Taming My Dogmatism Which Needed to be Tamed; Was Using Dogmatism to Fight Dogmatism But with Help Found a Better Way and Found Peace of Mind: My Head Hair is Not One of my Private Parts; Links to Reels, One Winter 2024, the other Recent Highlights; Photos of Hijab Alexis and Recent Stylish Hair; Amusing Blog of Totally Covered Me

Recently decided that I am dogmatic, in the main my dogmatism emerges in matters relating to the Islamic Faith. First to define dogmatism, next to provide an example and lastly a possible remedy.Dogmatic that can…

The Genocide is Back; Recognizing the Elephant is in the Room But Valiantly Carrying on; Photograph Led to a Blessed Visit to the Floating Mosque Which is Within Eyesight of My Apartment; Facts About Floating Mosque and Photos: Photo of Shamir and Me Leads to a Case of Mistaken Identity; Me Masquerading as MeMaw; Fresh From the Farm Photo

This morning learned the Gaza Genocide is back on. Learned it from Instagram. There was a Saudi Gazette post that read MBS denounced the attack and demanded international community ’s urgent indentation to stop Israel….

Back to Boring Statistics; Questioning the Why of my Following Leads to Escapist Literature; Leading to my Motivation in Writing the Blog in the First Place; An Insertion of Needed Humor; Ending with Explanation of Sudden Interest in Kuala Lumpur; Photos of the Day and a Painting and Photograph of a Man and His Dog

Armed with more knowledge of geography, further information and further reflection I shall now pontificate upon the statistics which spoke of readership in various, and sundry,  world cities.  Faithful readers will be aware that the…

Newly Discovered Information on Autophagy; Forgiveness; A Central Concept, Something I Inadvertently Missed in my Islamic Studies; Forgiveness Explored with Verses from the Quran; Forgiving Oneself Leads to Unexpected Calmness; Post Ramadan Plans; Photos of Food, Penang in Earlier Times; Reel of Me Eating with My Hands

The March 10, 2025 blog spoke of autophagy for the first time. With the help of a friend I looked further into whether Ramadan fasting could induce autophagy It did not look very hopeful. Always…

New Perspectives; Anonymity Returned to Those Close to Me; A New Way of Life Introduced, Sin and Then Repent; Also Revealed Autophagy, its Meaning and Advantages; Possibly Sinning By Scrolling Through Instagram; Back to the Heart of Makkah, the heart of my Ramadan 2024; Quotes from April 6, 2024 Blog; Following Guidance Found in MuslimCharacter; Photos of Books and Sunrises

Recently amended my habit of disguising people’s identity behind nicknames.Instead received the  permission of those important important in my life to use their names  when describing  shared activities and when writing of our correspondence. For…

Despite Slow Start Ramadan is Going Well; Ramadan Practices Are Most Divergent: Tarawih Prayer Ritualistically Performed by Many; I Worship in My Own Way;  Islam is Not a One Size Fits All Faith; Inspiration from Nouman Ali Khan; A Good Morning Quote; Glad to be a Muslim; The Joys of Having a Tailor; Photos of Sunrises, Avatar, The Tailor and New Clothes.

Do realize that I have a long way to go but Ramadan is going well. I am almost completely recovered from my cold, I do not have any debilitating neck pain. My good health enables…

Discovery of the Morning, the Indian Ocean: Becoming Side Tracked Again and Again; Schmir Partially But Not Thoroughly to be Blamed; Idle Hands are the Devil’s Workshop Analyzed Using Christian, Secular and Islamic Perspectives; Multiculturalism Defined; Wikipedia Perhaps Errs;  Photos of Pastries, Me and Sunrise Over the Indian Ocean

This blog could be appropriately called: Getting Sidetracked and Staying Sidetracked. Read on if you wish, but you have been warned.  Definition of sidetrack: cause (someone) to be distracted from an immediate or important issue….