They Did Not Die in Vain; Holocaust Defined; Ponder the Synonyms; The Vile Misuse of US Taxpayers Money; Vile Summons Describe the Curse; A Simple Courageous Instagram Post Brings Huge Supportive Response: Trouble in Paradise, Most Suboptimal Treatment: Trying to Keep Me in Check is Like Stopping the Wind; Two Photographs of Hope and Optimism; A Reel From the Breakfast Bar

It is often said, after a bloody and horrific war, that the victims did not die in vain. The victims were often soldiers, not like this holocaust – and that is what this is – a holocaust perpetuated by the former victims of a holocaust, . 

Recently, somehow holocaust has come to mean the Jews killed in WW II days. However, that is not the meaning of the word. Holocaust is destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. Israel is not using atomic bombs, but everything else provided by the USA enabling them to  slaughter children, men, women, any living thing. 

Please examine carefully the synonyms, thinking carefully of the measure of destruction: disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation, ravaging; inferno, fire, conflagration; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, carnage, butchery, extermination, liquidation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, cataclysm. 

When you read each of those words, digest them so to speak. That is what is happening Every one of those synonyms describe what has happened every day, except for the four day ceasefire.  Hamas behaved as total ladies and gentlemen throughout all of this. Israelis behaved like snakes, enormous vermin., animals. No not animals.  Animals are more noble, more caring, certainly more intelligent. 

A great cause is invented by the victors to justify the carnage of war, so that the people did not die in vain. It has NEVER been true. The US was said to save the Jews during WWII, now the US finances Israel to kill people in Palestine, for the crime of living in the wrong place, at the wrong time. 

Yes, the USA has been financing killing and maiming for years, aided and abetted by my tax dollars. My hard earned money. It is not noble, not a great cause to be slaughtered for the cause of alleviating hardworking people from paying taxes, when looking at this superficially.

 However, it has fat greater meaning.

We taxpayers were ‘doing our duty’ – happy to live in a well-ordered world providing us opportunity. But this was all an utter lie. Now, finally, he truth has been revealed. It is no surprise but it is most unfortunate to report this sodden reality: this world is run by money – that money talks. But if we, collectively say – it is no our duty, not our obligation to kill, maim and murder  women, children and babies – then ‘our money’ will talk. Get your hands off my money is, and must be.  the rallying call from all of this. I have a say in this matter. Democracy is not working, if it robs us of our money, using it for absolutely vile purposes. 


Digest, if you will, the synonyms of vile. Think about them in conjunction with holocaust: , horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, repellent, revolting, repugnant, disgusting, loathsome, hateful, sickening; base, mean, wretched, disgraceful, appalling, shocking, ugly, vulgar, sorry, shabby, shameful, dishonorable, execrable, heinous, abhorrent, deplorable, monstrous, wicked, evil, dark, dirty, vicious, iniquitous, sinful, corrupt, sordid, depraved, perverted, debased, reprobate, degenerate, debauched, dissolute, contemptible, despicable,  diabolical,  devilish, fiendish, hellish, damnable; beastly. 

Every one of those words is applicable – the use our tax dollars was put to INSTEAD of spending it on the needy, the poor, the oppressed in the (so-called) United States of America. 

There was an Instagram post, calling for my attention which said: “I want my tax dollars to go to healthcare so my family, friends and neighbors can go to the doctor without going into debt. I do not want my tax dollars buying bombs that call innocent Palestinians. It is really that simple. That called for a response on my part.  

Me: I definitely agree. I am not paying taxes until it stops. If  everyone or even many people say NO there is not much they can do about it. The IRS needs cooperation. They do not have mine anymore. 

I have received 71 Likes and was pinned by the author. The numbers agreeing with other such responses are even more amazing. 

One response to my response said: I’m into three years, no taxes. And I am very much not in jail. Lol You got some time before they shackle ya.

I responded to his reply: 

Thanks for your response. The IRS and your tax accountant try to scare you and give you misinformation but there is little they can do if you challenge them. Just casually ignore them.  

Join in, here is the link:

But all is not perfect in paradise, nor here in AJ (almost Jannah) I did complain to Computer Guru Chris when sending yesterday’s blog. . 

Me: Well I did it. My room was moved to one below. They are now renovating the room directly above my head. It is absolutely impossible to concentrate, sleep or anything with all the hammering and drilling. I am NOT happy. Complained of course. 

He: Well done Alexis. Remodeling sounds suboptimal I would vote for you probably. 

Me: I love that word suboptimal. Sounds like the husbands in my life. Hahaha I was SO grateful to see blog posted so quickly. It was a biggie!!! I deserve a day of rest and just might take one. Hahaha 

Suboptimal definition:  of less than the highest standard or quality. That describes those guys. If there is a husband in my future – he shall be optimal 

Optimal: best or most favorable; optimum. I may have to wait until Jannah to meet him – the date selection there would be superb. I would certainly not be marrying an Israeli, for example. I am not being antisemitic – merely factual. Following the Quran, as I am obliged to do.

My complaining about the construction has not gotten me nowhere fast, as the expression goes. I am maintaining my sense of humour at all times and it is becoming increasingly funny. Last night talked to an underling, who said he would speak to his manager.  Saw his manager this morning and he had not heard of my complaint. His solution was to speak to FAME, who was unavailable. Hours later, when I called to complain the receptionist said that Mr. Ali was the person I should speak to. He too was unavailable. In some sort of meeting with all of the managers 

This resembles what goes on in a dysfunctional family: Go talk to your mother. You do. She says: Go talk to your father. You go back to your father. He says Go talk to your mother. 

I am laughing at these Muslim men of great power. I am not getting angry. This is a test. This is termed a hardship in the Islamic Faith. It is teaching me to  appreciate the silence when it rarely occurs. I realize I took silence for granted before. I now thoroughly appreciate my air pods which drown out some of the noise. And, OF COURSE, I am incredibly grateful, overflowing with gratitude that I am not in Gaza at this time. 

It can be difficult being a Muslim woman, even n Saudi Arabia. This myth of modesty supposedly required of Muslim women (of course by Muslim men.) They misinterpret the Quran to bolster their tenuous control of women. A recent experience with a tour guide taught me this lesson: Muslim men not in control of their own lives – try to control women. 

My pre Islamic London Lover was rather wise, replying to my assertions that he was trying to control me.  

He: Alexis. I might as well try to control the wind. 

I am rather surprised to report that this ‘saying’ is ‘lifted’ from the Hebrew Bible. Proverbs 27:16. There are many ‘translations’ or versions. This a King James Version: Whoever restrains her restrains the wind, And grasps oil with his right hand. English Standard Versionto restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in one’s right hand. This my favorite: Trying to keep her in check is like stopping a wind storm or grabbing oil with your right hand.

I would remind Oberio Hotel management that my Computer Guru, known me almost daily for almost eight years would “probably vote for me.” 

There is another biblical reference to the wind. Solomon, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes uses the  phrase chasing after the wind at least seven times. Ecclesiastes 1:14 speaks of chasing the wind as it relates the theme of the whole book: “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” Chasing the wind is a metaphor for pursuing futility. Solomon reflected at the end of his life that pursuing meaningless things—things that do not have eternal significance—is only chasing after the wind.

Two photographs and a video follow. The photographs, taken in the lobby of this hotel, is full of hopeful anticipation, I am (perhaps) kissing my taxes goodbye. A resourceful and supportive woman in reception assisted my efforts. I shall forever be grateful to her, no matter what. 

There is a video taken at the Breakfast Buffet, also put on Instagram. My Palestine scarf is around my neck. The one purchased in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in August of 2022. I heard from a reliable source that  Singapore travel organizers tell pilgrims that it is unlawful to wear Palestinian scarves when in Medina. That is total misinformation. I wear mine in the hotel smiling at the latest crop of Singapore pilgrims  Thought it might also be wise to do an Instagram.