The Best Father Anyone Ever Had Spoken By George Bush And Not By Me

I am in such pain due to a personal loss which I may share, not necessarily.  Perhaps not. In the midst of pain I watch the funeral of George Bush and howl in pain within the confines of my wonderful hotel. I did not just cry, I howl.  HOWL! I am incredibly supported by the best hotel in the whole world. They hug me, they bring me tissues, they hold my hand, set up my television. There is nothing they will not do to help me.  I shall get through this with their help. If you are a person who does not contact me on a regular basis, even though you may, good bye to you! My pain, began with an email whose subject line said: “our mom”. I am part of a family which is, not the Dryburgh family, from them I must be free, but not my substitute family.  I am in such pain for complicated reasons. I shall overcome. As Samuel Beckett said: “I can’t go on. I will go on. I can’t go on. I will go on.” 
I did not have the best father anyone had ever known as said by his son at this funeral. . I had the worst. But  rather than hide this awful fact I will continue to speak out against him and the massive denial from the entire family. YES. and I will always speak out and will always do so. The pain on the faces of the Brush family was palpable. He was a 94 year old man. No family member will look that way upon my father’s death – should he ever die. My ambition is to die with the those who know me well experiencing the same pain that the Bush family did  The eulogy was so inspiring. His son spoke with humour about his father and I learned for the first time that George Bush Sr. hated vegetables, especially  broccoli. With me it is Brussel sprouts, but you have to admire a man who hates vegetables. Who cares about what he did for world peace, the man hates vegetables. Yeah George! 
 I was so proud of my countryman Brian Mulroney whose tribute was stirring, evocative and revealed what a wonderful friendship the two enjoyed.  I was proud that the Trumps were there, although at first it made me mad because I am not fond of the man.  Banning President Trump would only make the situation worse and perhaps President Trump will learn something from the experience. I pray that he will. Former President Clinton seemed to think it was a party and flirted with Former First Lady Obama. Trump seemed very aware that this was a funeral and did seem moved, probably wondering what people would say about him. Laura Bush was so touchingly solicitous of her husband, her care of him brought tears to my eyes. The granddaughters spoke eloquently, the parents of these children were so obviously proud. Each family member touched the coffin when they walked by. I said to an unlikely person, actually a man in my room, that the light had gone from their lives. I cried again because I will strive to have the same effect on the people I care about. The light will go from my people’s life when I die. That is a legacy – not tens of children, grandchildren, cousins, hangers on doing take mourning but people I cared about and who cared about me. with palpable grief. I have this  ambition and in case you have not noticed I do achieve what I set out to do. Much to the chagrin of many. I guess chagrin shall be the word of the day. Chagrin is a noun Sean showed up at the party, to everyone’s chagrin: annoyance, irritation, vexation, exasperation, displeasure, dissatisfaction, discontent; anger, rage, fury, wrath, indignation, resentment; embarrassment, mortification, humiliation, shame. ANTONYMS delight.  
Do not look for me to humour you or entertain you these days. I am mourning. I am crying so much I am totally dehydrated. 

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