As I write it is July 1, 2021, Canada Day. As promised I am dressed in black and will later do a Reel on Instagram speaking of mourning, not only for the dead Aboriginal children whose mass graves are making their appearance all across Canada but mourning also for my country, my in that it is the country of my birth and do I do carry a Canadian passport. Not only are Canadians prejudiced toward and hate their Indigenous population, they are also Islamophobic as recently revealed in the murder of a Muslim family – just because they were Muslim. The perpetrator was charged with a hate crime, but no other action appears to have been taken by Justin – he does not deserve the respect to be called Prime Minister of Canada.
I suppose the ultimate act that I could take on this day of mourning would be to relinquish my Canadian citizenship. I have thought long and hard about this. But it does seem a foolish gesture unless (or until) I want to become a dual citizen of another country. There are three possible alternatives at this point with more research being done.
There is the hope that Scotland will hold a referendum to break away from the (so-called) United Kingdom. This is most hopeful on many levels but research declared an even greater measure of hope. “ The first public inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland has found that racism against Muslims has escalated. Verbal and physical assaults have intensified, especially on public transport, with more participants in Glasgow experiencing abuse.
Labour leader Anas Sarwar, who leads the group of MSPs behind the report, said the results “should shame us all”.Several recommendations have been made for the Scottish government to act upon.The inquiry was set up in 2018 by a cross-party group of MSPs charged with tackling islamophobia after levels of hatred increased. “
The article, found in continues: Mr Sarwar started the group after he was allegedly subjected to racist comments by a Labour councillor.He wrote to the first minister outlining a series of proposals to tackle “everyday racism and Islamophobia” across Scotland.
He also called for a review of the legal framework surrounding racist and Islamophobic abuse on social media.Responding to the report, Mr Sarwar said: “We pride ourselves on being a welcome and tolerant country, but it’s clear how much more work we have to do.
“There are people in Scotland who feel scared to leave their homes for fear of verbal of physical attack, are withdrawing from public services with devastating knock-on consequences on their health and education and feel they are outsiders in their own country.
“This should shame us all.” He said it was clear that efforts had to be redoubled to challenge and overcome hatred and prejudice. And he added: “The fight against hate is a fight for all of us.”
Not at all surprisingly is this ghastly fact: “Women in Scotland are more likely to encounter Islamophobia than men.” So, if I were to settle in Scotland than I am more than likely to encounter Islamophobia, then my male counterpart. But at lease Scotland is addressing the problem rather than hiding from it. There is a measure of hope.
The article continues: “Report author Prof Hopkins has been researching issues of racism and Islamophobia in Scotland for 20 years.He said: “The evidence submitted to this inquiry makes it clear that Scotland has a very serious set of issues to address in relation to everyday Islamophobia and racism. “Inquiry evidence included numerous references to verbal and physical abuse, attacks in and around mosques and religious buildings, and experiences of threatening behaviour on public transport. “Almost four fifths of respondents were fearful of experiencing Islamophobia and this had real consequences for how they lived their lives.”Islamophobia permeates all domains of Scottish society; it is not only restricted to one context. It threatens education, limits employment prospects, and impacts everyday issues including health, wellbeing and housing.”It is time to address the issue of Scotland’s Islamophobia rather than denying its existence.”He added: “The recommendations make it clear that all sectors, agencies and departments need to make long-term changes to eradicate Islamophobia from Scottish society. A Scottish government spokeswoman said: “We are committed to tackling hate crime and prejudice, including Islamophobia in all its forms and we will carefully consider this inquiry’s recommendations.
In typical fashion I did research into the life and times of Amar Suwar to discover that he is a Muslim, his father to be the first Islamic Member of Parliamen. He lives in Glasgow which has to be my favorite city in all of Scotland. Upon his election to power Amar gave thanks to his mother.
Scotland active in his attempts to confront Islamophobia – not Canada. Just some tepid response from Justin, spoke about in great deal in prior blog. If Scotland does become independent, there is hope for me, perhaps. Some newly formed countries promise citizenship if one can prove that their ancestors were born in that country. Three our of four of my grandparents were born in Scotland, I can prove it! My father almost born in Scotland, his mother pregnant with him when the family returned to Saskatchewan for the second time. My grandfather, George Dryburgh, returned to Scotland at the onset of WWI to serve with the Scottish Highlanders. He brought his young family back and forth – the family grew in leaps and bounds. Eight sons born to George and Janet Dryburgh. The eldest. Dave Dryburgh, is the subject of a yet to be completed biography written by his niece, Alexis Dryburgh McBride.
There are two other possible venues. Iceland for one. Did a stop-over on the way to London, flew Icelandic Air. Extremely impressed with the country and its people. It is not as cold as it sounds, much the same climate as the coast of the UK. Met a young man who remembered me from my 2017 visit- we are in touch on Instagram. He setting up a new business, will include the Manu card with the help of AAA. Today discovered that cricket is played in Iceland. How I love cricket, watched my first game while living in London (2014-2017). Visiting Iceland and the UK is on my upcoming agenda – of course after recovery from knee surgery.
The other (very surprising) venue is Dubai. The Ruler of Dubai has introduced many reforms, has an extremely diversified economy, a space program, a judicial council and several other amenities. Islamophobia would NEVER take place in that country. Expo 2020 is opening October 2021, it is definitely a must see – hordes of staff and volunteers in place, most exciting. And strangely and most interesting??? The Ruler of Dubai owns a huge home, almost a palace, in Scotland – in Inverness. It is almost adjacent to Dryburgh Abbey. I am mesmerized by the place, visited it twice staying at the Dryburgh Abbey Hotel. If (and that is a big IF) I got married again I would also have a Christian ceremony in Dryburgh Abbey. A Muslim ceremony consists of the signing of an enforceable contract, so extremely important for the rights of women – but not exactly romantic. The Christian ceremony could be an enforceable condition in the Muslim contract. One MUST think ahead. Hahaha
I filmed an Instagram reel speaking of my failure to celebrate Canada Day this year, with a palm tree in the background, which seems more than a little strange as I am residing in Northern California. A selfie with me in blue head dress but clothed in black shall be attached to this blog.
There is more very good news from these parts. A new manager of the condo complex has finally been hired. Met him when handing in my rental check. He seems extremely affable.
Me: My goodness you are handsome too. So you are much better looking than the previous manager and I am sure much more efficient as well.
He: Thank you.
Just spied him getting acquainted with the place, I went outside, smiled and waived at him. He waved back. What is affable? Its synonyms are: amiable, genial, congenial, cordial, warm, pleasant, pleasing, nice, likable, personable, charming, agreeable, sympathetic, benevolent, benign, good-humored, good-natured, kindly, kind, courteous, civil, gracious, approachable, accessible, amenable, sociable, outgoing, gregarious, convivial, jovial, clubbable, comradely, neighborly, welcoming, hospitable, obliging, easygoing, informal, open, communicative, unreserved, uninhibited, natural, relaxed, easy. So if Jacob has any of those qualities, it will be fantastic. The prior manager was unfriendly and prickly and not ot just to me, but to almost everyone.
Good bye Brian.