So faithful readers will know that I am here for Grandson’s wedding – that is the whole reason I came to Vegas. I have had a fantastic time and met the best and most incredible people and I am so glad I came but that is why I am here. For reasons that shall be explained later I am not going to the wedding I do not think because I do not know where the wedding is to be held. I know that it is going to be at 2 but do not know where. And it is getting to be too late for me to get dressed and go. I have texted him and called him but no information is forthcoming.
I woke up to two emails. One from Tracey with good news – she and Mike went to my favourite place Steveston and “thought” of me. How sweet! She also said”Las Vegas suits you as you are as outgoing and vibrant as the city.” I was so absolutely touched to wake up to that.
Then there was an email from a woman who now lives sin Spokane.
She: We met at the Vancouver Art Gallery last summer and had a lovely conversation. We were both plotting our exits from Canada and alas a year later I found your card in an old purse. We are now living in Spokane and hope you have escaped as well.
Me: How fascinating to get your email and and I am in bliss in San Francisco.
And then I goy a text from a man who lives in Tennessee. I met him in Vegas a few days ago and we stay in daily touch with one another. Now that is rather strange and unusual. We strangely sort of bonded with one another and I feel close and really relaxed with him. I guess we are going to try and meet up with one another at some point but I need to get settled in my new apartment and have my knee surgery.
Then downstairs to breakfast – a biscuit sandwich with sausage was delicious.. I was sitting at the bar (where breakfast is served) with five men. Their photograph is included, they asked me to take a picture of them and then I took one of my own. It was jolly good fun.
Then a Shell presentation – one of those horrible things but I received some information from the wonderful woman who was stuck with me. We had a grand time actually. This is part of what I learned. Shell was going bankrupt and Wyndam bought then but then Shell turned around and entered into a contract with Interval. Now that is illegal but no one seems to be doing anything about it and Shell ‘owners’ are getting screwed. I just might try and get to the bottom of it and help out Shell ‘owners’ – I shall see.
Then back to my spacious room for a bath, began to write this blog and got a phone call from the Tennessee man but the reception is bad because of the trees around him. There are, of course, no trees around here.
Shell “owners’ get a note of welcome when they check in. Mine said on the inside. “We Love you.” I went and checked to see if everyone got that message. No they don’t. Athena ‘confessed” that she wrote it. Now is that not darling and sweet and everything. It definitely made my day.
There is certainly a lot to report on but at the moment I will close. The photographs are the five guys and the “We love you”note. More later.