the English language because it is pronounced in the same way as want – which has an entirely different meaning.
I am giving it up, yet again, because it is unreliable (who knows what is really going on), stressful and depressing. Furthermore, it makes no difference whatsoever. So many “self-styled informants’ report on a daily basis, the horrors of the Gaza Genocide, many if most feeling self righteous, looking at others with disdain.. Their missiles of despair has made no impact, no difference, just made themselves and their public miserable. I am not mindless nor callous, nor misinformed. I was attempting to Free Palestine before it became popular. Please, at this moment, go to the menu of this blog and click on Free Palestine. In all humility, I do admit that it made no difference whatsoever either. Absolutely none that I can see. Why is that? Knowledge of the powers and the names of Allah (SWT) reveals. all. For reasons that are beyond mere mortal’s minds this is part of our Creator’s plan. The victims of genocide and their families will be reunited in Jannah. Jannah most certainly will be free of Zionists and Israelites and all those who have supported this atrocity.
I will not sequester myself from information – only misinformation. Will continue to read books, study history and other forms of verifiable facts, not opinion, even considered opinion (please see March 9, 2021 blog for discussion of this)
Not with this in mind specifically I decided to utilize the search engine of the blog to search for blogs written during my three previous Ramadan with the plan of comparing and contrasting my thoughts and feelings of today versus those of yesterdays. I typed Ramadan into the search engine, finding to my astonishment, 116 entries. I am a prolific writer, there is no doubt about that!
Prolific is a fun word with at least two definitions. 1) (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring. Used in a sentence: Tigers In captivity tigers are prolific breeders. 2) (of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works: Used in a sentence: She was a prolific writer of blogs.The synonyms of this adjective enhance my self esteem: abundant, bountiful, profuse, copious, luxuriant, lush, bounteous; Definition 2 yields: productive, creative, inventive, fertile. Used in a sentence: Alexis was enormously prolific, writing over 1760 blogs of over 1500 words since the first – January 26, 2017. aspan of just over seven years.
Love the word; Wordsmith: a skilled user of words or a more complete definition: A writer, a person who uses written words to communicate meaning. That is me, Alexis the Wordsmith.
Back to the search.
I was drawn to one of the earliest entries, written on October 24, 2020. I could not believe my eyes – neither will you – I promise. Everything has radically changed, in my life and in the world. As usual I shall be in quotation marks. It begins with a surprising sentence:
“So it looks like my mania for the Middle East continues despite no real connection to anyone or anything there.”
In all fairness to myself, that was true at the time. Onward with my words.
“ Well, except my blog numbers which reveal many readers – if one throws in the 4 readers of Saudi Arabia there are over 500 readers – an enormous accomplishment in a countries which are not English speaking. This from the Middle East Institute, to which I subscribe.
“As Americans head to the polls in November the results will have far reaching implications for Americans and the global community alike—perhaps none more so than Israelis and especially Palestinians. Insofar as Israelis and Palestinians are concerned, the differences between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden could not be more stark. While Trump has upended one sacred pillar of the peace process after another Biden has pledged to reverse the most destructive of these policies in the hope of salvaging what remains of a two-state solution and to restore U.S.-Palestinian relations, now at an all-time low.Even as the Trump administration has worked to preempt virtually all issues of concern to the Palestinians—from Jerusalem and refugees to the prospect of self-determination—Palestinians are themselves beset by a host of internal and external challenges. Internal political division, institutional paralysis, and a chronic economic crisis, have brought the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the verge of collapse and sapped its legitimacy. Meanwhile, the recent normalization deals between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain, and the possibility further normalizations, have underscored the marginalization of the Palestinian cause, both in the region and in the global policy discussion.”
Digest that, if yo will. A comparison between Trump and Biden, with Biden “pledged to reverse destructive policies to salvage the two-state solution and restore U.S Palestinian relations.” That is not exactly Biden’s position today, now is it? My blog continues, recognizing the credulity of the words spoken.
“The speakers are eminently well-qualified. Eminent: (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession; used in a sentence: : one of the world’s most eminent statisticians.”
The blog then turned back to me, myself and I.
“ But I did not register for the web seminar as enough, is enough, and I am moving on, not sure where it will be but away from the Middle East. I do admit to an obsession which has lasted for almost an entire year. But enough is enough and I cannot say that I got anything back from the rich and powerful folks I associated with, except for an inflatable, very darling unicorn on New Years Eve.”
When first reading the blog I could not believe my eyes. It was so utterly discrepant and irreconcilable. My life then, and my life now.
Laughingly I quote myself: “I am moving on, not sure where it will be but away from the Middle East”. Three years and 5 months later I am living in Saudi Arabia. Huh??? Most contentedly, planning to remain. That is totally bizarre.
After discovering this disparity, I spoke to a very intelligent Saudi woman about my statements concerning ‘being away from the Middle East” She tactfully brought this to my attention.
She: But that was said about other countries in the Middle East. Not about Saudi Arabia.
Me: Thank you – you are entirely and completely right about that! I did not think of that, Thank you!!
At that time, three years and five months ago. I was speaking of other Arabs – from the UAE and Qatar. Besides, it was not regular folk but Royals of my acquaintance. It is the Saudi people, the regulars with whom I have an affinity. I want to be with them, speak to them, appreciate their hospitality their caring, their welcoming me to the faith. Royals are different.
She: Yes I guess. Have you met any members of the Saudi Royal Family? (glancing at the photographs displayed above us).
Me: No I have not.
She: Well, not yet anyway.
Me: You are making me laugh. No, not yet anyway. Who knows? It was extraordinarily unlikely that I met members of Middle East Royalty in 2019-2020. I have had a couple of near misses in Saudi Arabia. I did rehearse a speech if I happened to meet MBS but have been unable able to speak the respectful words to him. Hahaha.
Not exactly a near miss I did realize upon looking up the definition: a near miss is an event or situation that could have resulted in injury, damage or loss but did not do so. due to chance, corrective action and/or timely intervention’
I am convinced that IF I met a member of the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia it would not result in physical injury or property loss. I do intend to be most respectful, moreover, will be sure that I have a valid tourist (or other) visa. Members of the Family have been able to avoid me through chance, corrective action, and/or timely intervention. Perhaps a combination of all three. Inshallah.
Back to the present. This morning I received and read some responses to my Instagram notifications. One woman wrote:
She: That is really good. I can’t have that since the the Genocide in Gaza is not stopping in Gaza simply because of Ramadan. I am afraid the atrocities will be more brutal on Ramadan.
I did respond to her.
Me: I will be speaking of that on my blog. I have the blog and it is the best forum for my rational thinking and my Islamic Faith.
IT IS. The blog seemed to arrive accidentally. However, after its arrival I have put in an enormous amount of effort over the years. It is my baby – the one I never had. One synonym is bundle of joy; it has been that. Sometimes a bundle of sorrow. There is no joy without sorrow, no bitter without sweet, no hardship without benefit.
Photographs are three. One showing more Ramadan decorations, two more of book covers. When at the Ithra Library last week I asked the librarians for books on Ramadan. The wonderful Saudi women found two. They are SO informative and timely. You shall hear more about them in the days to come.