Living Large: Guidance From the Internet and from the Islamic Faith; Dhikar Defined; Sunrise Experienced in My New Abode; Off to Singapore on Singapore Airlines: Chaotic Morning Due to Death of Driver’s Brother: An Unforgettable Experience of the Short Flight to Singapore: My Raison D’Etre; Two Reels and Photos of Unforgettable Singapore Air Experience

The conversation/competition between Bloggingbrooke and Alexis McBride continues. Yesterday I moved to my new abode, send her a photo to be viewed at the end of this blog.Me: Got one extra bedroom, you must visit….

Back on the Straight and Narrow: Christian and Islamic Paths Compared; Significance of Jesus According to Gary Wills; Jesus Loves Me Lullaby Refashioned: Secular Matters Discussed: Perfume Blending Workshop at Lyf; Not Alaa Aura, Instead Alexis One: Definition of Dormant: Quote by Somerset Maugham; Photo of Truffle Fries; Amanda, the Perfume Lady and Her Business Card

I am back on the straight and narrow. Giving up my foodie, fun-loving persona. If you keep on the straight and narrow, you behave in a way that is honest and moral. The straight and…

A Foodie Blog; At the Breakfast Bar of Mojo Pojo; To Benny Hill’s For a Luscious Lunch of Exquisite Food; Beautiful Blog Cards Have a Nefarious Past; Like Father Like Son Usually But Exceptions; Mistaken Page Brings Delay in Description; Kindred Spirits With BloggingBrooke; My Abandon: Photos of Restaurant; Dessert, Blog Card and Menu

I am perched high on a stool watching the chefs prepare breakfast and brunch food at Mojo Jojo. It is a treat to see the absolute efficiency and attention to detail that goes into the…

Finding Guidance in the Quran; Reciting a Dua made by Daily by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Reel Announcing Millions of Americans Moving to Malaysia; Therefore Promise of Having Look Alikes; Al Jazeera Brings Bad News; Perhaps Speculation; Speculation Defined;  Help is On the Way; Predictions of November 11, 2024 Blog have Already Proven True; Photos of Vespa and a Tailor Made Skirt

I am facing a change in my circumstances as I am nearing the end of my ninety day tourist visa. I am understandably a bit stressed as I am a woman without a country to…

Malaysia Loves Me With Statistical Proof: Both the Blog and Instagram; Beleaguered Defined with Two Examples; Busy and Eventful Day. Adventurous Cuisine; Jovial Australians; Then a Mani and Pedi at Vintage Nails; I am not Infamous, Instead Legendary; Many Photos of a Great Stupendous Day

Upon awakening on February 7, 2025 I opened an email from Computer Guru Chris:He: Hi – posted, stats attached, you big ol’ bon vivant you. Seeing is believing – wait until you see. These statistics…

My Malaysian Profile: From Recluse to Bon Vivant; The Alexis McBride’s Bon Vivant Day Diary; Recluse, Bon Vivant and Pass Muster Defined: Meeting a Fellow Saskatchewanian, Even a Reginan; Instagram Comments and Likes;  Photos of Three of the Players, A Foodie Photo and a Photo of Same Time Last Year; Reel of Eating in the Malay Fashion

I will begin in my typical fashion by defining terms. A recluse is a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people, There are religious recluses sometimes also called ascetics,  monk,…