If you follow my blog you are thinking: Where Is She Now?
You: So you are in Doha, Qatar at the moment.
Me: No, actually I am not. Everything went wrong. Despite all of my thorough planning.
You: Thorough planning?
Me: Yes. Hotel reservations at the right place and at the right place. An online ticket gained with the help of the concierge. A stay at the first class lounge before flight. A taxi to great when there to take me to my hotel.
You: But what went wrong.
Me: Well, M=I was to leave on Qatar Airlines at 5:50. Got to the airport in plenty of time I thought but the flight went at 5:50 am not at 5:50 pm. Oops!!
You: You should have known better. You did live on ‘military time’ while in London.
Me: I know, I know. I told all of my grandchildren that they have a stupid grandmother.
But the grandchildren are great. One texted:
He: I hope that missing your flight did not made you sad.
The other one was equally darling:
She: I know one thing about you my grandma, everywhere you going everybody loves you.
Me: I love you for saying that Grand daughter. It makes me feel great!
She was absolutely fantastic. She stayed with me overnight at the St. Regis and helped me get packed, picking out clothes and even sewing on buttons. My son/grandson from India made me coffee again and fixed my turquoise necklace. So I was perfectly prepared for this trip. Altogether perfectly prepared. The problem with on line booking is that it is no person telling you important information – like military time, that there is no business class lounge at the Abu Dhabi airport and if you are not on the flight your driver cannot take you to your hotel in Doha.
Then there is no Qatar Airlines presence in this airport – cannot issue tickets and can give you only incorrect telephone numbers. Tell you that you need a visa to enter Doha, no such information online. So rethinking this whole Qatar experience. By the way, I am not being critical towards Qatar Airlines – it must be remembered that the blockade against Qatar by the UAE was lifted only in January of 2021. The blockade was wrongfully imposed, in my viewpoint.
Do have another plan artfully arranged by a most helpful Premier Inn employee. People here are so welcoming, they actually want me to stay here. I just might. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – and I am happy here. If it ain’t broke con’t fix I is a saying that instructs that one leave. The expression originated in the USA in the 20th century, and is often attributed to Thomas Bertram Lance (1931 – 2013), known as Bert Lance, who was a close adviser to Jimmy Carter during his successful 1976 campaign and became director of the Office of Management and the Budget (OMB) in Carter’s government. something alone; avoid attempting to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient (often with an implication that the attempted improvement is risky and might backfire)
Just thought of this! I could go to the Grand Mosque on Christmas Day – it probably will not be crowded. I can be creative if I am in a good place psychologically. I just mentioned the idea to the manager of this restaurant and he thought it was a good one – reassuring me that a good grab a cab easily here and the fare is inexpensive. His nickname is LLG – Lovely Lebanese Guy
I do think I shall stop this blog at this moment. Thoughts of some serious thoughts mentioned in a New Yorker article about ecstasy – religious connotations, written by a Phillipino woman who was raised in Houston Texas.
But photographs attached to this blog. One of me and the Pakistani Porter who heroically helped me with my luggage, suggested that I stay at this hotel, the elevator not working so hauled the heavy bags up the stairs. I never could have done that myself. Got all my stuff to the room in the hotel and then even offered to give me a massage as my back was hurting. (I declined) His idea to take the photo and put on Whats App. A photo of the yummy breakfast was placed on Instagram with the caption. “I missed my Qatar flight as it left at 5 in the morning not evening. DUH Nothing working out as there is no Qatar Airlines presence here. Staying at the Premier Inn at the Abu Dhabi airport. This is the good breakfast and there is Christmas music which I am actually enjoying. ?!?! I hate Christmas – always have. This is becoming one of the weirdest Xmases in my life and that is saying something” Two of my grandsons have already said that they liked it. I once had ‘real’ grandchildren on Instagram – got no likes from them. It is important to remember that if they were still in my life, there would not be the two young men and one young woman, ‘they live here, care about me and help me in so many ways. I am grateful for them and they are grateful for me. What is grateful? Synonyms are thankful, filled with gratitude, appreciative;😇 beholden. Their presence in my life fills me with gratitude, I am so appreciative and thankful The antonym is ungrateful. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!
The other photo is a crib – with no baby. It was on the fourth floor of the St. Regis. It is such a beautiful crib – they do everything so well there. But this Premier Inn is more relaxing, it reminds me of Canada in a way. There are simple Christmas decorations, staff that are naturally welcoming – not a lot of pressure.
The last photo is me in my fancy head dress. I bought it at a car boot sale in London. I remember wearing it at another Christmas – with the Meunier family in Edmonton one year. It was a traditional fantastic family Christmas – one of the best ever my whole life. It was at the skating rink near Adele’s home, with all sorts of relatives and friends. The exact opposite of this Christmas, that is for sure. It seems cool here when the temperature is eighty degrees Fahrenheit here, there it hardly ever reaches 80 degrees during the summer, No snow here but lots of sand. As one can see I am most adaptable.
It does not take a lot to make me happy these days. Well it does actually and I have it all. I have a faith that recognizes and worships both Jesus and Mary. Jesus as.a prophet and Mary as the mother of Jesus. He is not the son of God however.
At the moment I Will Be Home For Christmas is playing on the restaurant tape. I am crying, there is no one here to see me. But tears of joy – I shall be home for Christmas – I will be at the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. I texted Grandson of my plans.
Me: Think I going to stay at least until Christmas and go to the mosque on Christmas Day.That would be FANTASTIC
HE: WOW. Great MaSha Allah
Me: Thank you Grandson. I am happy! Talked about it on my blog. Not posted yet.
There is another indication that the Qatar trip should be postponed. It is difficult to walk, my back hurts terribly. There is a spa right next door. Perhaps a massage will ease the pain. I am traveling to Doa to go to the museums, that would require walking. My back pain would make museum attendance difficult – if not impossible.
So at this point in time I am going day by day with trust in Allah and his guidance.