Well, this has been the best Thanksgiving of memory. Memory has been buttressed by the blog so we can go back eons of years. But first, fittingly, do let us define pathos, as there was some degree of pathos in the past. Pathos is a quality that evokes pity or sadness. Brace yourself for some sad synonyms: poignancy, tragedy, sadness, pitifulness, piteousness, plaintiveness, sorrowfulness. Wikipedia tells us: “Pathos tends to use “loaded” words that will get some sort of reaction. Examples could include “victim,” in a number of different contexts. In certain situations, pathos may be described as a “guilt trip” based on the speaker trying to make someone in the audience or the entire audience feel guilty about something. An example would be “Well, you don’t have to visit me, but I just really miss you and haven’t seen you in so long. “Pathos has been around since Aristotle and is an enormous concept. Pathos (/ˈpeɪθɒs/, US: /ˈpeɪθoʊs/; plural: pathea or pathê; Greek: πάθος, for “suffering” or “experience” or “something that one undergoes,” or “something that happens to one” In medicine it refers to a “failing,” “illness”, or “complaint”. In Stoicism it refers to “complaints of the soul”…. Pathos is a used most often in rhetoric (in which it is considered one of the three modes of persuasion, alongside ethos and logos), as well as in literature, film and other narrative art.”
Again, go to Wikipedia if you want to learn more but this blog is featuring the antithesis of pathos which is joy and happiness, I think.
This Thanksgiving morn I woke for Fajr prayer, as is my custom. This meant that I was wide awake, alert and had camera at the ready for sunrise, which was an inspiring moment or two or three. I photographed the scene from my window in all of its glory and posted it on Instagram with the following caption.
Me: Sunrise on Canadian Thanksgiving 2022. I have SO much to be thankful for. By the way the Federal Building on the right has been consecrated as the Queen Elizabeth II building in thanks for her service to this country.
Almost immediately Flower Girl’s Wife responded and this conversation ensued.
She: This is a beautiful view x
Me: I know dear and it is my view from my window. It is going to look different soon. More like the Iceland where we first met in 2018. Hahaha
She: You are very lucky. You should take a picture of the view each month so we can see the change. xx
Me: I shall, particularly the first snow. And I understand that the Legislature is awash in lights at Christmas, a Wonderland. There is a seasonal skating rink here as well.
She: Will look forward to these pictures over time xxx
Thanksgiving Eve found me wondering about past Thanksgivings and then cleverly typing Thanksgiving into the search engine of the blog. Oh my goodness – there were 23 entries, 23 blogs speaking of both Canadian and USA Thanksgivings. I read some, not all and with mixed emotions too complex for (even me) to relate.
But in all fairness (to you) decided that is was a time for humor and found some. This, by Andy Borowitz appeared during the days of the pandemic. This was from November 23, 2021, an American Thanksgiving spent at Rixos Resort in Abu Dhabi. Here goes:
“It is definitely time for a little humor as these blogs are getting far too serious. Yet again Andy Borowitz arrives right on target and on topic discussing Thanksgiving: “ As an event dreaded by millions draws near, Dr. Anthony Fauci is urging all Americans to use covid-19 as an excuse to skip Thanksgiving with horrible relatives. Speaking from his office at the National Institutes of Health, Fauci said that the covid-19 excuse could help prevent a seasonal surge in exasperation and seething rage associated with the Thanksgiving holiday. “covid-19 could get you off the hook this year,” Fauci said. “Consider this a doctor’s note from me.”
Is not that perfect? The “seasonal surge and exasperation and seething rage associated with the Thanksgiving holiday.” And then to add to the joy of it all having Fauci giving a doctor’s note to all people burdened with bad families. But in fine form Borowitz continues: By using the pandemic as justification for skipping Thanksgiving, Americans can spare the feelings of relatives they despise, the esteemed virologist said.“Tell your aunt from West Virginia that you’ll miss her, but you’ll look forward to reading her QAnon theories on Facebook,” he advised.
For his part, Fauci said that he intends to employ covid-19 as an excuse to exempt himself from other unpleasant activities. “I plan to use it to avoid seeing Rand Paul,” he said.” Isn’t that great that Fauci can avoid seeing Rand Paul? Covid-19 can indeed come in handy sometimes.”
November 23, 2021 blog goes on to talk about how incredibly safe I was there, well safe from covid anyway. Everyone was constantly tested so we could learn to hug again – that human expression denied for almost two years. Photographs of the incredible luxury of the Rixos Resort are attached to that blog. Unbelievably luxurious, it was extremely popular with rich Russians – and apparently still is, despite the (shall we say) displeasure that most of the world holds against Russia since the invasion of the Ukraine.
I do invite you to use the search engine – read some of my Thanksgiving turkey adventures. The comparison between USA and Canadian Thanksgivings and the fun times shared with many, so many people from around the world, and from home. Curiously, I miss none of them, do not hate them for their inattentiveness, rudeness and abuse – just pity them. I admit to being angry at times during my life but the rage, the fury, the outrage, the resentment is gone. It had been waning over the past few years but the Islamic faith has allowed its dissipation.
I now pity those who harmed me. Pity involves compassion and mercy. Their lives are not blessed, do not feel joy or anticipation and most probably fear death.
Contrary to popular opinion I am not perfect and accidentally left my wallet in the Land Rover of a young man who gave me a ride home. I found it missing, texted him and to my delight learned it was found. We exchanged several texts yesterday and today. Here is the most recent.
Me: I have a great idea. If you are going to see your sister today give the wallet to her and then she can give it to me when I stop by. Then you will not be inconvenienced by an old lady that leaves stuff in your car. Hahaha
Then I sent a couple of gifs that are impossible to recreate (I think)
He: Hahaha You are wonderful. I can give it to her if you like and then she will be back to work tomorrow since today she is closed. Are you willing to wait another day? And do you have enough cash sitting around at home, will you be able to wait that long without your wallet?
Me: Fear not friend. I am a sly old lady with more than one credit card. One remains safely at home in the event that I do something stupid. So I can easily wait another day. I Instagram posted a great photo out my window for Thanksgiving and yesterday did two Studies of Me in Turquoise – one in Doha and the one in Craig’s condo. Just please do not misplace my poor wallet and I shall pick it up from your sister, pay her for the P and we all will live happily ever after (or at least for some time.)
Approximately an hour ago I received an incredible, unbelievable gift on Instagram. A reel sent my Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. It is a poem written by him to honor the Prophet This was our conversation.
Me: Commented on the reel site. It is a master piece so worthy of the Prophet and Allah. I would love the poem in print. I shall link it to my Thanksgiving Day blog as I do know how to do an Instagram link (I think).
He: Thank you for your kind words. Please share it far and wide.
Me: I shall feel privileged to do so. It captures the joy, the awesomeness, the scope and the hope of the Islamic faith. It is Quran worthy – and we know that is singing mountains and universes of praise.
Here is the link. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cji35I6DV5t/?igshid=MDlmYmQ2NmI=
Three photos shall be attached to this blog. One is my Canadian Thanksgiving Sunrise picture. The other two are Me and Study in Turquoise. Please note that even my fingernails are turquoise in the latest photo – as I say constantly: If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing.
One Instagram photo had the following caption.
Me: A previous Turquoise study. This one from Doha, Qatar from a rather abortive trip in March of 2022. Their early preparations for World Cup made it almost inhabitable and I was on hotel quarantine for most of the trip for not having the proper App. I was of course, Covid free.