My Life Could Not Get any Better; How a False Alarm can Lead to Inspiration and Possibly a Trip to Spain and Portugal

I do not think my life could get any better. Well, it could, but most of the means to make it even better are at my command. For example, I probably need a printer. Somehow It is not possible to edit without a printed copy and now that I am going to be working on the biography I will need editing ability. I made a considered decision: mistakes on the blog can be tolerated as you guys are not paying for it. Perhaps the mistakes make me more lovable. Hahahahahaha. But a book is different, particularly a book about Uncle Dave who was somewhat a perfectionist (according to accounts at his death).

I am occasionally plagued by errors, inefficiencies and rude people. But the amazing thing is that these rough spots turn magically into the best of times. Here is an example. Yesterday evening the fire alarm sounded in my 17th floor apartment. It is more than a pain and has happened before. The infuriating noise demands the walking down 17 floors with my arthritic knees and then it is utter confusion because this place has no systematic way of dealing with emergencies. The manager of the building is the rudest woman imaginable but everyone seems to put up with her. I resisted initially but eventually limped down the stairs to learn, of course, that it was a false alarm. “You can go back in” said the old grouch. I said to a very good looking fireman.

Me: I live on the 17th floor and I have arthritic knees. Will you carry me?

Fireman: I do not think so! I would get a hernia!

Me: Coward! Hernias just might be fun!

So I laughed and joked with the firemen and the other residents. I even got my picture taken with the fireman and it is attached to this blog. There was no way I was going to climb those stairs. Therefore I did what any clear thinking individual would do. I went to Social Corner and had a glass of wine. There and then, at the bar, something magical happened. I met and began to talk to a most interesting man who happened to be sitting on an adjacent bar stool. He was a tourist, visiting from Spain. But not Spanish, living there for business. He had been a professional soccer player, gone to University and majored in journalism but now was part of a wonderful business that worked with kids encouraging their growth and development through soccer. I was gob smacked. I told him of the story of Uncle Dave who returned to Canada from Scotland in 1920. The feisty young man grabbed a soccer ball, went to Taylor Field and soon became a proficient soccer player. The Regina Leader Post did not have any reporters to cover the games so this is how Uncle Dave began his writing career. He seemed destined, however, to apprentice as a cabinet maker under the tutelage of his father. But Dave Dryburgh got pneumonia, the doctor told him he had to find other work. The resourceful Dryburgh did – he became a sports writer for the Regina Leader Post. That is a true story and will be told in the biography that his lazy niece is writing. The man at the bar: Todd Stauber, his company: European Soccer Solutions.

This seemed to magical as it was just two days before that I had a conversation with my alter ego and decided I had to get back to the biography and here a mere two days later was a story of sports being used in a positive and transformative way. Faithful readers will know that I hate sports and have never been surrounded by men who were sports enthusiasts. But just when I needed inspiration here was Todd sitting on a bar stool next to me. Here is the real message. I would have never been at the Social Corner would it not be for a false alarm and a lazy fireman (hahahaha).

Other good things arose from the conversation with Todd. He told me of great places to go in Spain and encouraged me to visit. I was planning to visit Portugal next year, a combined trip would get me out of Vancouver winter weather. But here we go again because the reason I was planning to go to Portugal was because something bad turned into something good. The awful and horrible Dolphin House did not honor my Expedia reservation so I scrambled about and ended up at the Pestana Chelsea Bridge, a wonderful hotel, part of a hotel empire that began in Portugal. While at the Pestana I decided to visit some of the hotels in Portugal. a knowledgable staff member told me that Hans Christian Anderson wrote from a Portuguese town and gave me the name. So next year I will go to the town and write one or two Alexis McBride versions of Hans Christian Anderson tales. One of my very favorite of all his stories is The Emperor’s New Clothes.

People sometimes say that everything happens for a reason, I do not think that. Bad things happen but it is up to the individual to mold the bad into good. I just happen to be rather good at that, I guess.

I was at the gym today, the good girl that I am.

Me: I hate this exercise!

Hottie: Is there anything at this gym you don’t hate?

Me: You!

As you can see, I definitely won that round. Then honestly this happened. The manager and I had the following conversation.

Manager: We have a new member who is 69, not quite 74, but you have become a model for her.

Me: Really? In what way?

Manager: We told her about the stairs and how Hottie helped you. We told her that she could watch you on Instagram (alexismctwit). So she enrolled and now has Hottie for her trainer.

Me: Wow! That is such a compliment. Thank you so much

Manager: We are thinking of calling this Alexis’ Equinox.

Well, I don’t think the last sentence will come about. I am sure that it would not make Joo Kim Tiah very happy. It was his idea to bring the Equinox into his block – West Georgia between Butte and Thurlow.

So here is some stuff I have planned for future blogs. I am doing one on Vancouver – a truly schizophrenic city. Then there is another tale about bad that did not turn into good, but boy did I try hard. It is about In Contemplation and in Conversation.. I am the good guy, the Acquisitions Manager is the bad guy. That’s all for now folks.

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