This shall be a short blog describing the events of yesterday, when it was off to Santa Rosa to get the second dose of the vaccine. Personal Driver is in Los Angeles taking a retraining course for about three weeks, his son manfully stood up to the plate. His son is my 27 year old big brother, as I am the baby of the family. Sent me a text the day before.
He: I will see you tomorrow at 12 pm,
Me: Thank you I feel most reassured. Now I can decide what to wear. A joke, sort of. Deciding what to wear is a major preoccupation of women – or at least this one. Hahahah
He: Haha Yeah I know.
Me: It is so good to hear that it is not just me.
Noon arrived and so did the son (who is, incidentally, most handsome. My wardrobe will be described and as well as illustrative photographs. It consisted of my black Pakistani pants, made for me of the softest most comfortable fabric, my jab shirt – purchased in Vancouver, most weird and not that attractive but perfect for the job., a face mask (of course) and a stylish hat purchased at Marin Farmer’s Market last week. A bag was necessary brought for water and other necessities. Went into the walk-in closet and out popped a perfectly color coordinated quilted bag made by my mother years and years ago. It seemed most fortuitous, defined as being happening by chance rather than intention. Its synonyms are: fortunate, providential, advantageous, timely, opportune, serendipitous, expedient, heaven-sent, auspicious, propitious, felicitous, convenient, apt. It was most opportune and serendipitous and auspicious as I am ‘into’ colour coordination, this an important occasion and it was hand crafted by my mother (now deceased). In a strange way it seemed that she was with me for this momentous occasion. Narrowly avoided disaster – just as we were about to pull away I realized that my purse had been forgotten, with my identification and the proof that I had received the first dose. Dutifully ran back to the apartment, retrieved the purse and off we went, arriving on time (as usual).
There were no long lines, entry immediate. There was a choice of registering with a man or a woman. I picked the woman.
Me: I am checking in with you because I brought my own man.
She: (laughing) Good for you!
Of course I gave her a blog card and then to the next two people checking us in.
Me: This is Personal Driver’s son. Everyone in my blog has nicknames.
She: What is the son’s nickname?
Me: He has not gotten one as yet. What about PDIHS – it stands for Personal Drivers Interesting Handsome Son.
She: Very good!
PDIHS blushed, I think. Hard to tell with face masks and all.
Then Kathy, a LVN who served as jabber, asked questions (which were answered in the negative). The jab was photographed.
The scene at 500 Mark West Springs Drive, Santa Rosa was most convivial, the workers very upbeat and encouraging. One has to hang about for fifteen minutes, checking to see if a bad reaction. I did not. There was a Selfie Station, a really interesting idea – I Got A Vaccinated for….
The joy of it. And because it is a scientific and intelligent thing to do and I am scientific and smart! Alexis McBride.
A grouchy lady was walking by as I exalted at my good fortune.
She: I got a vaccine because some one told me I had to.
Me: Well, whomever ever told you to was right and it is good you listened to them.
A short while later, PDIHS announced:
He: Fifteen minutes are up. It is time to go!
So we drove back to my apartment chatting constantly on the way there and the way back, getting to know one another better. A major topic of conversation was the Islamic faith – the treatment of women, his upbringing within the faith, his experiences. It was enlightening. I had spoken to his father the night before:
Me: I am most impressed with your son, he is so sweet, considerate and caring.
PD: Thank you!
I spoke of this conversation to PDIHS
Me: I found that an unusual thing for him to say – thank you- when it is you that exhibit all of those qualities.
PDIHS: No not at all. Everything I am is because of my upbringing, my mother and father made me what I am.
Me: That is so impressive! The child rearing practices of Muslims are most admirable. Well, not all Muslims – I have seen examples of rich Royal children who have not been raised properly in the faith.
Got home.
He: That was fun!
Me: It was and that is quite a compliment because taking an old lady for a vaccine is not any person’s idea of entertainment.
Then he got into the car, driving off. Then came the sudden realization that I had left the phone in his car. But he found it and turned around returning it to me.
He: I got you!
Me: I love that phrase and you do. I love you but tell your wife not to worry because I am old.
Then I hugged him. Oops, – goodbye social distancing.
Starvation set in so it was off to the patio of Andy’s where a delicious vegetarian sandwich was consumed. Home to watch Christine Amanpur’s News Hour, whereupon at the conclusion, fatigue set in. To bed, slept 17 hours. Woke up with no energy whatsoever. In cautionary fashion had made an appointment with Primary Care Physician in the event that side effects from the vaccine set it. But found myself too exhausted to get dressed and walk the three blocks to his office. The appointment was cancelled, this blog written from bed. Tiredness is one side effect, seems like the best one because one’s immune system thrives on sleep.
Although caution cannot be thrown to the winds, it seems as if this almost one year siege has ended. It is a vast relief. People that refuse to be vaccinated can just wallow in their misery, but unfortunately they may make others go down with them.