I cannot believe this. I woke up super early again this morning, but I could not find my computer. Can you imagine how destabilizing that is? So, I tiptoed downstairs thinking it was there, but it was not. I went back up to my room with the ironed sheets and eventually found it on the floor by the side of the bed. Now I cannot find my glasses, and I brought two pairs with me. I guess I will have to tip toe downstairs again and hunt about because neither pair seem to be in my room with the ironed sheets.
So, there have been lots of changes in my life. That is the understatement of the year. It is sort of like Noah holding out his hand and saying, “Looks like there is a drizzle coming on.” All of the changes are pretty fantastic, and most are funny. Big blog changes because behind the scenes Regan is on board. Chris went to Cuba on vacation and Cuba is the land of no Internet. So, goodbye Chris. I magically met Regan in London on March 1. She lives in Canada, she is funny, and she has time to edit my blog (which needs editing). It is fantastic and now I can relax knowing my typographical errors and bad grammar will never see the light of day. Phew! We talked on the phone yesterday and worked a lot of things out, and laughed.
At this moment I have found my glasses and all systems are on go. I think I had the best and the happiest day of my life yesterday. It began with writing the post for the blog, talking with Regan, getting simultaneous feedback on the blog from the UK, eastern Canada and western Canada, and then some chores at the shopping center. Gail and I went to pick up cousin Geri and we drove to a golf club to meet cousin Carol-Ann and Aunt Mary for lunch. On the way I made this formal announcement to Geri: “Fasten your seat belt (Haha, I guess it is fastened.) I am going to move to Vancouver.” Geri says, “I can’t stand it…” Then, after a very long pause, she exclaimed, “I am so excited!” I laugh like crazy, and say that it is going in the blog.
When we arrive at the golf course, Gail and I get out of the car- but not Geri. She is locked in because of the childproof door, and for some reason I find it insanely funny (Because after all, Geri is a grown woman.) I find it so funny that I cannot stop laughing and I almost wet myself. I rush like a bat out of ‘h’ into the golf course, declare a state of emergency and find a loo, barely in the nick of time. I have no idea why I find this so hilarious, but I do, and just now I started to laugh and had to run to the loo again.
On the way to the dining room at the golf course, I tell the restaurant staff about my blog and the fact that I am coming back to Canada. They say, “Welcome back!” I respond, “First time I have ever heard that. Usually there is just a look of horror on people’s faces.” After hugs and stuff with Carol-Ann and Aunt Mary, I make another formal announcement: ”At the present time, I am homeless. Therefore, I have no house payments, no property taxes, no upkeep or maintenance, no household insurance, no utility bills and no cleaning person. At the present time, I have no car, so no car payments, no car insurance, no scheduled maintenance and no gas to buy. Therefore, I AM BUYING LUNCH.” General merriment is all around, with everyone looking for the most expensive thing to order.
I have this raucous laugh, and I can be rather loud. There is a table with four Asian women next to us. They keep staring at us/me, and while they are leaving one woman just stares with her mouth open. I am sort of used to this, because it happened all of the time in London. But, the others at the table found it rather unnerving.

The lunch went on for ages; my food got cold and had to be reheated. We did talk about serious things at one point. We spoke of my book. We spoke of the courage and tenacity of Grandpa Dryburgh leaving Scotland, and coming to Canada with his young family. We spoke of Uncle Dave and the other sons. The five of us agreed about everything- including the fact that my father was a dreadful evil man whom everyone hated. But, we became very positive and we praised 90-year-old Aunt Mary. She is an amazing woman with an incredible sense of humor, and she is very, very perceptive. We decided that we’ll have lunch together often, and I told them that I would continue paying for it with the proceeds of the book. Everyone said: “Best you get it written, girlfriend!” I tipped handsomely.
After lunch, we dropped Geri off at her house (she was able to get out of the back seat.) Gail and I went to her house, and then Yvette came over. We had fantastic soup from the freezer and I made grilled cheese sandwiches.
I talked on the phone a lot with my Californian friends. I have an invitation to spend some days with Trinka in the house in West Marin, which used to be mine. I talked to Yoshi, who was my sensei for almost twenty years. I told her that I made a flower arrangement for Aunt Mary. We both expressed that we can’t wait to see one another again. Yoshi and I traveled to Japan, as well as New York together. But, we have not spoken to one another for almost two years. Now we have.
So, it was a great day, and I did not wet myself laughing.