Spuriously as a word that came to mind yesterday. Suddenly and unbidden, wrote it on a piece of paper and when I awoke looked it up. It matched my mood, gave me direction and provided clarity.
The meaning of the word is twofold. The first, not being what it purports to be; false or fake; the second (of a line of reasoning) apparently not valid.
I find the origins of the word fascinating and worthy of some later exploration: late 16th century (in the sense ‘born out of wedlock’): from Latin spurius ‘false’ + -ous.
Clarity could be an antonym, although it was not mentioned. he definitions: 1 the quality of being coherent and intelligible: For the sake of clarity is an example. 2. for the sake of clarity, each of these strategies is dealt with separately. 2. the quality of being certain or definite. Used in a sentence, it was clarity of purpose that was needed. 3. the quality of transparency or purity. The origins of that word are equally fascinating: Middle English (in the sense ‘glory, divine splendor’): from Latin claritas, from clarus ‘clear’.
Many synonyms bring it into greater focus: lucidness, clearness, perspicuity, intelligibility, comprehensibility, coherence; simplicity, purity, explicitness, lack of ambiguity, precision. The antonyms are what is best to avoid: Obscurity and vagueness.
After writing this certain events took place which provided purity, lucidness, perpetuity and intelligibility. There was a knock on the door of my Hilton Panoramic View room. A young woman, employed as a Conceirage, on her own initiative and accord, brought a copy of the July 30, 2023 Arab News.
Me: You read my mind!! I was having a difficult morning for so many reasons. But seeing you and getting this paper is just what I needed. It is a unique publication as it brings good news, not just bad news. And I did not even have to get out of my pajamas to read it.
She: I thought you would like to read it.
Me: Just having it with me provides hope and will give me direction. I need you around all of the time. I am thinking of asking management if you can come with me to Edmonton and help me pack and make my way out of there.
She: That will surely not be possible.
Me: Perhaps not! But there is no harm in asking. The worse they will say is no.
She was called for other more pressing duties. I decided what to wear, including my head scarf as I am ‘covered’ these days. Translated it means I wear a hijab and an abaya (or dress modestly). It is simplicity and coherence. One does not have to worry about your hair, nor your figure – as everything is covered. Onlu your family sees your hair and body and they love you for your real inner self. No more gyms for me (I hated them anyway and it was a waste of time). I love my thick white hair but do not care for the opinion of casual onlookers It works! Those Saudi women know how to live. Well, the ‘progressive’ ones, taking advantage of the reforms of MBS. Some over their mouths, making eating and drinking most difficult. Sooner or later they will catch on. The desirable men will be attracted to the progressive ones – mark my words. Saudi men, as mentioned in prior blogs, are, by and large, great guys. Of course, there are exceptions. They need submissive women – so in the end it will all work out.
But back to bigger and better things. Specifically the news of the July 30, 2023. A front page Opinion by the Editor-in-Chief Faisal J. Abas, The title: Is Saudi Normalization with Israel Possible. Reading the entire article brought forth hope, encouragement and possible blessings. The menu of this blog includes Free Palestine – it is a cause, something that I will devout the remaining years of my life to achieving.
Much has been said about the recent visit of US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to Jeddah. According to US press reports, one of the topics on the table was the prospect of a US-brokered Saudi-Israeli normalization deal. Of course, there has been no official confirmation from the Kingdom.
However, one has only to speculate, contextualize, and take recent developments into consideration to reach the conclusion that it is highly likely that such a deal might be possible.Before I go on, allow me to shush conspiracy theorists who will jump to the conclusion that Saudi Arabia has “sold out” the Palestinian cause. They will argue that proof of this theory is that the discussions — if they occurred — happened in secret, which in itself is reason for them to believe that something dodgy was cooking. Well, with all due respect to the intellect — or, rather, the very little intellect — of those who propagate such views, the norm for any talks of this nature is that they happen in secret and are announced only when/if successful. Just ask the Palestinians, or watch the film “Oslo.”
The article continues in fine form, excellent form actually. It is WOW – my new word which always refers to conditions in the Saudi Arabia of today.
Third, comes the aspect of the additional Saudi demands that have been reported since late 2022. As mentioned in this column last March, a fair and just solution for Palestinians has always been the Kingdom’s first priority. However, let us suppose Israel takes serious and satisfactory steps toward a solution, and suddenly a Saudi-Israeli normalization and peace treaty becomes a potential reality. What, then, would the subsequent consequences be?
As a reminder, it was actually the late King Abdullah who offered Israel the Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Arab League in 2002. More recently, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told the Atlantic magazine last year that the Kingdom sees Israel as “a potential ally.”
“We don’t look at Israel as an enemy; we look to them as a potential ally, with many interests that we can pursue together,” he said in remarks carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. “But we have to solve some issues before we get to that,” the crown prince added, saying that he hopes conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians will be resolved.
The Opinion ends eloquently:
As our respected colleague Thomas Friedman eloquently wrote in The New York Times: “Netanyahu’s ruling coalition of Jewish supremacists and religious extremists would have to answer this question: You can annex the West Bank, or you can have peace with Saudi Arabia and the whole Muslim world, but you can’t have both, so which will it be?” Once again, none of this is official, but even the prospect is a huge step forward for Palestinians, Israelis, and indeed for Saudi Arabia, which has embarked on a new, remarkable foreign policy that safeguards not only the huge prosperity Vision 2030 has achieved, but also aspires to be a force for good across the region and the world.
You can read the entire article by Googling Arab News. Why in the world should I do all of the work for you??? Lazy!!
The photo was taken by my heroine, the Arab News knock-on-the-door woman. I had my Palestinian scarf draped upon my head. And,to any of you not in the know, it is the Saudi Arabian flag I am standing next to. All Praise to Allah (SWT). I recently learned the English for (SWT) – In All His Glory. When speaking of Allah, I say in All of His Glory. If you are lucky enough to meet me and talk to me – you will see. Alhamdullah (That means if God wills. One says that ALL of the time. It is absolutely true, by the way.)