I am enjoying the most blessed of Fridays – the most blessed ever it seems I received a Hadith that will blow your socks off.
To blow your socks off is an idiom meaning to affect or impress someone in a very strong and favorable way. It has the strangest of origins. “Some suggest it was used as initially to suggest a force large enough to just knock the shoes off. The word ‘sock’ comes from the Latin soccus, which was a small shoe worn by actors. Since then, the meaning has moved away from violent strikes towards something that means a shock or surprise.” If something knocks your socks off, you find it extremely exciting or good.
The Hadith was received with these words.
He: The first five words of so of the Hadith are the most important the rest is to explain. What you do is not lost. God bless you.
“Abu Dkarr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said: ” Do not belittle any good deed, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.
It is highly recommended, according to the Hadith to meet people with a cheerful face. This is a good deed that Muslims should observe and appreciate. It reflects friendliness and cordiality towards others and makes them happy,
- It encourages harmony and cordiality among the believers and exhorts us to meet one another with cheerful and smiling faces.”
I immediately responded.
Me: You are precious to me and such a gift. As you encourage the good in me.
He: Because you are a good soul.
Me: Wow! Mashallah You are a gift that keeps giving. But there is some not so good in me too. But I do repent. I can be quick to anger, I can be very judgmental and defensive. But it passes and slowly, most slowly, I am learning patience.
He: Aren’t we all in one way or another. That is a sign of a good heart.
Me: That is comforting to read. Sometimes I expect too much from myself. I am also too trusting which is a fault actually. But when proven wrong – that the person is actually untrustworthy – I can forget them entirely. Takes about a week. Oops maybe I have confessed too much. Hahaha Allah keeps telling me not to trust mere mortal men.
He: Now you are at the edge of a gender abyss.
Me: That is SO funny. I think though that Allah is including women in the bunch. Hahaha. I do not really need a warming with women though. I do not thoroughly trust them to be honest with you. Some can earn my trust but it is never automatic.
He: Your heart in most cases is your guide.
Me: Always and I cannot give it away. You just became my heart as this was great guidance.
He: I do not know what to say. Enjoy your beautiful day and stay safe and healthy.
Me: I pray for the very best for you and yours. These times are hardship. There will be benefit.
He: A thorn inflecting a believer is not without a reward.
Me: That is profound. A definite WOW Mashallah!!
Then we turned to more mundane topics.
Me: It is cloudy here I love clouds.
He: Yeah. The weather is expected to be a bit chilly.
Me: Okay for the Canadian me
He: But not here. Adaptation is the key.
Me: Too true. But all my winter clothes were left in Canada. But I have a warm sweater and a nearby Marks and Spenser. Alhamdulillah. Hahaha You must go I know. Bye for now my dear.
He: Good day.
I sent the Hadith to my trusted Malaysian friend.
Me: Good morning. Not sunrise yet. I think I am planning to write all day. What about you??
She: That sounds good. Housework what else. Are you sure you have no other plans??? Talking to the handsome guy who could be around today. Hahaha
Me: I am not counting on it. If he is then it will be a blessing. This Hadith was sent to me. Is it not blessed!!!
She: Alhamdullah. You are blessed too. Maybe we just don’t know it. Inshallah. We are blessed always. Believe me we are blessed always. Think so on Fridays.
Me: Yess!!!! Thank you for the reminder about Fridays. I always do something special – an extra worship
She: Me too. Whatever I can afford. But not every Friday.
The morning began in the following manner. Began texting AMA. .
Me: Good morning! I assume you are awake for prayer. I am awake and alert and staying that way. Going to spend the day writing I think.
He: Good morning. MaShaAllah God help you in your endeavors. This energy is meant for something great.
Me: I totally love you for saying that.
He then sent the Hadith that began this blog.
That is it for now. I am now going to get dressed and go for breakfast. I did all of this, and even more writing this morning and it is only 7:50.
Do you know that phrase: Time goes by quickly when you are having fun? That is attributed to Albert Einstein. There are a number of inspirational quotes about time.
Time flies. Its up to you to be the navigator. (Robert Orben)
When you get a grove going time flies. (Donald Flagen)
This one has special meaning for me although I have no idea who the author is.
As time goes by people will see who I am for who I am. (
Yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow today’s dream. Kahill Gibran
The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the better has passed through the hourglass the clearer we should see through it. (Jean Paul)
The last also has meaning – a lot of sand has escaped from my hourglass. I should be able to see through it. Not sure that is happening, but it is supposed to be I guess.
Ending on an amusing note. Time flies when you are multitasking (Bert McCoy)
It is now 13:30 Military time – never could figure out why it is called military time, but it is.
The form of this blog seems to be texts written and received. So I shall keep up the pace. Again AMA is my main man. Main man is American slang meaning a close and trusted male friend. I usually have one but they fall in, and out of, favor sometimes. They can usually be replaced and their quality is steadily improving.
Me: I have had an amazing day! A Riyadh high school girl’s basketball team is staying and playing here. We love each other. Here we are. (Included a photo which will appear at the end of the blog) Well some of the team. That is me in the middle. An incredibly tall and handsome man took the photo. Times ten with their phones as well. My Instagram numbers soar. Hahaha
I am going to their game tomorrow. Today is prayer day. So much to be grateful for!!!
He: Congrats. Life’s gifts are bountiful.
Me: I know. Alhamdulillah.
I spoke to an Egyptian man about a quality of Egyptian woman revealed by a man in Medina,
Me: He told me that Egyptian women do not listen. And that has happened in my life in my encounters. Everything seems to be going okay and suddenly they are not there. They did not listen. Of course not true of all Egyptian women.
He: (shrugged his shoulders) You never get a full package.
Me: What a great philosophy. I listen but I cannot do math and I can not sing. Nothing is perfect.
My room is being cleaned so I am in the lobby/cafe.A man, sitting at an adjacent table asked if he could buy me as espresso.
Me: Thank you! If we were in America you would be buying me a drink. Here in Saudi Arabia it is not possible. It is better this way.
He: I agree.
This is what I say to people when I am about to say something rather surprising.
Me: Put on your seat belt. Not just the lap belt – the shoulder harness as well.
Alter Ego: Snap. It is in place.
Me: Well… Yesterday I was at the front desk. I began to talk to a Saudi woman who worked for Hilton – in their corporate offices. I was telling her about my life. We had a great chat. She told me that there is a new Hilton being built in Khobar – due for completion in a couple of months.
It is a hotel and Residences so there will be apartments available. She said it would be perfect for me and she will track what is happening and get in touch with me. It would be the answer to my dreams – it truly would be. I would be here within striking distance of Ethra where I will write my book
Alter Ego: That is amazing.
Me: I totally agree.
I texted my main man and received an immediate reply.
He: You should get a driver from your hotel and go to the site and look at the construction and pick out an apartment.
Me: It is a little early for that. Remember – if I want your advice I will ask for it.
He: Hahaha I just noticed you came from a society that has on its front doors of homes and offices ‘No Solicitation,”
Me: You are SO funny. I forgot that about you. I am now going to look for a funny GIF that says something about that. Inshallah
I found two but do not know how to show you readers. One is a guy going Ughhhhh, To which I added: That is me when I get unsolicited advice. Hahaha
Then another with a man with crossed eyes and a stupid expression. I added this.
Or me agreeing with your advice.
But then felt sorry for him sending him a Peanut’s cartoon character which said: “I just hugged you in my thoughts. Hope you felt the squeeze.” I added this: Realize I am being a bit difficult and teasing you. So this.
He: The arrogance of always being right.
Me: Inshallah I think is an admission that one is not always right but it is up to Allah (SWT)
At a later time I shall speak of some unsolicited advice that I received from a woman while I was staying at the Ritz. It is an interesting story. I did not, needless to say, take her advice although it was tempting at the time.
Photographs you shall now see is of me and the team. The back of one of the player’s showing, with pride, the name of the school (abbreviated). Then one which I shall label a few of my favorite things.This hotel has a ‘store’ – equipped with my favorite things, including coke zero, Bounty chocolate bars and believe this, or not, digestive biscuits. They were unattainable in the USA and the UAE but not here. I am unofficially in heaven.