No News is Good News Vs. All The News That is Fit to Print Vs. That’s News to Me; The Truth is Almost Impossible to Ascertain; Thomas Friedman Speaks of Saudi Arabia; Impartial Defined; The Importance of Investigative Journalism; You Do Find the Truth of This Blog Here You find the Truth; Off to Malaysia: Photos of Greetings and Colorful Attire

I am exhausted just from writing the title. Perhaps I can just stop with the title, and you can use your imagination for the rest. I would hate to be a faithful reader of this…

Another Wonderful Day and You Shall  Hear Why: Early Morning Greetings Make My Day; Meeting Two Women With Whom I Had Nothing and Everything in Common; Off to Ithra for a Tour, the Chance of Being a Saudi Television Star; Reading One Hundred Pages Which Will Result in a Tree Being Planted; Being a Freshly Minted Muslims; Photos of the Issac Newton Book and Accoutrements  

At this moment am at the breakfast buffet having fun with a little Arabic girl of undetermined age. She is the sweetest and most playful little child. But she does not want to come too…

A Bahrain Boxing Day; Exposé Delayed; Learn that Yawning is Contagious; Morning Walk Becomes Aerobics Instruction and Golf Cart with Chauffer; Conversation with Burgeoning Blogger; Meeting Another From Bahrain; Reels of Playground and Boycotting for Palestine; View From My Window and City View 

Woke early and offered my 4:57 Fajr prayer. Examined comments made by new friends on Instagram, while sipping espresso coffee. Today is the day after Christmas – a nothing day in the USA but a…

So Much Has Happened in My Life in the Past 24 Hours; I Do Have To Retreat and Recoup; I Have Been Reduced to Ashes But Emerged as the Phoenix; Excuse Me, Tears of Joy Not Sorrow; A Photograph of a Birthday Cake Made for a Wonderful Little Girl Who Lives Very Nearby; No More Nicknames to Those Who Have Harmed Me; I am Blessed; All Praise to Allah

I am saying no more, for once. Sort of speechless, who would have ever thought something like that would every happen to me, of all people? Yesterday was one of the worst days of my…