Due to massive ridiculousness in this country my left knee replacement surgery has been postponed until May 13, 2020. I am waiting to proceed with my life until after the surgery and now delayed again. Probably not then either due to this ridiculous country. Please come and save us Crown Prince of Dubai. I cannot very much go there because of my recent righteous recent attacks on the Ruler of Dubai. Oh well.
But a strange message: Sometimes You Have To Love People From a Distance and Give Them Space to Get Their Minds Right Before You Let Them Back in Your Life.
Perhaps this is happening.?
An utterly amusing photograph from the loo of the lab where I was having tests done before the surgery that will not take place. Everyone with any knowledge, my wonderful. Precious Internist included says this is pure bullshit. But no one stands up for anything in this stupid country. Oh well, I was cheerful all day and all of the people in Target laughed as I said:
Me: Panic, please just panic that is what we need now!
Me: Why are the water shelves empty and the booze ones full. I am taking booze!!
Personal Driver was with me, he said the entire store was laughing.
So I am ok. Do not worry about me.
The photograph from the politically correct loo. .