I do, of course, write for free. In fact, I pay to write. On the payroll are Computer Guru Chris, Trusty LOL – payments must be made, of course, to Word Press to keep me alive and well on the internet. Due to the fact that I derive no income from this endeavor, these expenses are not deductible. I consider such payments as charity, which is a requirement of the Islamic faith,
It was therefore rather amusing to open a Walrus email to find an article finding my ‘free writing’ an existential crisis. I do not find it so, not at all. This is taken from the beginning of the article written by.
THEY’RE Here to Save Indie Media,” a New York Times headline announced on June 8. “Save” is debatable: the new digital magazine Byline aims to fill a widening gap in the publishing landscape, stepping in for a vanishing stratum of outlets where new writers can cut their teeth and start to build career momentum. What Byline doesn’t do is pay people. “We are currently a non-funded, for-fun project,” says the FAQ page on their bright, kinetic website. “We will begin paying writers as soon as we have revenue from either paid partnerships or paid subscriptions.”
By the way I am presently in Room 611 of the Oberlio Medina Hotel, packed and ready to bid a fond farewell to the hotel of anyone’s dreams. Off to the Riyadh Hilton for a few days and then the extensive journey back to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am thoroughly organized, feeling most proud of myself., with some justification.
You: What is an existential crisis?.
Me: I shall go to the ultimate authority Wikipedia, and then reveal it onto you. Well, I did but then remembered I had written about it before. Went to my search engine, typed in existential crisis and four items jumped up. Yes, four times in the past I had spoken about it. I will now quote myself, not just Wikipedia.
This is fry, y February 23, 2023 blog. I will put myself in quotes I guess, although I think it is unnecessary. “ An existential crisis is a moment when individuals question whether their lives have meaning, purpose or value. It is customary to be negatively impacted by the contemplation. This was not so in my situation. “
Spoke of spirituality and integration in that blog but went on to reveal this about myself. I did not realize how smart I was (and probably am)
“A question remains. Is it possible to integrate this for me now secular practice with my spiritual practices? I think so as I am appreciating and thanking Allah (SWT) as I assemble the materials. It is possible for me to do this without compromising the five daily required prayers. It is just another opportunity to say thanks and express my gratitude. I continue my reading of Martin Lings’ book Muhammed: His Life Based on the Earliest Studies. Alternating the reading of the book and the writing of the blog. I am nearing the end of the book, the Islamic faith is growing rapidly, expanding into other regions, including Syria. The military prowess of the Prophet (PBUH) was an enormous reason, but there was another factor. This is an excerpt from the book. “In many cases the political and religious motives were inexorably connected but there was also a factor, slow-working, yet powerful and profound that had nothing to do with politics, and was also largely independent of the deliberate efforts made by the believers to spread the image of Islam. This was the remarkable serenity which characterized those who practiced the new religion….The recitation its verses, combined with the teachings of the Messenger, imbued the believers with the certainty that they had within easy reach, that is through the fulfillment of certain conditions well within their capacity , the eternal satisfaction of every possible desire. The resulting happiness was a criterion of the faith. The Prophet insisted: “All is well with the faithful. Whatever the circumstances.” (Fn. XXI.13) (pgs. 300-301). Reading this, at this particular time, was profound. I am struggling, no doubt about that. attempting to integrate all previously mentioned. But it is with a feeling of calm, that it will all work out. A sense of serenity has pervaded my life. Serenity is the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. Some synonyms that describe my state of mind are calm tranquility, peacefulness, peace of mind, peace, peaceableness, collectedness, sangfroid, equanimity, equableness, togetherness, unflappability. Not the anxiety nor the agitation. My three favorites are unflappability and sangfroid.
Me: I would love to be called sangfroid.
Alter Ego: Would anyone know what that meant?
Me: Probably not. But I am too unflappable and together to care. Hahaha? “
As I have reported, I expect, nor want any payment for my writing. I have earned my living working the hard way – as a lawyer. Now instead of resting, retiring in a meaningless lazy way – I write. It is a luxury to pour out my thoughts, reading and . researching to find new inspiration. Pouring my thoughts out onto a platform I have created and paid for. Reaping huge rewards, not mere money, not materialistic even. The Walrus article inspired but did not apply.
This portion of the blog was written the next day, after arrival in Riyadh, r.
I am now in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Flew from Medina yesterday on Air Saudi – on business class, Of course. I was honored, seated in 1-A. It was unbelievable augury. Upon my moves moves back and forth from the USA to London to Canada I was seated in !-A on a United Airlines flights (using my frequent flier miles.). On this particular occasion I was flying from my future new home (Medina, Saudi Arabia) to my second home (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). More about why I need two homes shall be revealed in a subsequent blog.
My greeting received at the at the Riyadh Airport was worthy of Royalty. Three people, flowers, a greeting card and business cards – I had run out, supplying visitors and residents of Saudi Arabia my card and hence a glimpse into my complicated life.
The Riyadh Hilton suppled an upgrade, a room with a panoramic view of the city, It is WOW, the room is huge, furnished with a beautiful prayer rug and a ceiling directional pointing the way to Mecca.
Sent a test message to one of my Medina Men.: I went from my no view Medina room to a panoramic view in Riyadh. It is an embarrassment of riches. But I know when I return to you I shall have an exquisite view. I view envied by every Muslim the world over. I am blessed by Allah (SWT)
Photos will be the flowers and card that greeted my return. Also photographs of the panoramic view and the prayer rug that created me. Photos also of the new improved business card, prepared and presented by AK.
Life could not be better. All praise to Allah (SWT)
I am very busy in these days in Riyadh. Too busy to write about them. Perhaps some photos.Will write of my adventures when I am in Edmonton. Nothing much happening there I fea