It is Embarrassing to be Inspired by Instagram: Examples of Instagram Inspiration; The Zumba Class Adventures and Misadventures: Discovering the Benefits of Zumba: It Was the Best of Times, The Worst of Times; Photograph and Reel of Zumba Class, Reel Seeking Retrieval of Lost Sunglasses

It is almost embarrassing to admit, the Alexis who receives inspiration from the Quran, has instead gone to strive at a diverse end, The other morning I was  inspired by reels on Instagram. Yes, Instagram….

Everything is Coming Up Roses; A Celecom Phone Plan is Mine Coming with a Surprising Benefit; Disarray and Riffraff Defined; Alls Well That Ends Well; A Initial Crowded Breakfast Buffet Followed by the Relief of Malaysian Families; MyInstagram Response Brings 172 Likes;Photo of New Malaysian Friend; My Statement of the Day; and Misleading Advertisement

I am suddenly reminded of words of a song, a happy jubilant song full of hope and optimism Hope and optimism being two of my very favorite emotions and two favorite words. I was thinking…

The Morning After the Fast Before: A Call to Prayer Brings to Mind the Original Call to Prayer from Medina; Conversations Shared During the Day of the Fast; Healthy Food Not Eaten; Ships That Pass in the Night Not Applicable: Nurturing Malaysian Men Bring Comfort: Possible New Routine Established: Photographs of New Attire, Breakfast Throne; Skinny Chickens; Reel of Bali Fish Market; Link to the Essence of Being a Muslim

This was, as usual, an unusual morning. I was awakened prior to the alarm for Fajr prayer, allowing for some leisure. Prayed from the patio, as I my knees prevent prostration I pray on a…

A Day of Fasting Preceded by Worldly Matters Written a On a Day When it Was Reluctantly Back to the Real World: A Whistling Woman, A Crowing Hen; Al Jazeera Provides Perspective and Knowledge: Norton’s Press Brings Back Bad Memories and Frustration: Stepping Aside for Biographers; Glimpses of the Morning’s Glory: Quran Quotes Condemning Christianity and Judaism

October 10, 2024 It is early morning, just past the 7:05 dawn that began my 12 hour and 1 minute voluntary fast. At the conclusion of the blog you shall see the amazing sunrise I…

The Actual and Absolute Truth As Usual; Brown Cataract Rejected; Offer of a Cyclops; Also Rejected; Cyclops Research Reveals Taste for Humans; Soon to Speak Seriously of Saudi Arabia; Its Desecration of the Holiest of Sights as Observed: This Task Taken on Reluctantly But With Necessary Serenity;  Reel of Successful Cataract Surgery; Photos of Table View and Fixer Upper

An appointment with my eye surgeon, it was either yesterday or the day before or the day before yesterday. For some obscure reason, decided to say something funny, even went so far as to rehearse…

Several Days Beginning Pre Right Eye Cataract Surgery; Struck by Numbing Depression which Somehow Inspired; Warts and All Defined; Unicorns Unite; An Amazing Eight Year Old; The Best Room in the Annex; A Walk Along the Beach When Back ‘Home”; Several BFE (Best Friend Ever) Conversations; Photos of Amazing View; Fixer Upper and the Beach Back Home

I am here at Lot Guan Lye hospital getting ready for the second round. I have two eyes therefore two cataracts. Left eye is cataract free, soon right eye will be in the same condition….

A Magnificent Morning; Photograph of Dawn To Be Shown; A Funny Text Exchange: Tough on the Inside, No More Cute on the Outside; The Hood Godmother is the New Me; Saudi Secrets Soon to Be Revealed Taking the Place of Gallery on the Blog; Ideas Podcast Addresses Hope, Much Needed in These Troubled Times; Photos of Dawn, Bath tub and Bubble Bath; Mini Hot Dogs and the New Me

September 27, 2024 Allah (SWT) revealed Himself in all of His power, glory and beauty this morning. I was woken prior to Fajr prayer. The dark skies were illuminated by lightening – a lightening I…

Upgraded to the E & O; More My Cup of Tea; Hardship and Benefit Visited Again; Cataract Surgery Proves Successful, However Bare Back Too Painful; I Have Been Misdiagnosed Not TIA But Post Traumatic Stress Attacks; Day of Surgery Emergency Contact Extremely Attentive; Andy Borowitz Brings Much Needed Humor; Two Photos and Directions for YouTube

The Islamic Faith emphasizes hardships followed by benefits. One appreciates benefits, most  grateful for benefits if they are preceded by hardships. I have spoken of it many times on the blog. Typed Hardship and Benefit…