I do admit to becoming distracted the other day. The details shall not be revealed as that would result in a further distraction. What is a distraction? It is a a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else. Another way to say it is “inattentive to what claims or demands consideration,” Distracted may suggest an inability to concentrate caused by worry, sorrow, or anxiety. Distraction in this instance was caused by my charisma. Then during prayer and its accompanying meditation, realized the curse of charisma. I am not saying that there are not blessings associated wot charisma, not saying that at all. But there are curses which unfortunately serve as a distraction from important matters.
There are more important matters, these words are taken from Prophets and Princes: (pg, 36)
“Muhammad’s thousand of sayings Hadiths were carefully recorded after his death. Here are seven of them. “
One caught eye: (To catch someone’s eye is another way of saying : To get someone’s attention).
“On Resurrection Day the ink of the scholar shall have more weight than the blood of the martyrs.”
The previous blog focusing on stream of consciousness was quite fun but it is time to return to my scholarly ways, in order to be certain that there is some of my ink on Resurrection Day.
This from Islam in Transition, not a book from the Saudi Arabia Ithra Library instead purchased from a used book store in Edmonton
“The quintessence of Islamic teaching is that man should make proper use of his intellect which God has given him as a guiding light to help him think for himself, and that having done everything In his power, he should resign himself to the Will of God, for the happy fructification of his labor.”
In other words, it is a good idea for me to use my intellect. A guiding light is that which provides guidance in times of uncertainty. People can be guiding lights. These are definitely uncertain times., when guiding lights are necessary.
Research into the Arabic language yields these results.
Nur is an Islamic word that refers to the “cold light of the night” or “heatless light” i.e. the light of the moon. This light symbolizes “God’s guidance” and “knowledge”. An early scholar. Wikipedia tells us: Al-Tabari (839–923) said that one substitutes “guide” for “light”, as “God is the guide (or light) of the heavens and the earth.
More simplistically, God is the guiding light. One follows Allah (SWT) or one that follows Allah along the Straight Path.
This from my daily reading of the Quran
Quran 103 The Passage of Time
“In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
I swear by the passage of time that man is surely in a state of loss, except for those who believe and do good deeds and exhort one another to hold to the Truth; and who exhort on another to steadfastness.”
Steadfastness is the quality of being resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. Steadfastness is absolutely necessary in these troubled, and uncertain, times. The times are made more troubled due to the proliferation of misinformation. First man must have the time, energy and temperament to seek the truth. Only then should steadfastness be exercised in the name of Allah (SWT). I do have the time, energy and temperament to seek the truth – I shall keep at it.
A change of scene has taken place. I am presently writing from Ithra. Almost deadly quiet, in sharp contrast to the busy crowded days during Founder’s Day celebrations. Some of the festivities were recorded in an amateur fashion and placed on Instagram. The quiet is made precious, contrasting the bustle and babble of a few days ago. I am enjoying special coffee, prepared by Rizaldy of Nass Cafe, a man whose creativity has been harnessed by concocting speciality coffees. (Occasionally I get free samples.) I had a moment of panic – I could not find my laptop, as it had been carried separately in a book bag. Saw that I left it when ordering coffee. Rizaldy laughed at my panic.
He: No need to worry. Nothing is stolen here. There are cameras everywhere.
I am under surveillance, but not at all concerned about my so-called right to privacy. I would rather be safe and secure. The right to privacy protects wrongdoers not steadfast truth seekers. Alhamdulliah.
A paper back book, free for the browsing in the Ness Cafe , caught my eye.It looked so interesting – photographed the cover, as well as the list of books written by the author. I would love to read so many of them – their titles are entrancing. The cover and the list of books can be viewed at the conclusion of the this blog. Some I would love to read: The Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War Abroad; Conversations With Edward Said; Back to Babylon;The Recolonization of Iraq.
Onward , or perhaps backward, to the world of both information and misinformation: Instagram.This post brought my response.
Organic Muslim: The young man who lit himself on fire has not survived. So deeply heart broken that he felt compelled to do such a horrific thing. Please, please, please do not celebrate this tragedy. This is not going to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Us LIVING and speaking for them is resistance. The victory is SOLELY in the hands of God. May this young man’s family be comforted during this horrible time. I am so deeply sad for them and or world.
Then further: We came and to Him we return…
I will never forget the country that committed so much evil that people feel compelled to kill themselves in the worst possible way.
I responded: Thank you for this compassionate message. It is the most sensible, caring, and Allah (SWT) respecting message coming out of all the media hype that has surrounded this unfortunate event.
This response was hearted by the author. The greatest of tribute.
Another Instagram post:
“When empires inevitably collapse it is rarely due to their loss of economic or military power. It is not the loss of ‘strategic position’ or control over resources. Rather their internal institutions simply crumble beneath the weight of moral depravity.” I responded:
Me: And we are definitely seeing that in the US and other Western powers aligning themselves with Israel. Their moral depravity has come into light, into focus.
This response has received 55 likes and two replies:
Reply 1: As a US citizen I say your statement is absolutely TRUE
Me: I too am an American citizen. Blessedly now living in Saudi Arabia. Reply 2:
Reply 2: The end is near and inevitable. The question is will it be in our lifetime.
Me: Maybe not mine in mine because I am 80.
Faithful readers know that I hld no truck with Instagram. My February 9, 2024 exposed Meta media , the title being Meta Media Revealed to be a Censor of Reality. Hold no truck, an idiom: refuse to be involved with (someone or something.The term, having no dealings, with came from 1868, possibly the 1600s. However, it is most difficult to swear off or shy away from Instagram, for many reasons. It is also absolutely impossible to think that one is ever able to, in any profound way, to influence their content. It works the other way around.
Recently I reached a compromise with myself, deciding to act as a role model.
A role model is a person whose behaviour, example, or success serves as a model to be emulated by others, especially by younger people.
I did not realize this before but role models can be national. Wikipedia had the following example, Chilean politicians and intellectuals had France as the prime role model during much of the 19th century until they shifted to Germany in the last decades of the century. This could be a solution to the world’s problems. Politicians should, and MUST, stop looking at the USA and Israel as their prime role model. Politicians should, one could say MUST look to Saudi Arabia as their role model. With the Quran as the constitution there would be a new world order. We desperately need a new world order, that cannot be denied.
Perhaps this exhortation is a bit grandiose. More modestly, I shall provide an example of my servicing as an Instagram role model. Instagram and television regals us with images of the horror of Gaza and Israel aggression. This morning my hotel’s restaurant television featured images of Arab horses grazing in a meadow. I filmed a short video, placing it both as a post and a Story. The post had the following caption. Television viewing for all. Images of hope and optimism Helping us carry on in these troubled times. Palestine needs voices of encouragement from people fortunate to be in good countries, not the ugly politicians with their lies. Alhamdullah.
More instances of being light hearted on Instagram will now beef seen.
Founder’s Day was full of diversions, made possible by Instagram. A reel of me on Saudi National Day in a Beaudoin tent appeared in My Story. It brought this response from a Bolinas, Marin County, California man.
He: What a life you lead!
Me: I know it. It does make me happy I left Marin, It certainly was not as exciting there. However it is to be remembered that I left Marin because I was being persecuted by the Corte Madera police department and the Country of Marin courts. Not good vibes, to say the very least. My Country of Marin retirement income makes this all possible so that it good. I have fond memories of your particular corner of the world. It is special.
Photographs are many and varied. The hotel television screen, the Ness Cafe paperback book cover and its title page. The reel of me in the Beaudoin tent on Saudi National Day.