This conversation actually took place. Care Giver and myself were returning from some excursion, pulled into my parking space and got out of the car. A handsome young man, a resident of the complex was walking by and I ogled him. Ogle is a verb whose synonyms are:
stare at, gaze at, eye, make eyes at, make sheep’s eyes at; eye up, give someone the glad eye, give someone a/the once-over, lech after/over, undress with one’s eyes, give someone the come-on; gawp at, gawk perv on.
Care Giver: Baby! You are only three months old, you are not supposed to be staring at man like that!
Me: What is worse is that I am only two and a half months old. I was only gawking at him after all.
CG. I know but at your age you should not even be doing that!
Me: The search for the husband needs to be speeded up
Wise Man opines that an Islamic scholar might be a good choice as we could have intelligent conversations about the Islamic faith. But there may not be many of them around. There may be travel involved as Islamic scholars often travel from mosque to mosque. Care Giver’s son suggested that I could travel with him rather than staying home. That was another rather unlikely conversation. Most sensitive of the son, thought I.
One of the strangest sights appeared on YouTube. The Emir of Qatar arrived in Saudi Arabia for the signing of the agreement which would lift the blockade, allowing the people of Qatar to travel freely and make air flights to previously forbidden places possible (like SFO for example). The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was there to meet the Emir and as the Emir descended from the jet The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia hugged him. That was most unusual to say the least as the two have not exactly been bosom buddies. In all fairness to the Emir of Qatar, he did not appear to hug back the Crown Prince. I could not believe my eyes but watched it several times and there was no mistaking of the gesture.
This is an unrelated matter I am sure but got a text this morning from a Qatar number.
Qatar person: I love u.
Me: That makes me happy!
Then I was off for a blow dry, my thick white hair looks most chic, although hardly anyone sees it because of the head scarf or hats worn in compliance with the faith. Kim brought me homemade food, absolutely delicious, a bun with delicious filling and a desert with lemons. A photograph will be attached just in case you do not believe me. I have no idea why people spoil me so much – I am most grateful – most grateful to say the very least. Grateful is also thankful, filled with gratitude, appreciative; indebted, obliged, obligated, under obligation, in your debt, beholden. So I am most beholden and appreciative to so many wonderful people for food and texts and clothes and everything.
I wrote a thank you note to Care Giver’s family for my Pakistani garments. I am paraphrasing myself.
Paraphrase which means rephrase, put/express in other words, put/express in one’s own words, express differently, rewrite, rescript, restate, rehash, interpret, gloss. “Thank you so much for the beautiful handmade blouses, they are magnificent. The fabric, the colours, the craftsmanship, the buttons – everything. I have never owned anything as pretty. All I need now is a date with a nice Muslim man who will appreciate my Pakistani garb and ME. Hahahaha” I shall include a photograph of some of the clothes but need a photographer as a selfie would not do anything justice. Today is one of of those self isolate days so there is no one around to snap the photo.
The New Yorker again offered excellent coverage of the mess in Washington, D.C. David Remnick, the Editor in Chief offered this: “In early November, a senior Republican official commented on the scaling effects of President Trump’s baseless accusations about a “stolen election.” What is the downside for humouring him for this little bit of time? The offical asked. This week, the downside has become strikingly clear as rioters, egged on by the President himself, broke into the Capital building, overwhelmed the police, trashed offices, and brandished insurrectionist symbols, including a Confederate flag. Over the past several days, our writers have been reporting on this alarming siege and its aftermath. Today, we’re bringing you a selection of some of those peaches, as well as others from our carve that highlight the repercussions of Presidential mendacity over the past four years..” Mendacity is such a wonderful word, its literal meaning is untruthfulness. The series of articles may be found on the website.
Then wonderful Andy Borowitz jumped in with his magnificent humou taking aim at Senator Ted Cruz. r. Stating that he has “made no secret of my differences with this President,” Senator Ted Cruz touted his courageous record of opposing Donald J. Trump for the past two minutes.“I think when the history books are written, my behavior over the past two minutes will be hailed for its valor,” he said.ust moments after those comments, however, Senator Lindsey Graham took issue with calling Cruz, calling his remarks “weak sauce.” “Let the record show that I have been opposed to Donald Trump for three minutes,” Graham asserted.
“Anyone who knows me knows that I object to Donald Trump’s incendiary and unacceptable rhetoric, and that is as true now as was when I first said it, a hundred and twenty seconds ago,” he said.The senator from Texas added that “history will judge those harshly” who have not had the courage, as he has, to oppose Trump for two minutes running.”