People were so kind to me yesterday, in person and through emails. My computer guru wrote:
He: Take care my dear. Don’t be sad :/ x
Me: Thank you my sweet man. I am taking care but sometimes sad is appropriate. I have delicious news to share – yummy news. Not sure when to tell you but soon. Xx
Kathleen sent a poem and a beautiful message.
Dear Alexis,
This is a poem I wrote for my friend who lost her husband and she was always creating new artworks from coloured glass she had found on the sea shore. So I wanted to address her capacity for seeing the potential of beauty and function for new creations, from what others may see as broken and not of any worth. Perhaps you may find some solace in my poem, as you continue to recreate your existence and live your life to your fullest potential of bringing forth the talents within yourself and you inspire others by your courage to create the life you love. Here is my poem:
Shattered Glass
To stem the storm,
Of sorrows and of love,
Breakers pummel grain and rock,
With indifferent absent want.
As moon and sea in tensile waters mount,
Sunken particles of hope lay bare,
A bed of constant flux,
In etched tide forsaken.
Foamy hands deliver stained shards,
Regurgitated raw edges, salted smooth,
Erased tracings of former vessels,
A nutrition base, for creations yet to manifest.
Synergistic potentials, for a way forward.
– Kathleen Tonnesen
Take care,
Me: Darling friend, Can I please put this on my blog? It is amazing. It must be shared in its beauty and I would like to forward it to the family to be read at the funeral. You amaze me!!!
She: Yes you can. I would be honoured that the poem is used and is helpful to others. Most welcome. Take care.
Another wrote: Alexis take it easy my darling xxx Theresa told me to hold onto my pink quartz and it did help. We bought the pink quartz at the Car Boot Sale on Sunday. It is supposed to have healing powers. We will see about that.
It is now morning here in London. A rather cloudy day. The day is planned and I shell honor my commitments. It shall be tea with David and Gregory. I shall tell them of my surprise and hopefully watch the joy on their faces. I cannot wait to tell you what they say. I met them ages ago at a Stoppard play at the National Theatre. Well, not ages ago, it had to be in 2014 but they have been around and in my life since them. Then I shall meet Christine for a glass of wine. At the moment I cannot recall where we met but we went to theatre, the Proms, and crochet games with one another. We must have met in 2015.
She: Woweeee, can’t wait. Five it is – and we’ll have a high five. Xxx. Christine
Then Greg, David and I will attend the cinematic performance of Antony and Cleopatra.It is supposed to be most hot, decidedly hot. When you are hot, you are hot. When you are not, you are not.
So although I did feel that I could not go on – I will go on. I will try and cheer you up a little with the inclusion of a picture. These red shoes were purchased at the Car Boot Sale as well. Learned people will know of the only place these guys will be worn. Hint, it is not the running track or the gym. The other is a picture of a book purchased at the car boot sale and not needed. I do not need to grow this damn blog – it is big enough. So there! So there! So there!