Woke up in a funk but have managed to get myself out of that selfish place. Now I am at breakfast – prepared by the staff at the Nuevo Restaurant at the Premier Inn. I do nothing at all for myself – do not clean, do not cook, my meals are prepared, my clothes are cleaned and washed. Do not make my bed, do not clean my toilet or the bathroom and I do not have a pesky husband nor children to tend. I lead the life of Royalty.
Today I am wearing clothes in support of the UAE – a T-shirt which proudly declares it is from Abu Dhabi. It is a thing of beauty with a came land palm trees. It was most inexpensive, asked Siri and found that it was $5.99 in American dollars. It was on sale at CareFour, a fabulous store at the Yas Mall. I also learned how to ask Siri important currency questions at the Yas Mall as well, at the Apple Store. In the USA I NEVER went to malls. I go to Yas Mall almost every day. The good news is that one must produce one’s vaccination record and a PCR negative test in order to enter the mall. It is my understanding that Dubai is not as scrupulous, so I am staying here in Abu Dhabi until all of this is over – if it ever is. It is a beautiful city so I am fine. Do not feel sorry for me. By the way what is scrupulous? It is (of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details. I personally prefer to live in the capital city of the UAE where they are diligent, thorough and extremely attentive to details.
News from The National. “The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously condemned this week’s strikes on Abu Dhabi by Yemen’s armed Houthi rebel group as “heinous terrorist attacks” and called for the perpetrators to face justice.The Houthi rebels attacked the UAE on Monday, launching causing explosions in fuel lorries and starting a blaze near Abu Dhabi International Airport.The council “condemned in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attacks in Abu Dhabi” that left three civilians dead and injured six, it said in an agreed statement.The UN’s top body “underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organisers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism accountable and bring them to justice”, the statement added.All governments were obliged to “co-operate actively” with the UAE government and “all other relevant authorities in this regard”, the statement read. The council added that “any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed”, warning of the threat “to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts”. Council members met behind closed doors to discuss the attack in Abu Dhabi, the UAE’s coastal capital of about 1.5 million people.”
Do not think that I am counted amongst the 1.5 million people as I reside in a hotel and would be considered transitory, in all probability.
Here is some background on the situation. “Yemen has been mired in violence since the Houthis ousted the internationally recognised government from the capital Sanaa in late 2014, claiming they were taking action against corruption.A Saudi Arabia-led military coalition intervened the following year to restore the government.The war has spawned a humanitarian crisis, leaving millions suffering from food and medical shortages.”
In 2014 Yemen was not on my mind – did not even know where it was. How things can change. Now it is uppermost on my mind. The fire at the Airport did not affect me at all so I was not in any danger. The year 2014 found me picking myself up, leaving Marin County to live in London for two and half years. I had no idea whatsoever that I would be here now. All praise to Allah I am here, and a Muslim and utterly safe. This is the safest place in the entire universe.
A few days ago NEFF (New Everlasting Found Friend) spoke to me in a meaningful way about the role I should , and should not, be playing at this time and place.
She: UAE doesn’t need or want the public to make it a digital hobby as a politically minded critic. USA is an uneven society simply because they can’t pass federal laws and agree, like even in France where they passed the vaccine passport in parliament. Even if Abu Dhabi is stricter than Dubai on PCR they still don’t have the lack of baseline agreements that the USA lack. I like that agreement that Abu Dhabi has sticker standards. USA cannot even manage that! Being politically minded in the west is because of this lack of baseline. Since you are a lawyer it was fitting for the USA but I am questioning how society is functioning or local investigative journalism is unnecessary in Abu Dhabi. In reality there is much to praise and really nothing to criticize. When I got my hair done at a salon a European hairstylist said: “What’s not to like about Abu Dhabi?” Everyday people like her are fatigued to fight for better representation for services and resources and respect in most places in the world.
But here is the most poignant part of her message to me.
She: You may have a fighter personality that got you where you are now in life but maybe Allah is asking you to get off of that endnote base your self confidence on success in winning battles. There are no battled to be won in Abu Dhabi. Can you live with that or do you need to be of service to a society filled with mischief and propaganda. Because there is plenty to choose from but Abu Dhabi is neither. I mean maybe Allah is asking you to let go of your fighter personality if you are wanting to remain in Abu Dhabi. I mean you can just come back to Marin (haha) and speak openly of not praise, Fill your blog with Criticism about the political problems here.
Me: You are fantastic and you make so much sense!! I guess I may have to give up my fighter personality and go with the flow. Whatever that might mean.
Me: I had my blog statistics done. Growing like crazy are – as are my Instagram numbers. I so corespondents with the statistic giving me a new perspective. Thank you! Thank you!1
She: Let me clarify this. You don’t have to give up your fighting personality just like Muhammed Ali. He was the greatest fighter but H never wanted to pick fights her personally didn’t; have a connection to do so. So he choose jail then to be a soldier and fight in Vietnam. Just stand your ground to people you know like you have done all your life. There is more to stand your ground in living in America then in an enjoyable and relating lifestyle in UAE, so that’s my point. It may be time to pull off your boxing gloves and get out of the ring while in the UAE.
She then sent a YouTube of Tracy Chapman singing Fast Car.
She: A moment of reflection. You made a decision to leave. Maybe you need to just rent a designer car and drive around Abu Dhabi. That way you can find “what it means to be living and maybe just be driving the roads you will ‘feel that your blond.”
Then she attacked Iggy Pop The Passenger.
She : Well I guess you enjoy being more of a passenger.
Me: You are so sensitive. The songs, your words and everything. You capture the essence of me and encourage me in new directions. I praise Allah that I med you!
The photograph is Alexis, aka Fatimah on my Abu Dhabi shirt, showing my loyalty to this fair city. Holding my phone with The Supreme Commander of the UAE Forces as its cover. One of my ‘daughters’ took the photo. She did a very good job. It was also posted on Instagram.
I am not sure what I shall do today. Perhaps nothing, or perhaps blog. I am getting behind. There is a lot happening in my life and things are coming together very nicely, thank you very much.