I am back at Ithra. It feels like I own the place. Well except for the WiFi which I cannot seem to connect to, but that can be a regular occurrence in one’s home.
I do not ‘own the place’ in an arrogant way. If someone thinks they own the place they act in an arrogant way, making it a critical remark. I do have my faults but being arrogant is not one of them. I am not pretentious, stick up, fancy-pants, hoity-toity nor too big for my boots. Not imperious nor pompous.
Here is the proof. Minutes after I wrote this a young Saudi woman at an adjacent table said she loved my vibes and asked if she could come and speak to me. “Sure,” said I. I talked about my life, she talked about hers – she has lived in Kohbar for 23 years, graduating from a local university, now works for non profit agency – training and finding new opportunities for volunteering in Saudi Arabia. I can safely say that we inspired each other.
Got to Ithra by car, took about fifteen minutes, the driver hired by the hotel picked me up and dumped me off. There was no traffic. After arrival purchased a ticket for the Children’s Museum and the grown up Museum.
Following an amusing conversation with the woman at the Information Desk went to the Ness Cafe. The man glanced up at me.
He: Flat White I will bring it to you. Please sit down.
I did. Did take a photo of my coffee, with heart. Everyone working in the Ness Cafe knows me. I do not have to place an order now pay for the coffee. That is one reason why it feels like I own a 40 Million dollar building.
The Ness Cafe is adjacent to the Children’s Museum. I bough a ticket in order to go back and take photos. I had so much fun on my guided tour, neglected to take photos. Went back, was warmly and enthusiastically greeted by staff. I will write at length about my visit now that I have the photos.
While sipping my coffee I watched one of the most dedicated workers I have ever seen. He walks about the cavernous lobby looking for scuff mark- seeing one, he earnestly rubs them off. This is his sole job, he seems. Gave him a long distance high five ( universal language) – he smiled,
I met my new Moroccan friend, who works for my favorite Greek restaurant. We observed much activity – the Saudi television crew filming the young (and older) people signing up to read 100 pages to plant a tree. The Saudi interviewer and I waved at one another. She asked to interview me again, asking me the following questions..
She: Do you think reading books is important? How do we get out young people to read more
I glibly answered, appearing to know what I was talking about. Glib is a most complicated word with many meanings and synonyms, would say that I was both fluent articulate at the same time thoughtful and sincere. We spoke at some length after the interview – she said shew would like to do an in depth interview asking me about my Becoming of the Islamic Faith, saying she would call me. All I can say is Yikes.
The interview took place in the library. When I returned to the lobby, decided I would plant another tree. Chose a book with a likely title, The Book of Happiness. The title page and me were expertly photographed by my Moroccan friend and will be attached to the blog. I succeeded in reading 100 pages. It was not an informative book, but a fast read. I felt sorry for the poor authors looking for something meaningful in their existence, something to make them happy. Needless to say, all were Americans, none were Muslims. I did not finish the book and will chose another on my next visit.
I became officially hungry hence went back to the 14th floor Greek restaurant, sat at ‘my table’. This time a buffet – so many delicious choices. The Moussaka was memorable, the pasta dish sumptuous, the Greek salad fresh and flavorful. No room for dessert.
Then it was time to leave, Spoke to several people employed by Ithra as I waited for my driver, enjoying the cool evening, Aware that cool evenings will soon become a thing ot the past.
Throughout the day I routinely ‘speak’ to my Malaysian friend via the magic of WhatsApp. As promised I shall speak of our unusual friendship which began with a chance meeting outside the Medina Prophet’s Mosque on July 22, 2023. She and her husband had just completed their Hajj. I had had been made aware that Malaysians, undertaking the treasured pilgrimage were required to take a course, learning of the history and practices. Moreover Malaysians were required to pass an exam before being allowed to travel to Saudi Arabia. This I found exemplary as I had seen close up the utter chaos and disrespect shown by pilgrims of other countries. Learning more about this requirement was my incentive in beginning a conversation with Noor, learning about this, and her, through WhatsApp. I can say with certainty it has enhanced my life, and hers. Our lives incredibly dissimilar, our only commonalities are the Islamic Faith in addition to the fact that she speaks English. It sustains us and her friendship has enriched my belief in Allah (SWT). Many, if not most, of our messages end with Alhamdulillah and dancing women. She leads a busy life but is a much better correspondent than any of my former friends or family. In their defense it must be said that none of them are Muslims. At the time of our meeting Noor took a selfie sending it to me recently. We talked about including the photo and news of our relationship on the blog.
Me: I will speak to you on my blog today. Okay?
She: An emoji. A man bowing saying Terlum Kashi. Means thank you Alhamdulillah.
Me: How fantastic!! I was wondering what it meant. And you let me know. What fun we have together Alhamdulillah. Can I include the picture that you sent me???
She: You mean this one.
Me: Yes
She: Okay. Insyallah. Thanks for sharing
Me: I am using it to tell of a wonderful and very unusual friendship I think it is inspiring.
She: U thing so!! Ur the writer. U know best. I’m blessed like u too
Me: We are both blessed in different ways. Alhamdulillah.
Then later, as I began to write.
Me: When did we first meet? I was thinking October but it must have been July. Just found the date. July 22.
SheL Our anniversary. hahaha
Me: Inshallah! We well be together on our anniversary. The dancing sisters.
She: Can’t wait to that Inshallah
Me: It will be so much fun. Inshallah. I have never been to Malaysia. I can visit Alix Residences while I am there. We can dance around the place. Hahaha
She: sent a beautiful sticker.
Me: Beautiful Sticker, I just love it!
This an earlier exchange, an example of her caring.
My February 22, 2024 contained the words to Gotta Along Without You Before I Met You. The very next day she sent a YouTube rendition by Skeeter Davis.
Me: What a wonderful surprise to wake up to. How precious. The song and good morning greeting with roses. WOW! You are the best of all sisters. The song meant you read the blog. Alhamdulillah. Mashallah . You are so wonderful to me and so special
She: Its nothing what a wonderful thing to know I can make you happy on a wonderful Friday.
Photos will include my specially prepared coffee. Photos at Ithra of me and the title page of the book I read. The July 22 photo of Noor, her husband and I at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. Perhaps a video of photos taken in March of 2022 at the Abu Dhabi Louvre. It is a reminder that I did have good memorable moments while living in Abu Dhabi – although now I consider the time spent there as a test of me and my faith. I passed.