Thoughts Upon the Succession of Premier Danielle Smith: Politics and Sausages; Apolitical Defined; A 1928 George Bernard Shaw Play; Finding Relief When News of the Succession Learned; More on the Succession; Ending With Statistics Which Blew Me Away  

Faithful readers may be wondering why I have not spoken about the Alberta Election results. The answer is this: I have been trying to get some perspective, trying to process what I thought would be impossible. The impossible being her re-election. I am rather amazed she got even one vote, it was not mine, by the way. 

For years I was privileged to work under the ‘command’ of Douglas Maloney, Chief County Counsel for the County of Marin. He was a brilliant man – I guess the smartest man I have ever known. I will always remember his words of wisdom: “Politics is like sausages – you do not want to know what goes into them.” 

The implications of this statement is brought home, in an interesting way, upon my return to Edmonton. During the summers of my University of Alberta days I worked in the sausage kitchen of a meat packing plant. The workers, both men and women, were unionized. I made far more money laboring in this capacity than I would being a waitress, working at a resort etc etc etc. Needless to say, it encouraged me to continue and complete my education. I did admire the hard working people I met there, both men and women. They were an amazing bunch. I shall never forget their kindness. 

I was rather apolitical most of my life. Apolitical simply means: not interested or involved in politics. I am about to go completely off track. When researching the word apolitical I came across this – a play written by George Bernard Shaw that I would LOVE to see produced. It is MOST timely. 

Political Extravaganza is a 1928 play by George Bernard Shaw. It is a satirical comedy about several political philosophies which are expounded by the characters, often in lengthy monologues. The plot follows the fictional English King Magnus as he spars with, and ultimately outwits, Prime Minister Proteus and his cabinet, who seek to strip the monarchy of its remaining political influence. Magnus opposes the corporation “Breakages, Limited”, which controls politicians and impedes technical progress.

Shaw’s preface describes the play as:

. A comedy in which a King defeats an attempt by his popularly elected Prime Minister to deprive him of the right to influence public opinion through the press and the platform: in short, to reduce him to a cipher. The King’s reply is that rather than be a cipher he will abandon his throne and take his obviously very rosy chance of becoming a popularly elected Prime Minister himself. 

During my London theatre days saw a performance of King Charles III – an sharp excellently satirical play which saw the present King Charles dethroned by his son. It was, to say the very least, controversial. It should have been performed back to back with this play. 

But back to apolitical Alexis. Our office advised the Board of Supervisors which received most of its funding from the State of California. I was knowledgeable about the underpinnings but unable to play and active role because it would be a conflict of interest. I was never involved in any way with Federal USA politics. Constitutional Law was a mandated law school class and knowledge essential – but never did I bother with it. When asked if I were a Democrat or a Republican, I would demur and call myself an Independent. That was an acceptable designation. 

Enough about me, well not quite. I returned to my native land, my province of Alberta to see the travesty of Danielle Smith and vowed to play an active role. For many reasons this was denied, not through want of trying. Near the end of May, the conclusion of the election campaign I totally gave up. My blog would not be read by anyone even remotely considering voting for her.,I reasoned. The NDP had the campaign well in hand it seemed, that knowledge available through AB Today, I hold an active subscription to this newsletter. 

The day after my esteemed 80th birthday, my Inbox contained the news. My initial response, was dismay, horror, even perhaps revulsion. But my Islamic Faith came to the rescue, almost instantly. 

Alter Ego: Alexis, Allah teaches us that all in this world is temporary. Find peace in that. 

Me: Yes, I shall and thank you!! I also feel it is a personal message from Allah (SWT) – telling me not to be involved in politics and many such earthly pursuits. 

Much relief was found.  I am a frequent visitor to the Alberta Legislative Building basement cafeteria, therefore have some insider information, Met many employees dining, including many of her staff. Never have I met one that is loyal to her. They work for her but how diligently? She clearly listens to no one or nothing. None of her promises have come true. This may just be a temporary condition, a hardship we must endure. A hardship is a form of mistake – remember this as my Alter Ego might say: 

Alter Ego: Remember Alexis your favorite saying: I learn so much from my mistakes, I am going to keep making them. 

Me: Yes! Some, in fact most people, cannot even admit they made a mistake, much less learn from them. But some of us are blessed – say OOPS, not going to do that again, see that person again etc etc etc. Thank you!!! 

I used the word Succession in the title of this blog. Wikipedia tells us that in Government and Politics Succession can be defined in the following way. : 

  • Order of succession, in politics, the ascension to power by one ruler, official, or monarch after the death, resignation, or removal from office of another, usually in a clearly defined order
  • Succession of states, in international relations, is the process of recognition and acceptance of a newly created state by other states, based on a perceived historical relationship the new state has with a prior state
  • Succession planning, in organizations, identifying and developing individuals to succeed to senior positions in government, business, organizations, etc.

It is most interesting (absolutely fascinating actually) that I am about to embark upon the reading of Maya Jasonoff’s book review featured in the May 29, 2023 magazine edition of The New Yorker. I leave you to read Succession: Dynasty as the engine of human history.  

I woke this morning to an Inbox surprise. Statistics from my Computer Guru Chris. 

He: Congratulations! 

Me: Well two Wowie Wowwie Wows. My Canada country count  exceeds my US one which brings me great joy. And, of course,  the overall figure!!! I will keep trucking as they say! Alexis 

The overall figure is located on the bottom right hand of the statistical number, not the country version. All I can say is this, not bad for an old woman born in Saskatchewan. Hope  you can figure out why it is WOW. 

IF  I would have finished, completed and published the biography of Uncle Dave, it is totally improbable that half a million people would have read it. Lets get realistic – he was a sportswriter, whose only job was with the Regina Leader Post. He died in 1948 and has been forgotten. Perhaps I shall finish the book one day, but its readership shall follow my fame, not his. Authors want to be read, that is their . I am blessed because I do not have to make a living from my writing. I have ample retirement funds, earned entirely on my own. My education was funded my Alexis McBride, all of it. My divorces yielded no settlements but my prenuptial agreements with the last two guys meant they could not get their hands on my retirement. It also meant that I had control of 50% (or more) of the money from the sale of the property I owned in California which I invested, rather than buy a condo in Marin County, the fate of older divorcees living in that entitled, self satisfied rich enclave. I instead took a chance, went to live in London for two and a half years. The rest, they say, is history. 

If you are telling someone about an event and say the rest is history, you mean that you do not need to tell them what happened next because everyone knows about it already. I do absolutely love what Google says about the phrase, which they deem as a cliche. 

The rest, as they say, is history is a cringe-inducing cliché. Not The rest is history, which has its place—it’s that pseudo-sagacious as they say which really rankles. How to explain the enduring appeal of something so tired, weak, and breathtakingly unoriginal?

On that note, I shall leave you. Hahahaha