Pyjamas Day; On a Lark Defined With An Example; Pyjamas from Primark; A Mae West Apt Quote; Going to Hell in a Hand basket: An Update on The Sultan; Was He Running in a Primark Shirt;? Ridiculous and Indulgent Defined

Pyjamas in case anyone wonders are: a loose-fitting jacket and trousers for sleeping. It is Sunday, it is London, it is Pyjamas Day, it is glorious. I love having a day like this, relaxing, inspiring, lazy and indulgent. The synonyms are many and glorious; permissive ,easy-going, broad-minded, liberal, tolerant, forgiving, forbearing, lenient, merciful, clement, mild, humane, kind, kindly, soft-hearted, caring, compassionate, understanding, sympathetic; fond, doting, pampering, mollycoddling, cosseting, soft; compliant, obliging, accommodating. ANTONYMS strict; intolerant.

Some might say that it is a waste having a lenient, merciful, papering, mollycoddling day in London when only a visitor and only here for a short period of time. But those people are dead wrong. I have a beautiful view out my window which has been shown before on the blog. Autumn trees, cranes, huge buildings, Battersea Park. I ain’t San Francisco or Vancouver, that is for sure.I chat via email and Instagram with my friends. It is the birthday of one, Another says:

She: We have cleaned the house from top to bottom this morning so it is time to relax…I wish.

Me: Not me. The delights of a hotel.

An email to CPI, my high school friend requesting she send me some sensibilities, which is the the quality of being able to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences; sensitivity. She has known me for years (obviously) and of a certain relationship which has been difficult and continues to be.

I am getting slightly hungry. I did get up and go for breakfast but it was hopelessly crowded and busy, not at all leisurely. So I left hurriedly. But there is cheese in my room’s refrigerator, left over from my cheese plates at the Rex Whistler. So all is right with the world. I will go down to the spa later to exercise my knee In the warm waters. I am a good girl! My pyjamas say: Naughty is the New Nice. They were bought at Primarks – the place where the Sultan and I shop. Hahahaha. By the way, it is proven who he really is. I did not make it up. On a lark I went to Emirates Airlines and found that they do fly from San Francisco to Dubai – but it is most costly if one expects to fly First Class – and I do. There went that dream. I do laugh at myself. What does on a lark mean? “ On a lark describes something that is done on the spur of the moment, something that is done spontaneously and for fun. Something done on a lark has not been planned, but may be considered irresponsible in a fun way and childlike. The word lark in the term on a lark is used to mean frolicking or playing. The use of the word lark to mean frolicking first appeared in the early 1800s. It may stem from the word skylark, slang used by sailors to mean roughhousing in the rigging. It may date back to the Old Norse word leika which means to play. A third possibility is an Old English dialect word lake, which means to leap and play. In any case, the phrase on a lark conjures the image of a small bird flitting from tree to tree, and may be the reason the term has had staying power.”

What is making this day and this experience even more powerful is the music – the wondrous Motivational Classic downloaded from Apple Music. It is stirring and uplifting music.

I am happy with myself – it was right of me to come here at this point in my life. I needed a rest from the solitude and boredom of recovery and I do face some difficult tasks upon my return to San Francisco. Christmas is NOT my favourite time of year and it will be bearing down upon us. But all shall be fine. I deserved this relaxing time, surrounded by so much affection and so many surprises of such an interesting nature. Many on the hotel staff say they do not want me to leave. I have a permanently booked table at my beloved Rex Whistler. How shall I adjust to ordinary life? Interestingly, the support system I enjoy in England is not there is California where I have lived for most of my life. Teasingly and laughingly I say that upon my move to Malaysia my support group is going with me. No desire to start all over there.

There was another trip made outside the hotel room, clothed (of course). I saw the funniest mural on the third floor of this hotel. I took a picture put it on Instagram with the following caption.

Me: This is from Floor 3 of my hotel. Then in November 10 Times there is front page news of the Queen’s possible affair with the horse racing manager. What is this world coming to?

The photo is attached to this blog. It seems we are going to hell in a hand basket. Meaning of this phrase?” Comical way of describing a situation where you or somebody is going to end up in deep shit.Yeh, if she find out I forgot when her birthday is I’m going to GO TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET!” This definition is from Urban Dictionary.

Oh my goodness. I just googled the Crown Prince of Dubai and came up with this.

“Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, or Sheikh Hamdan, or just Fazza, is a 33-year-old Crown Prince of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He’s handsome as all hell, has more money than you can imagine and is fond of things and activities that aren’t usually typical for the royalty, like, falconry, F-1 racing and snowboarding.

Sheikh Hamdan, has over 3 000 000 followers on Instagram and has been chosen as one of the top 100 ‘global personalities’ on Snapchat.”

Well I sure know how to pick ‘em as I said to him, standing there before me in a dress and a scarf, for the first time..

Me: My goodness you are a handsome man!

Then I discovered that he went home and led a race of 7,000 people throughout Dubai and then there is a Hologram of him speaking at the World Summit. I mean, I was born in Saskatchewan, I met and spoke with this man twice.

His last smiling words to me were as he got off on his floor.

He: I will see you around.

My goodness I cannot believe this. It is a good idea that is is pyjamas day as I am about to faint. I wonder if he was wearing a Primark shirt on the run. Hahahaha . One reason I am happy with myself is my sense of humour. I even make myself laugh. One important man in my life once said:

He: Alexis, you do not really have a sense of humour. You have a sense of ridiculousness.

Me: Thanks I guess.

That was said over fifty years ago. The man, from Iran, is now dead. What is ridiculous? Laughable, absurd, comical, funny, hilarious, humorous, risible, derisory, droll, amusing, entertaining, diverting, chucklesome, farcical, slapstick, silly, facetious, ludicrous, hysterical, riotous, side-splitting; informal crazy, priceless; dated killing; rare derisible. ANTONYMS serious.

So I guess I am risible, chucklesome and droll. Upon occasion I can on occasion become side-splitting and riotous.

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