The following fabulous news appeared in the January 30, 2023 edition of Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera is a major contribution to world news with reporters ‘stationed’ all over – including Canada (of all places). This news was definitely fit to print. Googled this (as usual) to find its origins. In 1897, Adolph S. Ochs, the owner of The New York Times, created the famous slogan “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” which still appears on the masthead of the newspaper today. He wrote the slogan as a declaration of the newspaper’s intention to report the news impartially.
Al Jazeera is famous for its impartiality, so it is trustworthy. “Canada has appointed its first special representative on combatting Islamophobia as the government seeks to stem hatred and discrimination after a series of attacks targeting members of Muslim communities in the country in recent years. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Thursday that human rights advocate Amira Elghawaby would take up the post, with a mandate to support Ottawa’s efforts to end Islamophobia and to offer advice on government policies, legislation and other programmes.
“Diversity truly is one of Canada’s greatest strengths, but for many Muslims, Islamophobia is all too familiar. We need to change that. No one in our country should experience hatred because of their faith,” Trudeau said in a statement.
Elghawaby’s appointment, he added, “is an important step in our fight against Islamophobia and hatred in all its forms”.
The article continued. “For years, Muslim community leaders in Canada have called on authorities at all levels to tackle racism, hate-motivated violence, and the prevalence of far-right groups. Researchers in 2020 found that the number of hate groups operating in the country had tripled in recent years, with anti-Muslim rhetoric one of the “most salient” topics among right-wing extremists online.
A contributing columnist at the Toronto Star newspaper, Elghawaby currently works at the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. She also was a founding board member of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, a non-profit that tracks hate groups in Canada.
In a series of tweets on Thursday afternoon, Elghawaby thanked the Canadian government for her appointment.
“I look forward to meeting with elected officials, policymakers, and community leaders across the country to amplify the voices of Canadian Muslims and work together to fight discrimination and hate in all its forms,” she wrote.”
That being so, a fine day dawned. However, must admit that I had already heard of her appointment through an Instagram reel offered by Quranspeaks;tv. I responded, and they gave me a Like.
Me: As a Canadian Muslim it makes me so happy. Please let us know what we could do to assist her in this noble task. It is so needed if our faith is going to grow both within, and without.
Faithful readers will note that my December 26, 2023 blog wrote of the Islamophobic Industry in Canada speaking of my fears upon returning from my Umrah pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. I now quote me. “Would not you know? There I was in utterly safe Saudi Arabia, knowing I would be homeward bound soon. I stumbled upon an online article Toronto Star, It was very well written, but so scary to a Muslim woman, which I am. A brand new report uncovered a well-funded and orchestrated matrix: “The Canadian Islamophobia Industry: Mapping Islamophobia’s ecosystem in the Great White North.” I admit to improving my writing in this version. But go back and read about the study, in all its frightening and factual implications.
The blog stridently ended: “Rebel Media and the Toronto Sun, once wrote “Muslims, in general, are a ‘third-world’ people whose understanding and practice of Islam remain fixed in their pre-modern cultures.”These “voices of dissent” claim Islam needs reforming. But Islamophobia keeps Muslims on the defensive, steals their ability to challenge hierarchies or to have frank internal critiques that the dissidents say are needed.”
I have publicly stated, on more than one occasion, that I am a new Muslim woman. But in order to bring the understanding and practices of Islam into this modern world what must be done at the onset is to destroy Islamophobia at its very core. So let us get with it everyone!
I am elated that everyone, including Prime Minister Trudeau and the Government of Canada is getting with it. I humbly take no personal responsibility.
But the light of the morning was dimmed. Al Jazeera focused on the Isreali atrocities. First telling us that Antony Blinken is on his way. Really?? What good is that supposed to do? Do you think you have any credibility or authority, United States of America.?” This is what Al Jazeera had to say. “Top United States diplomat Antony Blinken will head to the Middle East in the coming days, the Department of State has announced, amid almost daily fatal Israeli raids against Palestinians and growing tensions around holy sites in Jerusalem. The State Department said on Thursday that Blinken will discuss a “range of global and regional priorities” – including the war in Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – during a three-day visit to Egypt, Israel and the occupied West Bank starting on Sunday.”
I congratulate Al Jazeera on their tact and subtle language. “Although it verbally supports a two-state solution to the conflict, the administration of US President Joe Biden has been reluctant to criticise Israeli abuses against Palestinians, including settlement activity” . I just might have called US President Joe Biden two-faced. Two-faced has many synonyms: devious, double-dealing, hypocritical, backstabbing, untrustworthy, duplicitous, deceiving, dissembling, dishonest; treacherous, perfidious, lying, untruthful, mendacious.
I guess I will call US President Joe Biden mendacious and perfidious. When one uses big words whose meaning is unclear – one can get away with being very insulting because people will not admit that they do not know the meaning of big words. Perhaps I should be a diplomat, as a citizen of that country I could apply..
US President Joe Biden: I am not sure you have the qualifications Alexis McBride.
Me: Thank you for considering me. I shall just stay in Canada then. But do I have to pay taxes to fund something I do not support?
You shall hear more about the taxation issue as this blog continues.
Impartial Al Jazeera tells us more. “Despite the rightward tilt of the Israeli government, the Biden administration has stressed that its support for Israel will remain unconditional – a position reiterated by Washington on Thursday. Israel – which leading human rights groups have accused of imposing a system of apartheid against Palestinians – receives at least $3.8bn in US military aid every year.”
That was most shocking to read because I pay (quite a bit of money) in US income taxes because my retirement check comes monthly from MCERA – Marin County Employees Retirement Association. Marin County is in California which is located in the United States.
So this is where my tax money is going? Killing women and children in Palestine. That is not a good plan President Biden. Has anyone mentioned that to you?
Al Jazeera, in their thoroughness, examined the escalating violence against Palestinians. “Israel has continued to step up its near-daily raids across the occupied West Bank, killing scores of Palestinians over the past year.”
Al Jazeera rationally attempted to ascertain the reason for the massive increase after first discussing its escalation.
“The spike in killings comes as part of intensified nightly raids by Israeli forces, particularly in the northern occupied cities of Jenin and Nablus, under the banner of crushing limited Palestinian armed resistance.
- Israel then launched its military campaign called “Break the Wave” in March 2022, which has directly led to the high number of Palestinian casualties.
- Israel says it is targeting fighters, but unarmed civilians, including children, are often killed during the raids.
- Israel has also attacked the blockaded Gaza Strip this year. In August, a three-day assault killed at least 49 Palestinians, including 17 children.”
Al Jazeera was unable to find a cause, ending most pessimistically, telling us that the new right wing Isreali government will only make matters worse. Evil, violent men are now in positions of power. Here is the news.
- “The increased raids and killings of Palestinians were a policy under the previous government of centrist Prime Minister Yair Lapid.
- Israeli settler attacks on Palestinians, particularly in Nablus, sharply increased during this period, with the military accused of doing little to stop the attacks, and settlers calling for a heavier Israeli military crackdown on the northern West Bank.
- The new far-right Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given prominent roles to members of the Israeli far-right, including some, such as Itamar Ben-Gvir, who have expressed support for Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish Israeli who killed 29 Palestinians at the Ibrahimi Mosque in 1994.
- Ben-Gvir is the national security minister, with control over Israel Border Police’s division in the West Bank.
- Another far-right figure, Bezalel Smotrich, was given control of COGAT, the Isreali army body in charge of administering the West Bank. Smotrich has openly encouraged violence against Palestinians. His roles means tat he oversees the already extremely restricted rules over Palestinian construction in Area C of the West Bank – approximately 60 percent of the territory that is under full Israeli military and civil control.”
Another article spoke of new dangers. “As Israel’s new government was sworn into office, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gathered the most right-wing ministers in the country’s history. With ultranationalists and ultra-orthodox Jewish parties placed in notable positions, the new cabinet has pledged to expand illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. Far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has even kicked off international condemnation by entering the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, a move many Palestinians described as “unprecedented provocation”.”
“Unprecedented provocation” Where will it all end? Many of us, ask – even beg for an answer – wondering what we can do.
It is my belief that only Allah (SWT) has the answer. The only thing we can do is be empowered by Allah (SWT) to use our gifts in a manner that may assist Palestine.
This is a coincidence that cannot be a coincidence. I continue to read Martin Lings’ book. The Prophet fled Mecca for Medina, but the book is in the midst of wars, one after another it seems. Treachery, brutality, loss of life, the fragmenting of families. So much is at stake. Everything is precarious. Desperate times demand desperate solutions.
Peace was finally achieved. It was, I visited Mecca and Medina last month. They both thrive, crowded with pilgrims who come to visit the Holy Sites, so well preserved by the Saudi Government, headed by MBS, When Lings’ book informs me of how peace came about, I shall tell you. This I do know for sure, Allah (SWT) had the answer.
I think as I type. What did the study done in Canada exposing Islamaphobia and the situation in Palestine have in common? Right wingers, what ever that might be. Shall explore the issue and get back to you. The problem might be very close to home, unfortunately. Sure that I have read that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is a right winger. Do know that Pierre Poilevre is. He is the leader of the Conservative party in Canada. The Walrus has a fascinating article about him, the subtitle: How the Conservative Leader is harnessing the growing tide of authoritarianism in Canada. Extremely well researched and written article that I have just begun.
How will I ever get all of this reading done? It is fortunate that I am retired, that is all I have to say.
Photos taken near the Alberta Legislative Building on a snowy morning. Do not think I will be sitting on that park bench very soon. More snow and photos of the Queen Elizabeth II building which was formerly called the Federal Building.